Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 823: gerdes trading co.

After Guedes directed the ships to enter the Huangpu River according to the prescribed route, he found that there were many ships in the Huangpu River, most of which were traditional hard sailing boats, but there were also some Galen or even carat boats like his ships.

After the opening of Shanghai Port, a large number of ships began to gather here, including merchant ships running along the coast of China, as well as ships from East Asian countries, and European ships naturally also have, of course, more are all kinds of small and medium-sized ships. Inland rivers, offshore vessels, fishing boats, etc.

And the closer you get to the Shanghai port, the more and more ships, which makes Gerdes a little sigh. It hasn't been long since the port opened here. Although the ships coming and going are still not as good as Guangzhou Port, the number of ships here is not inferior to Lianzhou. It is much better than the other two second batch of ports opened for business: Ningbo and Quanzhou.

The Datang Dynasty has two batches, a total of five commercial ports, basically each has its own advantages, and they are all selected after the Datang Dynasty has carefully selected them.

Counting from south to north, Lianzhou Port, although this place has no special specialties, its geographical location is too advantageous. It is the southernmost commercial port in China. Many ships to and from Southeast Asia depart from here, or The first to arrive there.

After all, most of the long-distance voyages in these years are along the coastline, and ships often need to be replenished by the port. Therefore, although the advantages of Lianzhou Port are not obvious, its geographical location is very important.

As a traditional foreign trade port, Guangzhou is very important. In addition, the Tang Dynasty promoted the development of industry and commerce. In Guangzhou, not only a large number of traditional Chinese specialties can be purchased, but also glass, soap, soap, cheap cloth, etc. Emerging industrial products.

At the same time, there is also a huge demand for all kinds of materials transported by sea merchants in Guangzhou. For example, cotton from India and other regions, spices, precious wood, sail clothing, saltpeter, sulfur and many other raw materials from Southeast Asian countries are all imported from Guangzhou. needs.

Those sea traders can get rich returns after transporting their goods to Guangzhou for sale, and then purchase a large number of Chinese export goods.

The newly opened Quanzhou is mainly based on tea. The tea production in Fujian is very large, and it is also the main export commodity of the place.

Ningbo, on the other hand, has both tea and silk. In the northern Zhejiang region, it is a traditional raw silk producing area with high quality. At the same time, this area is also an important tea producing area, with great advantages in specialty products.

As for Shanghai, tea and raw silk resources are also abundant. At the same time, it is backed by the prosperous land in the south of the Yangtze River, and the market is huge. At the same time, this port is the intersection of the north and the south. port.

Therefore, in the second batch of commercial ports, the development of Shanghai is far more than that of Ningbo and Quanzhou.

When the Ministry of Commerce planned the Shanghai Business District, the area even exceeded that of the Guangzhou Business District, and it used extremely valuable funds for the Ministry of Commerce to build the business district, level the land, build the wharf and so on.

Even before a rainy day, the railway was laid directly in the construction stage to connect the dock area with the warehouse area and commercial area.

After Guedes' ships docked at the dock, according to regulations, they could not directly enter the core area of ​​​​the business area, but stayed in the isolation area first.

In these days, people will carry a lot of germs in their exchanges. At the same time, Westerners do not like to take a bath. In order to prevent outsiders from introducing infectious diseases, strict isolation measures have been implemented in every business district.

After going ashore, they must be washed clean, and only after a few days of isolation without obvious symptoms can they be allowed to leave the isolation area and then enter the core area of ​​​​the business area.

However, many Europeans think that they cannot take a bath, so there are special arrangements for these people, that is, they are not allowed to enter the core area of ​​​​the business area, but this will not prevent them from doing business, because in the isolation area, they can directly complete the goods. A series of transactions such as selling, purchasing, etc.

They don't even have to get off the boat to complete the transaction.

Guedes naturally took a bath. After washing, he waited for another two days before he was allowed to leave the quarantine area with his entourage and enter the business area.

However, after he entered the business district, he went to sell the goods in person, but handed over the job to his deputy. As for himself, he brought his entourage to find officials in the business district.

So this time, as he did before, he also brought a special kind of goods: artisans!

And this is not the first time that Gerdes has done this, but he has done it three times before and after. The first two times he has brought various craftsmen with a total of more than 100 people to the Tang Dynasty.

And this time, he brought more craftsmen, more than a hundred people.

Originally, he was going to deliver the goods in Guangzhou, but the officials of the Ministry of Commerce in Guangzhou asked him to deliver the goods to Shanghai Port. The Ministry of Industry is building a factory in the south of the Yangtze River, and there is a huge demand for all kinds of technicians.

So Gerdes simply came directly to Shanghai Port with goods and people.

Soon, with his special identity, it was easy to meet the local officials of the Ministry of Commerce, and after negotiating the price, this batch of special 'goods' was seized on the spot.

The source of this batch of goods is relatively complicated. They were obtained by Gerdes through various means in Southeast Asia. Some of them came because of the favorable conditions offered by Gerdes, while others were obtained by Gerdes. Sailors directly threatened, lured, or simply kidnapped.

There are French people, Spanish people, Dutch people, and even Arabs. In short, there are all kinds of messy people.

But they all have one thing in common, that is, craftsmen who master one or more techniques, many of them are artillery craftsmen who are in desperate need of the Tang Dynasty.

In order to get these people on board, Gerdes spent a lot of effort and cost, but although the price he finally sold to the Tang Dynasty was not cheap, if he calculated it carefully, he actually couldn't make much money. .

This year, the time spent in the sea is long, the risk is high, the cost is very high, and the profit is not several times, it is embarrassing to say that it is profitable.

But Guedes didn't care. He did this craftsman business not to make money, but to get naturalization permission.

Without these craftsmen, he Geddes would not have become the first naturalized, and is currently the only foreigner naturalized in the Tang Dynasty.

Taking advantage of this identity, Gerdes' business has been doing quite well recently. In Guangzhou and Lianzhou, he has already opened his own company: Gerdes Trading Company.

His company is said to be trade, but it mainly acts as a middleman. He collects various commodities from Guangdong and Guangxi, and then directly sells the former compatriots who came to Guangzhou for trade, or merchants from other countries, or Buy goods directly from foreigners and merchants, and then transport them to Guangdong and Guangxi for sale.

At the same time, his merchant ship is not idle, and it travels between Guangzhou and Malacca every year. Because his goods are directly purchased from other regions in Guangdong and Guangxi, it is cheaper than other merchants purchasing in the business zone, so the profit obtained is also higher. big.

Compared with dealing with local Chinese, those foreigners prefer to do business with him, a foreigner.

This kind of second-order dealer's business has made him a lot of profit. This year, he has ordered the third merchant ship and is ready to expand the size of his fleet.

After the various goods on the ship and the craftsmen were delivered, Gerdes did not rush to purchase the goods immediately and prepare to return to Guangzhou, but let his subordinates continue to purchase goods in Shanghai, while he himself was preparing to take the goods with him. Then proceed to Jinling City.

He is not an ordinary foreigner, but a foreigner with the legal household registration of the Tang Dynasty, a serious citizen of the Tang Dynasty, so naturally he will not be restricted in the business zone and not allowed to enter other areas like other foreigners.

However, he also knew that his appearance was very different from that of the Chinese. In order to avoid being killed as an evil spirit on the road, he specially contacted the Ministry of Commerce, contacted the Navy, and planned to take a patrol of the Navy. The ship will travel from Shanghai Port to Jiangyin, and after arriving in Jiangyin, it will also follow the transport team of the Army Logistics Department to Jinling.

Because Yangzhou was occupied by the Ming army, and built forts and arranged a large number of ships, the Yangtze River waterway here is basically blocked. Even if the Navy Yangtze River fleet wants to forcibly pass through, it needs a good time, and it needs to endure a certain amount of time. Loss.

However, the Yangtze River basin to the east of Yangzhou is under the supervision of the Datang Navy. Many warships have been deployed and fortresses have been built in Jiangyin. Therefore, the Yangtze River basin to the east of Jiangyin is safe for the Datang Navy.

Many transport ships arrived in and then unloaded, and then transported them by land and dense water networks to transport supplies to Jinling City and other places in the south of the Yangtze River.

Guedes was able to contact the navy to take him for a ride, naturally not because he gave money or something, even if he gave a lot of money, the navy would not take him to the warship!

Mainly because the navy saw that he had brought hundreds of craftsmen this time, and this time, many of the craftsmen brought by Guedes were skilled in the manufacture of large-caliber artillery.

For the army and navy, among these craftsmen, artillery craftsmen are of great value, especially those who can manufacture large-caliber artillery.

After all, the navy and the army didn't want to see that this businessman who worked so hard to collect artillery craftsmen for the Tang Dynasty was killed on the road by people who didn't know the truth because of his peculiar appearance.

That's why I'll take Gerdes along with me!

After staying in Shanghai port for a few days, Gerdes waited for the ship from the navy to set off. He also brought a few entourages to the ship and was picked up by the navy, and then went straight to Jinling!

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