Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 831: tick tick

The Ming army navy relied on a lot of ships, and most of them were small boats that sank without heartache, so although they suffered a certain loss, they still continued to advance, and the speed was getting faster and faster.


700 meters, 500 meters, 400 meters, 200 meters, more and more Ming army navy was hit by the firepower of Jiangyin Fortress, or sank or caught fire, but more and more Ming army ships broke through. After passing the blockade of the fort, they rushed to the front of the Datang Naval Fleet!


At this time, some of the sailors of the Ming army navy at the forefront took the initiative to ignite the firelights on the ship. After igniting, they jumped into the water to escape, and let the fireboat rush towards the fleet of the Tang Navy by virtue of inertia and current!


Looking at the Ming army navy fireboats that were only a few dozen meters ahead, Ouyang Gui gave the order again: "Strictly order all ships to maintain formation and shoot freely!"


Not long after his order was conveyed, more than a dozen fireboats rushed over with fire. Of course, their luck was impossible to be extremely good, and they would rush directly to the front of the leading cruiser, but from two sideways.


The Yangtze River here is relatively wide, not as narrow as the middle and upper reaches of the Yangtze River. Although there were many fireboats in the Ming army, there were not many that could directly collide with the leading cruisers.


What's more, although several cruisers acted as the vanguard, in fact, there are more small river gunboats in front of them. The tonnage of these gunboats is not large, generally about 50 tons, and the firepower is not strong. , only equipped with a few guns, but they are more flexible.


If there are fire ships of the Ming army just coming towards the fleet, they will take the initiative to rush up and sink if they can. If they cannot be sunk, then they will use the method of collision to change the course of these fire ships, or simply It is parked in front of the battleship and acts as a shield.


The small boats of the Ming army are worthless and can be sacrificed as fireboats. The small inland warships of the Datang Navy are also not valuable. To put it bluntly, the value of fifty inland river gunboats is not a cruiser. Big!


With the efforts of the inland gunboats, although there were many fireboats of the Ming army, none of them directly collided with the leading cruisers and frigates, and then passed through the middle of the ships!


However, at this time, these powerful cruisers and frigates displayed their terrifying broadside firepower!


Hundreds of naval guns fired one after another, so that the whole river was full of gunshots and gunpowder smoke!


As countless naval guns fired one after another, one Ming army ship was sunk one after another!


If you look down from the sky, you will see such a scene!


Numerous Ming army ships rushed down one after another. First, they were violently intercepted by the firepower of the Jiangyin Fortress. After losing some of the ships, the remaining ships continued to charge down, and then took the initiative to ignite the firelights they put on.


Immediately afterwards, some of them, especially those threatening the main fleet, were targeted and strangled by dozens of inland warships of the Datang Navy, while the fireboats that had no threat to the main fleet continued to flow down the river. Then find the heavy shelling of the broadside artillery of the main fleet!


Most of the Ming army ships were completely sunk during this process, or they lost their power and floated. A few fish that slipped through the net were also sunk by several new patrol ships behind them.


Not one, not even a single fireboat of the Ming army can break through this interception net of more than 600 artillery pieces in total by Jiangfang Fortress, inland warships, and main fleet!


This scene was also seen by several Ming army navy generals upstream in the rear. In this battle, they also came with the belief of a decisive battle, and brought almost all the ships that could be searched.


However, the process of this battle was different from what they expected. They also expected that the battleships of the Pseudo-Tang Thief Army would have strong firepower and would intercept their own fireboats with a single-line column like a naval battle, but they thought, even if Yes, they can still have a certain chance of success because they have enough ships.


But what they didn't expect was that the Pseudo-Tang Bandit Army did not use a horizontal line, but a column, setting up an interception net that seemed to allow them to rush past, but was actually unable to rush past!


The Fireboat Offensive has now been a complete failure!


Although a few ships of the pseudo-Tang pirate army were ignited during the fireboat offensive, there were only a few ships, and it was completely harmless.


Although it was said that the fireboats were offensive, the casualties of their Ming Navy sailors were almost negligible, because the sailors on the fireboats basically jumped to escape in advance.


But it is undeniable that they have not achieved their desired strategic goals at all!


The huge fireboat offensive looks huge, but it actually has no effect at all.


A Ming army navy general looked very ugly, and finally murmured: "Is it really the era of giant ships and cannons in the future?"


This term was passed down from the pseudo-Tang navy. The Ming army navy would also collect some information about the Tang navy. Knowing that the Tang navy highly respected naval guns and large ships that could carry more artillery, this was They call it the Great Ship Cannon!


"No, we still have a chance. Our big ship hasn't gone up yet. As long as we rush over to start a pick-up battle, we may not have no chance!"


"Opportunity? Can we still rush over? Even if we do, can we start the landing battle smoothly? Can we win the landing battle?"


Others immediately raised questions, and he behaved very Beiguan. He obviously didn't think this battle could be won!


"But you can't just watch the pseudo-Tang thieves cross the Yangtze River to land, otherwise, Yangzhou will be in danger. Once Yangzhou is lost, it will be all over!" Someone insisted.


On the other hand, a general with a second-rank title above gritted his teeth, and finally said, "Order the Chinese army to attack, be sure to destroy the pseudo-Tang bandit army!"


The Central Army, that is, the more than 30 large ships of the Ming Navy Navy and the remaining 50-odd medium-sized ships of dozens of tons!


The Ming army navy launched the final attack, but the targets of these large ships were more obvious than those of the small fireboats. They had just entered the range of Jiangyin Fortress, and many artillery shells fired by the artillery of Jiangyin Fortress fell one after another. Above these Ming army ships.


The artillery on the fort has already marked the shooting elements in advance, and the hit rate is far higher than the hit rate of the artillery on the battleship.


At the same time, Ouyang Gui ordered the fleet to change its formation. The previous three-column formation was only to deal with the fire ships of the Ming army, but now it was the main fleet of the Ming army, so naturally it was necessary to change the formation. .


However, at this time, it is impossible to change from a column to a horizontal team. The only way is to simply combine the three columns into two columns to make the formation more compact, so that more firepower can be exerted at that time!


After the Ming army navy broke through the firepower interception of the Jiangyin fort, it also crashed into the array of the Datang Navy!


At that moment, the artillery of both sides opened fire violently, and then the Ming army navy tried to get close to the side for a battle. At this time, the battleships of the Datang Navy would use intensive shotguns and howitzers to expel each other.


However, because there is very little room for maneuver in the river battle, it is inevitable that ships will be entangled by the ships of the Ming navy, and then they will be forced to start a battle.


The Hangzhou frigate, at this time, was attacking and besieging two Ming army ships that were obviously one size smaller than it, and then the Ming army threw rows and rows of hook locks.


At the same time, on the deck of the frigate, a group of Marines in full-body armor, half-armor, and cuirass filed out. They were wearing cuirass and armed with muskets. Ming sailors swinging ropes climbed to the bow of their own ship!


There is no need for the officers to order to aim. The soldiers of the Marine Corps have already fired their own shots. At such a close distance, it is naturally a hit!


However, after firing a shot, there is no time to reload them. At this time, these musketeers are standing together in a row, and then use their bayonets to confront the enemy. If there is an occasional gap, they will also reload!


In addition to the soldiers in the Marine Corps lining up to fight, most of the other sailors and gunners on the warship also picked up their shields and waist knives and joined the melee!


For a while, the three warships that were entangled with each other lost their gunfire, but the gunfire continued, and the people's screams came one after another!


This kind of pick-up is almost no different from hand-to-hand combat on land, and it's still the kind of melee!


And in this kind of battle, the party wearing the armor always takes advantage of it!


On the side of the Ming Army navy, they were just ordinary sailors, but on the Tang Navy side, the main force in the battle against the side was not the ordinary sailors, but the Marine Corps, and the Marine Corps was basically dedicated to the battle and landing. Born to fight.


Like the army, they are equipped with plate armor, and they are also equipped with one piece of armor.


In the side-to-side battle, spears are naturally useless, but a bayonet of more than two meters is just right. Combined with their armor, it is a huge advantage in the battle.


I don't know how long the battle lasted. The Marine Corps sergeant took out his waist knife from a small leader of the Ming army navy, and then looked around, but found that he could no longer see any standing Ming army. Sailor too.


There were dead and wounded everywhere on the deck, both from the Ming army and from our own side. Those who died in battle were silent, but those who were injured and still alive kept making all kinds of noises, and there was a heart-piercing misery. Called, and some were making a faint moaning sound.


The blood dripped all over the deck, and then penetrated into the lower deck through the gap of the deck, making a crisp tick.


Tick ​​tick tick, even the rumble of guns on the river was completely covered up!

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