Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 843: lazy officials

The father of Dong Yunyun, who was also a former Ming scholar, was an official in Jiangnan before the rise of the Tang Dynasty, but after the rise of the Tang Dynasty, and his daughter Dong Yunyun became the empress of the Tang Dynasty, it is natural that this official of the Ming Dynasty will not be able to continue. , was once caught by the Ming Dynasty, and was going to be escorted to the capital to come to Lingchi or something.

In the end, although he was rescued from prison by the people from the Ministry of Intelligence, he really suffered a lot. After he was brought back, he was seriously ill. This disease lasted for almost two years. Li Xuan also knew that this person was in the early stage. It was really sick, but then it was nothing more than 'sickness'.


At that time, the Tang Dynasty was not very good. It just occupied the eastern part of Guizhou and just started to go south to Guangxi. In the eyes of many people, the Tang monarchs, including Li Xuan, actually regarded themselves as bandits.

At that time, Li Xuan's biggest ambition was to occupy the southwestern areas such as Guangdong and Guangxi, and to separate the localities.

Outsiders don't even pay for the Tang Dynasty. Even those scholars who were under the rule of the Tang Dynasty were unable to avoid the Tang Dynasty and walked away.

Otherwise, the first imperial examination of the Tang Dynasty would not have been delayed until Zhaoqing, the capital, before it was held, because the world did not have a good impression of the Tang Dynasty before.

And the Dong family is also a scholar and heirlooms. This idea, like other gentlemen, is not optimistic about the future of the Tang Dynasty, and they hate the Tang Dynasty from the bottom of their hearts.

But Dong Yunyun's father was a good official, but suddenly a mountain king appeared, and he snatched his daughter's relatives, and he was almost delayed by the court. It is impossible to say that there was no resentment at the beginning. of.

But the thief ship has already boarded, even if the Dong family was forcibly pulled aboard, but since it is on board, then don't expect to be able to come down. This objection is unopposed, but it is not too bad if you make him surrender. Possibly, so Dong Yunyun's father pretended to be sick.

However, although this king does not like Datang, but since he has married someone else's daughter, even if he snatched it from the beginning, the treatment he should be given should not be less, because this is the requirement of etiquette.

So Li Xuan appointed him a Viscount, neither high nor low, and the treatment in other areas was not bad, um, except for the official!

But recently, he heard that his father-in-law was dishonest and was moving up and down, trying to re-enter office!

For relatives, Li Xuan is naturally on guard. This is not because he is afraid of them seizing power or something, but because he is afraid that they will affect the future battle for the prince.

Therefore, Li Xuan's attitude towards foreign relatives is very subtle. On the one hand, he also reuses some of his foreign relatives to balance foreign ministers.

Bai Yunqi is now the minister of walking in the imperial study, while Bai Linyi is the chief of staff of the combat division of the Guards, both of which can be regarded as high authority.

But on the other hand, Li Xuan is restricting them. The fathers and brothers of many concubines in the harem, Li Xuan are basically not reused.

To put it bluntly, although Li Xuan used relatives, he used all the children of Empress Dowager Bai's maiden family. However, Li Xuan's attitude towards the maiden family of Dong's family and other concubines was that he didn't use it if he could.

Otherwise, the father and brother of one of the concubines will become powerful, and they will definitely bring negative influence to the prince in the future.

But recently, Dong's father, who has always maintained a "sickness", has been moving up and down recently, and even gave him a few times, and he didn't say anything major, just brushed his presence.

At the same time, Li Xuan also heard that Dong's mother recently brought the Dong family's daughters to the palace frequently, nominally to visit Empress Dong, but at this time, anyone with a little political sensitivity can guess that this is the Dong family. Planning to go round and round.

Dong Yunyun is also a smart person. Hearing Li Xuan suddenly talk about her father, and thinking that her mother and sister-in-law have often been in and out of the palace to see her recently, this is also a guess.

Immediately, he said, "Father, he has an old problem, and it is estimated that it will not get better in a while!"

After listening to Li Xuan, he immediately said: "Well, I will give you some ginseng medicinal materials later, and then let the imperial doctor go to see, let the old man rest well!"

Dong Yunyun said: "I will take the place of my father, thank you Your Majesty for your grace!"

"You and I are a husband and wife, what are you doing so politely!" Li Xuan laughed.

The next day, Dong's mother came to the palace again, but Empress Dong said that she was not feeling well, so she disappeared. In addition, she also rewarded some gold and silver treasures and medicinal materials, and sent word for Dong's father to take a good rest.

On that day, in the Dong family's house, several Dong family men sat there, all of them frowning!

Everyone is a smart person, and naturally they know what that sentence means to rest and recuperate. To put it simply and bluntly, it means to stay well and not toss!

And you don't have to guess to know, this must be what Your Majesty meant.

Dong Yunyun is just a messenger!

"Hey, this is the only way to do this for a while. Don't go out for the past few days, just stay well!" said Mrs. Dong above.

A young man narrating said: "Why is the third sister like this, didn't she persuade Your Majesty?"

"Don't talk nonsense, that's the queen!"

"How else can I persuade? Don't you know that Your Majesty is a man of his own? How can His Majesty's decision be something that a mere woman can interfere? That's it."

"Furthermore, if Niangniang annoys Your Majesty in order to become an official, then it will not be worth the loss. That's all, except for the Bai family, the others are the same as our Dong family. Don't worry, wait a few years to talk about it!"

Now for the Dong family, the most important thing is naturally not being an official, but the status of the queen Dong Yunyun and the issue of the prince.

The status of Empress Dong Yunyun is naturally impossible to have any accident. She is the empress who Li Xuanming is marrying, and she is also the empress who shared weal and woe. The throne of the queen is forged. Even if Li Xuan hates her, it is impossible to abolish her easily.

And as long as Dong Yunyun's status is maintained, and there will be another prince left in the future, then this prince will be the direct prince, the rightful heir to the throne, the heir of the Tang Dynasty, and the future emperor.

And this is what the Dong family values ​​most!

The situation of the Dong family is only one side of the many foreign relatives of the Tang Dynasty. Although it is important to be an official, they hope that their daughter's position in the palace can be stabilized, and then give birth to a prince, and then compete for the crown prince.

Although the current Tang Dynasty has not completely unified China, everyone can see that the possibility of unifying China is extremely high. Once unified, the Tang Dynasty will be another orthodox central dynasty, with a political status of Heming and Ming Dynasty. , Song, Sui, former Tang, Han and other Han orthodox central dynasties equivalent.

Therefore, although many people do not understand or even oppose the various policies of the Tang Dynasty, it does not prevent them from trying to fight for power in this new dynasty.

The most typical of them are those scholars. Nowadays, all kinds of new-style books published by the Royal Publishing House of the Ministry of Rites of the Tang Dynasty are very popular. Many scholars have begun to study these new-style books and then applied for the imperial examinations of the Tang Dynasty.

The Tang Dynasty also reciprocated. This imperial examination was held every year, and the number of admissions was increasing every year. As long as you are willing to learn new disciplines, and you can participate in the imperial examination and become an official, it is stable.

After the gradual reform of the previous imperial examinations, Li Xuan continued to deepen the reform to adapt to the future development.

The imperial examinations and education have always been complementary to each other, and Li Xuan has gradually deepened the reform of education.

After the end of this year's general examination, that is, in May, the Tang Dynasty carried out a series of formalized reforms in the government-run education system.

Among them, the primary school is six years, the middle school is three years, the preparatory school is three years, and the university is four years or three years.

These systems are the modern educational system that Li Xuan has always wanted to implement. Although the modern educational system has subtle differences in various countries, it is basically inseparable from this general framework, and it can be accepted by various countries in modern society. Naturally, it also proves that its superiority.

In terms of specific disciplines, various new disciplines such as Chinese language, arithmetic, physics, chemistry, biology, and medicine have been established following the example of young military camps, former youth colleges, and higher colleges.

Of course, in the primary school stage, the education is mainly based on Chinese and arithmetic, and the others are exposed to some common sense, and the middle school stage only begins to learn physics, chemistry and so on.

At the same time, you can still take the exam to upgrade in advance.

However, the tuition fee is officially abolished, and primary schools adopt low fees, but middle schools start to adopt normal fees.

In order to implement the new education system, the former juvenile colleges and higher colleges have all been changed to primary schools, middle schools, and preparatory courses.

At the same time vigorously new primary and secondary schools.

Today, the government-run schools in various places have gradually taken I can't say every county, but in every prefecture, state, there are at least multiple primary schools, a prefecture is guaranteed to have a middle school, and at the same time every province has a secondary school. All are to have at least one preparatory school (high school).

At the same time, various private schools are encouraged to transform, and after applying, they can obtain the corresponding qualifications for primary schools, middle schools, preparatory courses, and universities, and encourage private gentry to donate funds to set up private schools.

The minimum goal that Li Xuan set for the Ministry of Rites was that every county must have a government-run primary school, and every prefecture or province, Zhili Prefecture, must have a middle school. The preparatory schools are opened according to the specific situation of each province.

For example, in Guizhou, which is a vast area and sparsely populated, one preparatory school is enough, but in Jiangnan, ten preparatory schools are not enough.

And recently, Li Xuan is planning to open another university after Guozijian and the Royal Institute of Technology. This will be a brand-new comprehensive university, which will recruit students who have graduated from preparatory schools in various provinces.

Because with the establishment of the school system, the number of primary schools, middle schools, and preparatory schools will increase rapidly, and the number of graduates will gradually increase every year. Although they can be admitted to Guozijian or the Royal Institute of Technology, the number of admissions is limited, and a large number of preparatory schools graduate Students must have a way to continue their studies.

When Li Xuan made a request to the Ministry of Rites, the officials of the Ministry of Rites acted quickly. Within a few days, they gave Li Xuan a plan for the establishment of a new university. After seeing the plan, Li Xuan was Some people can’t laugh or cry. These officials of the Ministry of Rites are really lazy. They actually learned the army’s military expansion plan and planned to divide the Guozijian into two, and then fill in the disciplines for each.

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