Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 849: Chen Lifu who endured humiliation

Of course, if Chen Lifu is promoted and becomes a provincial inspector, he must first rectify the taxation work in Songjiang Prefecture.

And after Chen Lifu arrived at Songjiang Mansion, he ignored the many criticisms outside and was nothing more than scolding him. He had heard such words a lot, and even the teachers and classmates of the past had sent letters to scold him. The scolding of ordinary people was no longer acceptable He was moved.

After arriving in Songjiang Prefecture, he continued to study the taxation work of Songjiang Prefecture for several days, especially the internal taxation system of Songjiang Prefecture, and then waved a butcher knife and directly slashed at the internal officials of Songjiang Prefecture's taxation system!

On the fifth day of Songjiang Prefecture, Chen Lifu personally led the team, and the Songjiang Prefecture Patrol Bureau and the Inspectorate cooperated to arrest more than 20 officials in the Songjiang Prefecture taxation system. The director has been arrested, and the reason is very simple: corruption!

And this deputy director's rank is from the fifth rank, which is higher than his rank.

However, these officials in the tax system, under Chen Lifu, a special inspector of the tax department, have no resistance at all, because after they are sent to the local area, theoretically, Chen Lifu has all the power over the local tax system. , including the arrest and dismissal of officials in the local tax system. Of course, he does not have the right to appoint. That is the power of the Ministry of Personnel. Except for Emperor Li Xuan, no one in the world can interfere with the authority of the Ministry of Personnel to appoint officials.

At the same time, Chen Lifu's power is limited to the inside of the tax system!

After arresting more than 20 tax officials, Chen Lifu, as before, also cleaned up the local tax inspection team. A large number of scum who joined in the early days were cleaned up and dealt with by him. .

When doing these things, Chen Lifu can find his own sense of accomplishment, rectify the management of tax officials, and clean up the scum and corrupt officials in the tax system. This kind of work is in line with his vision of helping the world.

After doing these things, Chen Lifu is actually not willing to take care of the rest, because the rest of the job is to investigate tax evasion and evasion, and catch the typical ones and kill the chickens.

So at this time, in order to avoid his own discomfort, he often let the local tax system conduct a strict investigation.

What's interesting is that when Chen Lifu first rectified the tax system, the local tax officials often worked very hard to keep their official hats, and the results were quite outstanding.

Then, Chen Lifu was at the most entangled and embarrassing time. It was a list, a list of tax evasion and tax evasion. According to the size of the amount and the seriousness of the circumstances, it was listed from top to bottom to more than 100 people.

Chen Lifu even saw a lot of familiar names from it!

Whenever this time, Chen Lifu would sigh, draw a line, and circle the top ten or fifteen people, and then he would be treated as a model, and he would be punished severely, and his house would be raided for sure. , it is also certain that the main members of the family will be arrested, and it is even more reasonable that the head of the family will be beheaded.

This time, when Chen Lifu saw this list, he prepared to draw out the top ten habitually. Although there were hundreds of people on the list, he couldn't kill them all. Chen Lifu couldn't bear it, so he only killed the front Ten is just fine, and he can also explain it to his boss.

But when he looked at the list, he took one more look and found that the tenth place had tax evasion and tax evasion of more than 50,000 taels. Looking back, the fifteenth place was more than 30,000 yuan. Twenty is more than ten thousand!

The pen that was just about to be drawn stopped in mid-air, and after some hesitation, it turned to the twentieth place. Finally, he gritted his teeth and went straight down!

It wasn't that he was willing to assign ten more people, but that he knew that if he handed over this list, they would never be satisfied that he only punished the first ten.

Because when he was in Ningguo Mansion, the tenth-ranked man didn't pay attention to the tax evasion, but he was only 5,000 taels of silver, but he still ransacked his house. It is possible that when he came to Songjiang Mansion, the standard would be relaxed several times. ?

In doing so, he couldn't explain it to the top!

When Chen Lifu made this decision, it means that there will be twenty gentry families in Songjiang Mansion that will be turned into nothingness, and the head of the family will be sentenced to be executed. After sentenced to exile, hard labor, minors and female dependents, will be driven out of their homes, and finally have nothing!

When he thought that these gentlemen would end up like this in the end, and that this kind of ending was caused by his own hands, Chen Lifu felt deeply helpless!

People in the world call me Chen Lifu willing to be a hawk and dog, and degenerate into a traitor and thief, but who can understand that I, Chen Lifu, bear humiliation and burden for the sake of the world.

If I, Chen Lifu, were really ruthless, then on this list, not only 20 families were raided and their families were wiped out, but 100!

But even though he was full of grievances, Chen Lifu didn't intend to explain anything to the world, because he explained it, but no one listened.

After Chen Lifu made the decision, the local tax inspection team moved quickly. During Chen Lifu's previous rectification, the tax inspection team also knew that the new Chen Lifu was not to be messed with, but a better person than them. A more ruthless person, if this is ineffective, I am afraid that the official hat will be lost.

The tax inspection team is a well-known organization with rich oil and water. If you work in it, even if you are just an ordinary team member, the money will come rushing.

Of course, corruption and accepting bribes are generally not daring to do. Those who dare to do it are basically killed by the censor of the Inspectorate, or simply a tax inspector like Chen Lifu, and the anti-corruption agency within the tax department.

However, when it comes to business, it is easy to get a jade bracelet, a gold ring and other gadgets. No boss will take care of it. Don't think that these are gadgets, but as a member of the tax inspection team, it is natural to have a vision. It's not bad, just take one piece and put it in your pocket, it's all good stuff.

How can he easily give up this skin of the tax inspection team, who supports his family and spends a lot of money.

Therefore, this group of people worked very hard. In just a few days, they attacked continuously and arrested all the 20 families on the list. The whole process was relatively smooth. Although those people evaded taxes, few of them had the courage to violently resist. .

Because under normal circumstances, except for the head of the family who will be sentenced to beheaded, most of the other family members can still save their lives, and which of these big families is not a cunning rabbit? Still able to maintain a decent life.

After arresting and raiding his home, according to the usual practice, Chen Lifu handed over the relevant dossier to the Inspectorate, and let the Inspectorate be responsible for initiating a public prosecution.

And for this kind of thing, in order to kill the chickens and warn the monkeys, the Inspectorate also initiates public prosecutions swiftly and strictly, and the Grand Court also conducts swift trials.

Just three days later, the outside world has not yet reacted. The Songjiang Prefecture Court has made a judgment. A total of 23 first offenders for tax evasion and tax evasion were sentenced to be executed and executed on the same day!

The remaining more than 100 accomplices were sentenced to serve sentences ranging from one year to twenty years or life imprisonment. These prisoners were then all exiled to the Dayuan Mansion, contributing to the development of the Dayuan Mansion in the Tang Dynasty.

At present, for many criminals sentenced to serve sentences in the Tang Dynasty, they often resorted to remote border areas such as Dayuan Mansion, Hainan Island, Yunnan, Guizhou, etc., which not only achieved the purpose of punishment, but also achieved the purpose of enriching the local population and developing the local area. .

When Chen Lifu raised the butcher's knife again in Songjiang Mansion, Li Xuan in Jinling City was also busy. On this day, he led a group of ministers out of the city, preparing to go to the outskirts of the city to inspect the Jiangnan Arsenal and Jinling Shipyard under the Jiangnan Weapons Company. Two newly completed businesses.

Since last year, the Datang Ministry of Industry has been in various parts of Jiangnan, especially Dangtu County, Taiping Prefecture, to build various defense industries. The core is Jiangnan Weapons Company, which includes Jiangnan Arsenal in Jinling and Jinling. Shipyard, Jiangnan Shipyard in Wusong Shanghai, Shanghai Arsenal and a series of defense enterprises.

In addition, another core project of the Ministry of Industry is Jiangnan Iron and Steel Company, which is a comprehensive iron and steel enterprise integrating iron making, steel making, detection and mining of iron ore.

The Ministry of Industry has invested a huge amount of manpower and material resources in these enterprises that are related to national defense security. The construction funds alone are not less than one million taels, and they even asked Li Xuan for money on the way.

Today, various defense enterprises in Jiangnan have finally begun to take shape.

In the autumn, a series of factories such as Jiangnan Iron and Steel Plant and Jiangnan Arsenal have actually started small-scale trial production, but it will take some time for full-scale mass production.

At present, the Jiangnan Arsenal that Li Xuan visited, strictly speaking, has not reached mass production. It is only in the trial production stage. However, Li Xuan heard that when the Jiangnan Arsenal was under construction, it specially designed and built a mechanized production line. The gun production line with a particularly high level, once it is successfully, its output will exceed all existing arsenals.

However, this production line is not the point. The point is that Li Xuan's main purpose in going to Jiangnan Arsenal is to inspect the live ammunition test of the flintlock gun.

And Li Xuan has always been very interested in the flintlock gun. Two years ago, in fact, the teachers and students of the Royal Institute of Technology had already come up with the flintlock gun.

But there are many problems. The main problem is that the quality of the spring is not enough, resulting in a low firing rate. The test result at that time was that the firing success rate was only 50%, and this firing rate was absolutely unacceptable for the army generals. Yes, so the flintlock gun that was produced at that time did not even have the test equipment. The Army simply refused to continue the test.

However, despite the setbacks, the Royal Institute of Technology gave up the continued research and development of the flintlock gun. At that time, the Royal Institute of Technology, the main research direction of the improvement of the flintlock gun, was focused on high-quality spring steel, because There is no problem with other aspects of the flintlock gun. The only problem is that the firing rate is too low, and the key to the firing rate is the spring.

It's just that there is no shortcut to the research and development of this basic material, it can only be tested over and over again.

The hard work paid off. After the people from the Royal Institute of Technology tested hundreds of formulas and processes in various proportions, they finally came up with a kind of spring steel.


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