Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 866: the eve of the decisive battle

With the successive victories of the Tang Dynasty, Li Xuan's prestige within the Tang Dynasty is also getting higher and higher, and it is already high to the point of deification.

Even though Li Xuan is not the founding emperor of the Tang Dynasty, the founding emperor of the Tang Dynasty, that is the late emperor Li Erbi, but someone who has a little understanding of the history of the Tang Dynasty, even if he sees the history through the Tang Dynasty. The version beautified by the officials, but it is still undeniable that it was Li Xuan who took the Tang Dynasty from a small-scale bandit who had been nesting in a ravine all the way to the point where it now occupies half of China.

The Tang Dynasty has been able to come to this day, and it is rude to say that Li Xuan's role is to occupy the vast majority.

Without Li Xuan, the Tang Dynasty would never have existed today!

The prestige of Li Xuan who brought the Tang Dynasty to today is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Even Hao Bainian, who was famous as the number one general of the Tang Dynasty, did not dare to say a big word in front of Li Xuan.

And there is a very important point in it, most of the middle and senior generals in the Tang Dynasty are from Yuxuetang. The three Cai Erhu, and the remaining part are former Ming generals, such as Zeng Ziwen, he is the Ming army generals, and so is the cavalry general Cao Mingda.

But these few people, in today's Datang Dynasty, are no longer the mainstream.

Today, Hao Bainian, Li Chunjing, Fang Xitong, Wang Chaohong, Chen Keqiao, Lei Wan and others are the core generals of the 6th Army of the Tang Dynasty, and they all have the same characteristics, that is, they all came from Imperial Academy. A proper disciple of the Son of Heaven.

And there are more major generals and brigadier generals, and more school officials.

A large number of Yuxuetang students occupy high positions, which is also the main support for Li Xuan to control the army. Without these Yuxuetang students, it would still be much more difficult for Li Xuan to control the huge Tang 6th Army and Navy.

The young colonel Li Xuan held his hand was undoubtedly a student of the Royal Academy, and he was also a relatively late student. The relationship between these late Royal Academy students and Li Xuan was more complicated.

On the one hand, it is the relationship between monarch and minister, and on the other hand, it is the relationship between teachers and students. When he saw that this person was missing a hand, but still appeared in the front line to fight in uniform, Li Xuan naturally would not have no expression, and held it in person. He stopped his hand and said that Aiqing had worked hard.

In a simple sentence, it also contains a trace of Li Xuan's guilt!

As a superior, Li Xuan has learned to look down on life and death over the years. In his opinion, the casualties of front-line soldiers are just numbers on paper. In the battle of Jiangbei last year, the casualties before and after the Third Army were close to each other. 8,000 people died in battle after 5,000.

In the Battle of Anqing, the Second Army also suffered no less than 3,000 casualties.

At the same time, other fronts also occasionally broke out in small and medium-scale battles, and the cumulative casualties were several thousand.

If all are counted, last winter, the total number of casualties in Datang's 6th Army has reached more than 10,000 people!

However, in Li Xuan's opinion, these 10,000 people are just numbers on paper. If there are casualties, recruits will be added.

But now, seeing with his own eyes the Yuxuetang students he taught were injured on the battlefield, and they were forced to amputate their limbs, leaving only one hand. At this moment, Li Xuan felt a little guilty.

But this trace of guilt only lasted for a short second!

To lead the Tang Dynasty to unify China and lead China to rise, there will inevitably be a lot of sacrifices in this process, and Li Xuan is already mentally prepared for this.

The brief interview outside the city soon ended, and then Li Xuan entered the city with the support of many courtiers and stayed in the temporary palace.

It is said to be a palace, but in fact it was just a wealthy businessman's house before, and the conditions are naturally not comparable to the royal courtyard in Jinling City, but Li Xuan came to fight, not to enjoy, so there is no such thing. What dissatisfaction.

On the day of entering the city, Li Xuan entertained the ministers as usual, but during the war, it was naturally a big crime not to drink. Whether it was Li Xuan or the ministers, it was only a matter of taste.

The next day, Li Xuan held a strategic meeting in front of the imperial palace. Not only the generals of the six armies, but also the generals of the navy and the civil servants of the cabinet participated in the meeting.

The meeting did not say anything about the strategic direction. The main thing was to hold a mobilization meeting to unify thoughts and boost morale.

Afterwards, Li Xuan personally inspected the various departments of the Third Army in military uniform. During the inspection process, Li Xuan was more gratified that although the Third Army had been fighting north for more than half a month, the morale of the soldiers was still relatively full. The continuous fighting for more than half a month did not bring any trouble to the Third Army.

Of course, this is also related to the active contraction of the Ming Army, and the Third Army has not fought a large-scale battle in the past half month.

Before going north, it was a battle, let alone an armed march.

However, the next trip to the north was different. According to the information reported by the reconnaissance cavalry, combined with various information passed by the Ministry of Military Intelligence, it showed that Emperor Zhengde was already sitting in Anping Town in person, and the Ming Army in Shandong and even some of the troops originally in Henan The Ming army has already gathered here, and the total strength will not be less than 100,000.

In addition, the main force of the cavalry of the Tatars has already arrived, and they have appeared in the Fan County area to the southwest of Anping Town.

The 80,000 Ming Army and the 50,000 Tatar cavalry have already set up their positions in this area. If the 6th Army of the Tang Dynasty continues to go north, they will meet them. At that time, a large-scale decisive battle will inevitably explode!

At present, the 6th Army of the Tang Dynasty, which has entered Shandong, has most of the main force of the 3rd Army, about 50,000 people. In addition, Li Xuan also brought 15,000 people from the Guards, two divisions of the 4th Army, and 30,000 people including artillerymen. , In addition, if you count the thousands of officers and soldiers of the Navy's Canal Fleet, then the total strength is just 100,000.

Simply speaking, the comparison of the strength of the Tang and Ming armies is one to one, setting the smallest strength comparison between the two sides in previous large-scale decisive battles.

But there is a huge variable here, that is, there are also 100,000 troops, but there are tens of thousands of cavalry in the Ming army!

In addition, there is a very important point that there are 50,000 Tatar cavalry next to them!

And the cavalry of the Tatars is more elite than the cavalry of the Ming army. When it comes to cavalry and archery, the Tatars are the masters of cavalry and archery. They grew up on horseback since childhood. And archery is pretty good too.

In addition, the cavalry of the Tartars also had a great tactical advantage, that is, their cavalry were all single-horse, two-horse or even three-horse. Not to mention the cavalry of the Tang Dynasty.

The cavalry of the Tang Dynasty was in short supply of horses. They always rode a single horse. When they were not charging, they would never ride a horse. Even when they were marching, the cavalry would carry their luggage and carry them on their own, in order to save them. The stamina of a warhorse.

The focus of this battle is to deal with the cavalry of the Ming army and the Tartars. After all, the total number of cavalry on the opposite side is over 60,000. If this one is not good, even if there are more guns and artillery on your own side, it will cause big trouble. .

In order to fight against the cavalry on the opposite side, many generals and staff officers of the 6th Army of the Tang Dynasty were not idle either. They thought hard and came up with many strategic ideas.

But many strategic ideas are ultimately inseparable from how to deal with the enemy's cavalry, especially how to deal with the enemy's cavalry charge!

The enemy has such a large cavalry advantage, and will definitely rely heavily on the cavalry to fight, and now, the Datang 6th Army is trying to figure out how to use the infantry against the cavalry.

A frontal formation against cavalry, that's for sure, but you have to pay attention to how you make the formation. A square formation is necessary, but a square formation is only a battalion-level tactic. This is put into an array of 100,000 people. How to arrange the formation of troops, that is a considerable knowledge.

In addition, other people's cavalry is not stupid, it is impossible to directly attack Datang's well-defended infantry phalanx, they will attack from behind!

After all, the cavalry has an absolute advantage in mobility. If you want to fight, you can fight. If you want to go, you can leave.

In this case, Lieutenant General Lei Wan, the head of the operation department who went north with Li Xuan, pointed out that the enemy's cavalry was a great threat, but their infantry was the weakness.

The enemy's cavalry can come and go on their own, but their infantry can't. As long as they go north to Anping Town quickly, they will entangle the 100,000 infantry of the hypocrisy.

You say their cavalry go or not?

Let's go, these 100,000 infantry Datang 6th Army can be swallowed in one bite!

If the enemy cavalry does not move, then if you want to change the disadvantage of their infantry, then you must take the initiative, and finally force the enemy cavalry and your own infantry to engage in a large-scale decisive battle!

In the face of the large-scale charge of the enemy cavalry, there will definitely be casualties, and there will never be less, but even if it is a one-to-one exchange, the Datang 6th Army will make a profit.

Although the infantry of the Datang 6th Army cost a lot, to be honest, the current infantry is a cheap consumable.

If 50,000 infantrymen were killed or wounded, the Privy Council Training Department could immediately add 10,000 trained recruits, and within a few months they could send 50,000 soldiers.

The Recruitment Division of the 6th Military Department of the Cabinet is now recruiting troops from the rear every day. Now that Datang occupies so many places and has a large population and resources, recruiting troops is no longer a problem. The problem is how many troops can be raised.

Because the shortage of troops is not The military department is now recruiting soldiers, and it has already begun to limit the number of soldiers by raising requirements. It is not the same as in previous years. As long as the quality of the recruits is a little decent, they can go smoothly. The soldiers eat grain and divide the fields.

But the cavalry on the opposite side suffered 50,000 casualties? Not to mention a few months, give them a few years to recover!

As long as they can defeat their tens of thousands of cavalry, even if they pay a heavy price, the staff in the War Department thinks it is worthwhile. Of course, this kind of words must not be said to the ordinary officers and soldiers in the army. Yes, because no one wants to become cannon fodder themselves and then be consumed.

But if the above doesn't say so, it doesn't mean you don't do it!

Therefore, after determining the main battle plan, Li Xuan personally led the army to continue northward along the canal, aiming directly at Anping Town!


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