Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 975: Wang Wenhua was demoted

Du Danqing has disappeared, no one is alive or dead, no corpse, no matter how the Tang Dynasty entered the city, he couldn't find it!

You must know that Du Danqing is an important role, and his importance is more important among the generals of the Tang Army than the cabinet ministers of the former Ming Dynasty.

Because he was the commander-in-chief of the Inspector's Left Army, he had an army of 60,000 in hand before the war, and these 60,000 troops were still the absolute main force of the Inspector! left

In addition, this person is also the governor of Huguang, the censor of Zuodu, and the Prince Shaobao in King Jing's regime. In the supervising system, this person's power can be said to be second only to Zhang Yue!

However, such an important person has disappeared!

After entering the city, the Tang Army also took part of the Ming army prisoners, especially the supervising officers and soldiers in the commanding yamen. They are very likely to know Du Danqing's whereabouts, but after interrogation, most of them have With the same caliber, they basically met Du Danqing this afternoon.

But after noon, the situation was too chaotic, some of them had met, and some of them had not.

And the last person who saw Du Danqing was one of his staff. It was said that around three o'clock in the afternoon, he had also seen Du Danqing, but he hadn't seen him since.

Immediately, they also interrogated several of Du Danqing's personal soldiers. They said that in the middle of the night last night, Du Danqing locked himself in the study, and during the period, they also asked him to bring wine and vegetables. In the morning, Du Danqing seemed very depressed. At noon, Du Danqing Said to take a nap. In the afternoon, the Datang Army had already entered the inner city, and Du Danqing did not speak for a long time.

Later, they never met Du Danqing!

Is Du Danqing dead? Did he run away? run there?

Nobody knows!

Anyway, now there is no human being, no corpse in death!

However, many generals of the Tang Army believed that this person was most likely to escape while wearing makeup. After all, the city was so chaotic at that time, and there were chaos soldiers everywhere, so it was entirely possible for him to dress up as an ordinary governor. The standard soldier, and then escaped from many people, or simply turned into an ordinary prisoner and hid in the prisoner, or hid in a dark corner of the city.

Although Du Danqing was not found, which disappointed the senior generals of the Second Army and Fifth Army, but only one Du Danqing disappeared, which had no impact on the overall situation.

The most important thing is that in this siege and annihilation operation, they successfully wiped out all the 50,000 people of the Zuobiao Army!

And the battle report of the Huangzhou battle was quickly sent to Li Xuan, and Li Xuan was able to see the relevant situation of the battle.

In this battle, the Second Army and the Fifth Army attacked back and forth, fighting steadily and steadily, taking advantage of their absolute firepower and military strength to force an attack. Although the progress of the battle was not fast, it effectively controlled their own casualties.

During this battle, Dubiao's left army was completely wiped out. About 25,000 people died in the battle, and the rest were all taken prisoners.

And other weapons and equipment naturally became the spoils of the Tang Army.

As for the Second Army and Fifth Army participating in the attack, the total number of casualties was about 4,000, and most of the casualties occurred during the last two days of the general offensive!

When attacking the outer city and inner city walls, although the Datang Army had an absolute advantage, it still inevitably suffered a lot of casualties.

But before the attack on the city wall, their casualties were not large!

The defense system that Du Danqing had high hopes for actually failed to cause too many casualties to the Datang Army, but it was true that it consumed a lot of the Datang Army's ammunition.

In this battle, the ammunition fired by the Datang Army was more than the ammunition consumed in the entire Northern Expedition at the beginning of the year!

There are as many as fifty or sixty artillery pieces that have been scrapped!

After the battles of Susong and Huangzhou, the artillery in many artillery battalions was almost replaced!

No way, although the barrel life of the cast iron five-jin field guns in the Datang Army is relatively low, the barrel life of a mere 500 rounds can only support a few large-scale battles.

However, the price of this artillery is not too expensive, and if it is scrapped, it does not mean that it will be thrown away directly. Some of these scrapped artillery are directly used, and most of them will be retired from active service and then equipped for those reserve divisions.

However, most of the scrap iron will be recycled directly on the spot, and then recast after returning to the furnace.

In fact, the biggest cost of artillery these days, whether it is cast iron or bronze, is the cost of materials, and recasting used artillery, although there will be a lot of transportation costs, it is better than throwing it away.

Taking Huangzhou and annihilating the Zuo army of Governor Biao made Li Xuan in a good mood!

Li Xuan is in a good mood. Naturally, he doesn't have too many scruples when he does things. He was worried about the bad impact a while ago, but he doesn't care about it these days. Several girls with great dance talent took time out of their busy work to guide their dance skills personally.

Li Xuan is always happy about this kind of thing, and it seems that he will never get bored!

Of course, you still need to be mindful of some external influences when doing these things, but Wang Wenhua is a smart person, and he will never bring people to the temporary palace in an upright manner.

He was sneaking people in!

Li Xuan was in a good mood. He felt that Wang Wenhua was a great loyal minister and wanted to reward him with one or two. Therefore, he deprived Wang Wenhua of his title of Grand Scholar, and then deprived him of his title of Minister of Agriculture.

Why, so too many people have impeached Wang Wenhua recently. As the only three great scholars in the Tang Dynasty, he is ignorant all day long. Many courtiers were quite dissatisfied with Wang Wenhua, and even Liu Bagou and other ministers on duty in the technical imperial study were dissatisfied with Wang Wenhua.

According to the impeachment of Wang Wenhua by many courtiers, killing him 10,000 times is not enough!

But Li Xuan felt that although Wang Wenhua was less capable in other things, he was still quite capable in some things. For example, when searching for dance seedlings, he had a unique vision, and his abilities were quite outstanding!

And this person is loyal enough. Every time he speaks in a court meeting, he speaks so nicely that Li Xuan feels comfortable every time he hears it!

How could such a capable and loyal minister be killed? cannot!

But if you don't do something to show one or two, it is estimated that those courtiers will not be convinced, so Li Xuan simply removed Wang Wenhua's academician title.

Anyway, in today's Tang Dynasty, the title of Grand Scholar is useless, it's just an honorary title. If you can't enter the imperial study and become a minister on duty, Wang Wenhua's Grand Scholar is useless.

As for the Minister of Agriculture, to be honest, Wang Wenhua has long ignored the affairs of the Ministry of Agriculture, and he can't. The affairs of the Ministry of Agriculture are basically handled by the two servants.

Days are pondering how to get the emperor to change!

However, Li Xuan still gave Wang Wenhua a lot of compensation after taking off the titles of Grand Scholar and Minister of Agriculture. For example, he gave his eldest son, who had just turned four years old, the title of heir, officially confirming the son's right to inherit the title of Wang Wenhua.

Nowadays, the inheritance of nobles in the Tang Dynasty requires the approval of the court. It does not mean that if you want that son to be the prince, you want that son to be the prince. Usually, the inheritance is strictly according to the system of direct chiefs. At the same time, the prince needs to be canonized by the court. Only after being canonized as a prince can he become the heir to the title.

Of course, Feng Shizi was only one of them, and more importantly, Li Xuan also upgraded his title from a viscount to an earl.

Although it is said that the title of Grand Master and the Minister of Agriculture is gone, but he has obtained the title of Earl, and the Emperor did not take away his title of Minister of Imperial Study.

Wang Wenhua knew in his heart that this was his best ending.

No one knows better than himself what he is, and he is completely irrelevant to handling government affairs. He has been at the center of the Tang Dynasty in the past few years because of Cong Longzao, and he Because the skin is thick enough.

A lot of people are not used to the title of Master of the Ministry of Agriculture and the title of Minister of Agriculture!

It's okay to take it away now. Anyway, he knows that he is not an official material. As long as he can still gain the trust of the emperor, it will not be a problem if he does not have the title of Grand Master or the title of Shangshu.

What's more, His Majesty the Emperor gave him the title of Earl!

Wang Wenhua, who has no official and a light body, is now thinking about how to please the Son of Heaven.

Last time, the Son of Heaven accidentally said that he had never ridden a big ocean horse, and he didn't know what it was Now it seems that he needs to put this matter on the agenda.

Nowadays, the sea trade is developed, and there are many foreigners in the Tang Dynasty. Through the sea trade, it is entirely possible to find good-looking Western women.

In addition, he also heard that there are many blond and blue-eyed people in the Western Regions to the west, and that can also become a new channel.

Wang Wenhua is not good at government affairs, but in these messy things, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is capable. He quickly called in a few confidants, and then asked them to take people to various coastal ports, and even go deep. Malacca in the South and Western Regions.

There is only one purpose, to collect young and beautiful Western women!

Li Xuan naturally didn't know what Wang Wenhua was thinking. In fact, he didn't think about how Wang Wenhua felt. He just felt that the outsiders scolded Wang Wenhua a little bit, and the situation was a little serious. something happened.

But seriously, he didn't want Wang Wenhua to get out of the way!

That's why this arrangement was made!

Putting aside the matter of Wang Wenhua, he just started to discuss the next strategy with the generals of the navy and army!

After conquering Huangzhou and annihilating Dubiao Zuo's army, what will the Tang army do next? Naturally, it will kill Hanyang!

The 80,000 army went to Hanyang. Zhang Yue would be **** if he could hold back at a low level. The only thing to worry about now is whether he will run away with the superintendent!

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