Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 978: Battle of Hanyang

Counterattack on Jingzhou?

This choice was immediately abandoned by Fei Qinxiang.

Counterattack is impossible, impossible in this life, with only 6,000 troops, let alone counterattack, he didn't even dare to go to Jingzhou, for fear of being hit in an ambush!

If you don't counterattack, then you can only leave. The key is to go there?

Returning to Anlu Prefecture?

But after returning to Anlu Prefecture, what will you do in the future?

On the way here, he got the news that the pirate army of the pseudo-Tang Dynasty had already landed on the west side of Hanyang. Well, although he still didn't know that the Zuo army, the superintendent of the front line of Huangzhou, was finished, but this did not prevent it. He saw that the situation was not good!

Now that Jingzhou has also been captured by the pseudo-Tang thief army, if you continue to stay in Anlu Prefecture, wouldn't the next step be to be attacked by the pseudo-Tang thief army from Jingzhou and the west side of Hanyang?

Taking a step back, can Zhang Yue's subordinates in Hanyang be able to stop the pseudo-Tang bandit army? Fei Qinxiang thinks it is unlikely!

If An Luzhou doesn't want to go back, then he can go there. It's not very good to go north to Xiangyang. Although Xiangyang is still in the hands of the superintendent, there is also a pseudo-Tang bandit army in the north.

The rest of the way can only go west, directly into Sichuan, which is not very good, but it is still possible to go to Padang first.

If the situation is good, then cooperate with the army behind the inspector to attack Jingzhou. If the situation is not good, then Badong is guarding the channel for the puppet thieves from the Tang Dynasty to enter Sichuan.

After some consideration, Fei Qinxiang simply turned around and left when he was still twenty miles away from Jingzhou. He did not return to Anluzhou, but continued westward. Wherever he went, he would naturally go to Padang!

Fei Qinxiang almost came to Jingzhou, and Song Tianbiao of the 2nd Infantry Division didn't know yet. Now he has just won Jingzhou and is busy dealing with various affairs. If nothing else, even those thousands of prisoners of war. It is also not well arranged.

Now that his 2nd Infantry Division is far away from the main force, he does not dare to act rashly, and he is even more reluctant to have thousands of prisoners of war staying in the city, not to mention the consumption of food, and it is still an unstable factor. After discussion, it was decided to let the navy transport these prisoners of war away first, and transport them to the other side of the river. There is a regiment of the 29th Reserve Division garrisoned there. For the reclamation group.

Jingzhou was successfully won, which also means that the battle plan of the second stage of the Southwest Campaign of the Datang Army was basically successful. On the whole, the task was overfulfilled, because the Fifth Army and the Second Army joined hands and also left the superintendent. The army was wiped out.

Now the remaining main force in Huguang is the middle army in Hanyang. As for the right army in Anlu Prefecture and Jingzhoufu, and the former army in Xiangyang, they are not very strong. land!

With the victory in hand, Li Xuan also continued westward with the Guards. Now he is staying in Jiujiang too far from the front line. After Huangzhou has been conquered, he can also appropriately move the headquarters forward and go directly to the front line. Jiangxia County in Wuchang Prefecture is just across from Hanyang Prefecture City.

Li Xuan was going to command the Hanyang campaign across the Yangtze River, and annihilate the supervising army in the Hanyang area in one fell swoop. It is best to capture Zhang Yue as well.

Li Xuan wanted to go west, so naturally he brought the Guards with him. In front of them, the Fifth Army had already left Huangzhou and headed towards Hanyang.

As for the Second Army, after many battles, it was damaged, and some troops and ammunition were transferred to the Fifth Army, so that the Fifth Army could advance westward to Hanyang in a better state, so the Second Army was there. It was necessary to rest in Huangzhou for a few days, and by the way, tens of thousands of prisoners of war were reorganized.

These things are all trivial chores, which basically do not need Li Xuan to handle personally, the Privy Council can handle them properly.

When going west to Hanyang, Li Xuan got another good news, saying that the superintendent of the three passes of Yiyang voluntarily gave up the three passes of Yiyang, and the troops of the Fourth Army captured the three passes of Yiyang without a single soldier. .

Li Xuan can also see from this news that Zhang Yue has already begun to shrink his troops.

With the demise of the Zuo army of Dubiao and the fall of Jingzhou, it is estimated that Zhang Yue himself can see that he wants all the 100,000 Dubiao of Huguang to stay.

Before, they had already killed the left army of Dubiao, and now, it was the turn of the middle army of Dubiao.

But this is a big thing to say, but the Southwest Campaign has reached the current stage, when the left army of the governor is destroyed, in fact, it is a matter of time before the end of the central army of the governor. Li Xuan came to Wuchang, not to stimulate the morale of the army. Breaking the boat and sinking the boat, saying that I am behind you, and you will die if you lose.

He came to Hanyang just to witness the end of the superintendent. By the way, he pretended to be a coercion: You see, I personally led the army to kill an army again, how awesome!

Therefore, on the westbound journey, he was very calm and did not spend most of his time dealing with military affairs, because there was nothing he needed to pay attention to in military affairs now, and the various departments of the Privy Council had already fully undertaken all the affairs of the Southwest Campaign. It's orderly, and Li Xuan doesn't need to worry too much.

So on the way westward, Li Xuan spent more time dealing with various government affairs, and he needed to review a lot of memorials every day.

Don't think that Li Xuan doesn't need to review the memorials when he comes out for the expedition in person. In fact, it is still the same as before, but the number of memorials reviewed will be less.

Every day, a large number of memorials will be sent from Jinling City. According to the importance and urgency, 500-mile rush, 300-mile rush, or the speed of ordinary official documents are arranged to be delivered all the way west, and finally delivered. into Li Xuan's hands.

So even if it is far away from Jinling City, Li Xuan still firmly controls the military and political power of the Tang Dynasty!

On this day, Li Xuan received another report from Jinling City, and it was also the report of Chen Lifu's case, but this report was not sent by Han Tong, but by the Procuratorate.

The Chen Lifu case report sent by the Superintendent's Office detailed the case of Chen Lifu. In the end, with the assistance of the Patrol Police Department, the Superintendent's Office found out that Chen Lifu had been identified and that there was no tax deduction or corruption or bribery. Several people who framed Chen Lifu were also caught, including the former director of the tax bureau of Jiangbei Province, and then one of the deputy directors of the inspection department, and the prefect of Suzhou Prefecture in Jiangnan Province. There are also a few inside the inspector cloud. A few black sheep.

They confessed that because they were dissatisfied with Chen Lifu, they jointly planned this case and wanted to get rid of Chen Lifu!

Regarding the investigation report of the Inspectorate, Li Xuan threw it away after reading it!

The investigation report of the Inspectorate was quite satisfactory, and it was returned to Chen Lifu's innocence. He also found the culprit behind the scenes, but Li Xuan knew that this matter was far from being as simple as the Inspectorate's investigation.

Chen Lifu's case, to a certain extent, should be regarded as the first large-scale political factional struggle in the Tang Dynasty. Even people at the level of Shilang and Shangshu participated in it. To Li Xuan here?

And this is the focus of Li Xuan's attention to this case!

These people, for their own benefit,

Gather together, and then wrestle over Chen Lifu's case. After the fight is over, send an investigation report to Li Xuan?

Think beautifully!

Since you dare to collude with each other under my nose and play some cronies, you must have the consciousness of being purged.

It's just that Li Xuan is not in a hurry now. He is still waiting for Hantong's investigation report, and even if he wants to rectify his cronies, it can't be now. Now that he leads the army on an expedition, he directly attacks the senior officials of the ministry, which is easy to lead to confusion. necessary trouble.

To deal with it, we have to wait for him to go back, and the way to deal with it has to be flexible, and deal with it directly in the name of a crony party.

I think that after he unified China, he started to kill heroes!

Even if it is dealt with, Li Xuan will not use the name of cronies, but will use other names and other methods.

He is the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty. It is not easy to deal with a few high-ranking officials. It is a matter of one sentence!

At the same time, he can't overdo it. After all, Li Xuan himself knows that there are parties and hills that are unavoidable in any regime, and Li Xuan does not plan to clean up thoroughly. What he has to do It is to control this kind of thing in your own hands, and your courtiers can fight each other, but it must not be for personal gain, and it must not affect the development of the empire, and it must not affect the imperial power.

If you want to fight, you can only fight within the framework that I have drawn!

For example, at each budget meeting, various departments will compete for each other, and even fight against Li Xuan. It is normal for people from various departments to turn against each other during the imperial budget meeting, but Li Xuan I think it doesn't matter, because this is a struggle between departments. They are fighting for business. No matter how hard the fight is, Li Xuan will not intervene.

But Li Xuan was very annoyed and disgusted when he played conspiracy and fought for his own interests.

In short, this matter needs a degree of handling. How Li Xuan will deal with it in the end still needs to see Han Tong's investigation report before making a decision.

Chen Lifu's case may be very important to the courtiers But for Li Xuan, it is only a trivial matter, and he has not paid much attention to the immigration settlement.

Seeing that the Datang Dynasty is about to completely take Hubei, and after taking Hubei, the entire Huguang area will fall into the hands of Datang, at least the Datang Dynasty can really start to organize a large number of immigrants to come. Go to Huguang to reclaim, completely develop Huguang and become China's granary!

In addition, Li Xuan is also very concerned about the reclamation in Guangdong and Guangxi. The current population of Guangdong and Guangxi is too small, adding up to 10 million people, and many areas have not been fully developed, such as several small plains in Guangxi, the Pearl River In the delta area, these are all extremely fertile lands. In addition, in the south, there is a lot of rain and sunshine. If you grow rice, it is easy to have two seasons a year, and even some areas can do it for one year. Three seasons.

More importantly, because the Guangdong-Guangzhou region is located in the south, its development in the past dynasties is relatively small, which is typical of less people and more land.

Although it is said that the industry and commerce of Guangdong and Guangxi, especially the Pearl River Delta region are relatively developed, it is still not enough, and the agricultural sector needs to be vigorously developed.

For the current Tang Dynasty, nothing is more important than sufficient food.

But immigration, even domestic immigration, is not so easy. The Immigration and Reclamation Department of the Ministry of Agriculture has reported more than once that the immigration and reclamation work has encountered a lot of trouble.

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