Say it’s a test paper.

In fact, it is just an ordinary A4 paper.

It is written in dense handwriting.

From basic literature to mathematics, foreign languages, chemistry, physics, biology… There are every subject covered in high school.

There are only 3 questions in each subject.


The moment they got the paper, the girls couldn’t help but feel shocked.

At the same time, a question couldn’t help but arise in my heart.

“This guy really made it in an hour!?”

Despite the shock in the heart.

But the girls also know.

It’s not something they need to care about at this time.

Think hard and do your best.

Make your own final judgment.

And then… Prove yourself!


The exam is over.

Hikiya began to change the papers.

The girls sat on the couch with confident smiles on their faces.

“Ichika, how do you feel?”

“Hmph, do you need to say that?”

“What does Ernai think? You have to make this guy suffer a little, otherwise he will be completely underestimated! ”

“Ah… Well, Yotsuba is right! ”

“Sanjiu… Mmmmmmmm ”

Facing Sanjiu’s inexplicable gaze, Yotsuba Gan smiled and looked away, looking at the youngest May.

“May has been studying hard, it should be fine, right?”

“…… Probably. ”

What to do… Obviously I have been studying well, why can’t I understand these questions at all!!

It’s really too difficult, right!?

And there are actually every subject, shouldn’t this guy be deliberately making things difficult for us?

It is said that Yihua, Ernai, and Sanjiu look so confident!

Whoops, if the grades are too bad… Doesn’t that mean I’m really a fool who has been studying hard!?

May had mixed feelings and thought about these things.

On the other side, Hikigu also finished changing the roll in his hand.

Although it is only 2 minutes before and after.

But enough is enough.

After all…

“So many empty spaces, I’m curious… Where did you borrow the courage just now to be so confident? ”

While speaking, Hikiya sent the test paper to the girls.

With a bit of a mocking tone, it fell into the ears of the girls no less than the scene of the social death.

I saw the test paper that fell into the hands of several people, although the scores on it were different, but without exception they were not too high.

One flower: 32 points.

Ernai: 26 points.

Sanjiu: 42 points.

Yotsuba: 18 points.

May: 38 minutes.

Hichigu has no doubt if the subjects are not so average.

These guys’ grades have to shrink by at least another 30% or so.

“Why do you need to borrow courage from others? This is my true strength! ”

Yihua opened her mouth straightforwardly, and the smile on her face was still the same.

If it weren’t for the girl’s crimson ears, probably no one would be able to see something different, right?

Sanjiu stared at Hiqigu with an expressionless face.

It was as if he was silently saying, “I didn’t say anything before.”

After seeing the results of the other sisters.

May breathed a visibly relieved sigh of relief.

Fortunately, it was not too bad!

Hearing Biqigu say this, he also did not hesitate to speak:

“That’s why I’ll just say grades are meaningless!”

“If grades alone can define whether a person is stupid or not, then what are those geniuses in other fields?”

“You can’t be stupid too, can you?”

“Yes, yes!!”

Yotsuba nodded his head approvingly.

Hikiya smiled.

“You’re right, grades really don’t make sense.”

Hearing Biqigu’s words, the others couldn’t help but be startled.

Something unexpected.

Originally, they thought that the other party would not hesitate to refute May’s statement.

Unexpectedly, it was agreed?

Without waiting for the girls to show a smile on their faces, Hikigu’s next words made everyone fall silent.

“Just… For you now, in addition to achievements, what else can you use as a reference? ”

“Career? Social status? Or something else? ”

“If none of this is available, why advocate the uselessness of learning?”

“…… I’m just saying that the grades are meaningless! ”

Maybe it’s too strong than the momentum on Qigu.

May’s voice involuntarily lowered.

“Aren’t grades used to reflect recent studies?”

“Do you think grades are useless, isn’t that equivalent to studying useless?” Do you see any difference between the two? ”

“Don’t use the difficulty of the roll as an excuse to refute my words.

It’s only been a short time since the start of school, and there is no new knowledge, so most of the above topics are common to junior high school. ”

“If you forget these things in just one month, it doesn’t mean anything other than that you are a bunch of stupid people with poor memories.”


Erno stared at Hikiya with big eyes, and his voice was much louder than before:

“A mouthful of stupidity, who do you think you are!?”

“Is it really useful to learn this stuff after all? The knowledge in the books will not be used at all in the future, right!? ”

“It’s just a waste of time! Wouldn’t it be better if you spent that time on things you like!? ”

Faced with such rhetoric.

Hichigu sighed from the bottom of his heart.

“That’s why I say you’re stupid.”

“No one really thinks that the role of learning is to be used in the future, right?”

“Isn’t it?”

Hearing Biqigu’s words, May couldn’t help but speak weakly.

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