Chapter 129: Mai Sakurajima is sick!!

Mai Sakurajima tried to save it.

It was only after opening the room that the living room was empty.

“Why do you move so quickly in this kind of thing?”

The girl sighed faintly.

But his face became a little red at this moment.


Hikiya looked at the black lace underwear hanging on the hanger.

I couldn’t help but rub my head with a headache: “Senior sister is too casual, right?” ”

It’s all about being your own home~…

And this color, style…

“I can’t see that Senpai is so bold!”

I sighed so deeply in my heart.

Biqigu is also retracting his sight.

The best way to deal with this is to treat it as if you didn’t see it.

Although it hangs in a very conspicuous place.

But the other party will not be stupid to talk too much about this matter.

As for doing something superfluous…

Biqigu can only say that he is not a pervert!

After washing.

Hikiya came out of the toilet.

Come and sit down on the couch.

Maybe it’s rinsed with hot water.

Bikiya also felt that the fatigue accumulated earlier was slightly relieved.

“I didn’t expect to deal with the past night here last night, and I have to repeat the same mistakes today.”

This inexplicable sense of déjà vu made Hiqigu can’t help but smile bitterly.

Just judging by the situation.

It’s completely different from yesterday.

The senior sister who has known her for a few days has to come to her home to board.

What kind of immortal unfolding is this!

Even if he were to create it, he wouldn’t be able to write such an exaggerated light novel!

Hikiya sighed.

Although it is not impossible to understand Senpai’s mood.

But I hope I don’t understand it more than Qigu.


“I can simply refuse!”

Hikiya sighed.

Shaking his head, he didn’t think about it anymore.

Although there is a beautiful girl living in the inner house, this feeling is novel.

Considering that the two are not too familiar.

Bikiya decided not to think about it.

Silently turn off the lights in the living room.

Hikiya lay down on the couch.

Take out your phone to check what’s going on on the Internet.

Seeing that the two sides are still arguing.

Biqigu nodded with satisfaction.

At least judging by the heat at the moment.

The abnormalities on the senpai can be solved more.

However, considering that there may be unknown risks.

Hikiya decided to stay up a little tonight.

Start by knowing the abnormalities that occur to Senpai.

Hiqigu is thinking about a problem.

In what way does the abnormality in Senpai change the cognition of others?

It can’t be that it happened for no reason that you can still see it one second, and the next second it directly blocks the cognition of Sakurajima-senpai.

This kind of thing is impossible to think about no matter how you think about it.

After all, everything should operate under certain rules.

If it looks like this, it is equivalent to no regularity.

If the world really looks like this.

That’s just a mess.


Biqigu thought of a better explanation.


For a person.

24 hours a day is not a day after these 24 hours.

According to human habits.

Sleep that night and wake up the next morning.

It’s a new day!

For example, if you stay up late, if you stay up past 12 o’clock and go to bed.

Most people still think of it as “on the day”.

And not the so-called “tomorrow”.


If it is to tamper with other people’s perceptions.

Using sleep as a boundary is obviously a very reasonable way!

“Because it is a new day, there has been a new change in the perception of the outside world.”

This feeling is a very reasonable explanation.

Of course.

Biqigu will not naively think that he can break through the abnormality.

After all, in essence, he was just an ordinary student.

At most, he is a little smarter than ordinary people.

Anyway, this is just his inference.

Even if there is an error in the end, it doesn’t matter.

If today’s plan doesn’t work out.

After staying up late, he still forgot the existence of his senior sister.

Biqigu has other means of redemption.

Of course.

This is just a worst-case scenario.

If everything goes well, the abnormality in Senpai will gradually begin to subside tomorrow.


In essence, Biqigu doesn’t need to worry too much.

Previewed the meeting website.

By the way, I went to pour a few pots of oil on the fire.

Hiqigu began to turn on the notepad function on his phone.

Write and draw on it.

A series of remedial actions after a failed plan.


In the blink of an eye, it was 12 o’clock.

After finally perfecting the follow-up plan, Hiqigu couldn’t help but yawn.

“Is it all at this point in time…”

He has always been a good boy who goes to bed early.

This time I actually had to take the initiative to stay up late.

It was a big failure.

It’s completely in conflict with his philosophy!


“After all, I caused trouble myself, and there is no way.”

Think of it this way.

Hiqigu suddenly heard the door open behind him.

Biqigu frowned slightly.

Could it be that you woke up and went to the bathroom?

Or has Senpai never slept?

Think of it this way.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble caused by the other party’s discovery.

Biqigu subconsciously closed his eyes.


Hikiya heard footsteps stop beside him.

“Senpai, what are you going to do…”

I don’t know why.

Biqigu was a little panicked.


A faint sigh sounded in the young man’s ears.

Then Mai Sakurajima’s unique voice sounded in Hikitani’s ears, “That’s excessive.” ”

“Trick Senpai into taking her home to the bedroom…”

“When everything that needs to be done is done, leave me alone in it, regardless of asking.”

“I didn’t expect that Junior Jun, who looks so honest, is actually such a scumbag!”

“I really misread you!”

Hearing Mai Sakurajima’s words.

A small question mark than Qigu.

Senpai doesn’t sleep in the middle of the night.

Run to him and muttering strange things…

What a serious illness, right? And?

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