Chapter 137 Hikiya is annoyed by his stupidity!!

Hearing Hikitani’s ghost words, Kato couldn’t help but roll his eyes.

Shaking his head.

Nothing was said.


The study time of the day passed so dullly.

At the school gate.

After Hikiya said goodbye to Kato.

This time the teenager did not walk in the direction of the station.

Rather, halfway through.

Changed directions.

That direction is the bookstore closest to the school.

Even if Biqi Gu keeps shouting that “breaking the company and eating jujube pills, such an ordinary novel can be selected as a big award, I really doubt that this Junqun editor has vision”.

But actually…

Hikiya will still be a little curious about the results of this novel!

After all, it was his brainchild.

In a sense, it is equivalent to a similar existence such as the “daughter” of Hiqigu!

Even if you can’t do that kind of bookstore as soon as it opens, find a nearby shop with the Kanban lady and wait for other customers to come to the door.

Then in a corner of the bookstore, silently holding a novel, quietly observing with the afterglow of his eyes how many people picked up their own novels to watch.

How many are put down after a few glances, and some are can’t help but buy after reading it, or directly buy the book with a clear goal.

This data is then recorded with pen and paper.

Finally, a rough analysis ——— such an exaggerated degree.

But just to see if someone will buy their own novel.

Something like this… Even Hikigu can’t help it!

After all, curiosity is a completely irrepressible thing that carries with it a precious asset of human progress.

What is the difference between losing curiosity and losing hobbies!!

Bikigu took slightly heavier steps.

Keep approaching the bookstore near the school.

A few minutes later.

Turn a corner.

Hiqigu finally saw the bookstore.

The name of the bookstore is ordinary, called “Aoyama Bookstore”.

Through the glass, you can see that there are three or three people of different ages standing inside.

The heartbeat unconsciously accelerates slightly.

Hikigu took a deep breath and walked into the bookstore.

Standing in front of the cash register is a slightly petite looking Kanban girl.

The immature cheeks make people can’t help but wonder if the other party is an adult.

For the arrival of Biqigu, this Kanban lady showed a sweet smile.

Politely greeted: “Welcome to Ling.” ”

“Thank you.”

Hikiya nodded at the other party and thanked each other in return.

Take a few steps inside.

At this time, other students wearing “Toyonosaki” school uniforms walked in.

The Kanban lady standing in front of the checkout did the same.

See this scene.

Biqigu couldn’t help but sigh in his heart.

“What a great guy!”

As a person who loves to read.

Hiqigu has been to many bookstores.

But a Kanban lady like this who greets every customer.

Not to mention that I have never seen it, I have never heard of it at all!

It’s like a guy living in an anime.

As for whether the other party’s “welcome” is genuine or false.

This kind of thing requires no thought at all.

If the other party is perfunctory to the customer.

I can’t show such a sweet smile.

It should be said that if you want to be perfunctory, there is no need to do such a thing from the beginning!

After all…

Even if you don’t greet like this, customers who want to buy books won’t have another choice.


I accidentally thought of something superfluous…

Hikidu shook his head.

Then he turned his gaze and began to look for the location of his novel.

And then…

Just a glance.

Hikigu found out where his novel was located——— propaganda poster was in position C of the bookstore after all.

In such a conspicuous position, as long as you are not blind, it is impossible to see it, right?

“Should I say that it is worthy of being a big factory? Fujimi is amazing! ”

Biqigu sighed in his heart.

Just the name of the big prize makes the bookstore not know the specific quality of the work.

Gan Zhi put it in the most important position.

And seeing the publicity above, Biqigu’s face couldn’t help but darken.

“Shock! Fujimi Fantasia Award winner, the strongest newcomer in history, the masterpiece of Mr. Dobe! The light novel you have to read “Even if I travel through another world, my youth is as problematic as ever”!!”

“What the hell is this slogan!!”

Just seeing the words of the second middle two, a sense of shame spread from the tip of his toes all the way to the top of his head.

Not to mention the exaggerated words inside.

Biqigu couldn’t help but have doubts in the depths of his heart.

“Why did I come up with the idea of being a fool to see how my novels are selling!!”

If you don’t see it.

Then there is no need to be subjected to this kind of “torture” like social death!!

It’s just that…

No matter how much you regret it now, it’s useless.

Hikiya sighed.

Honestly accept the fact that you can’t get rid of the back of your mind at the moment.

And after reading the exaggerated slogan.

Hiqigu discovered another fact that surprised him.

Put your own place for the novel.

At present, there are only a few more than ten books.

This obviously can’t be that the bookstore only took so many copies to cause the current situation if you don’t look at this novel well.

It is also impossible for the other party to put it in the C position of the bookstore.

So there’s only one possibility…

“Are you going to sell out?”

Biqigu smacked his tongue.

Then I couldn’t help but doubt life.

Could it be that… Is this novel really good?

“That… Can you please give in a little? ”

A figure came from behind him.

Biqigu turned around.

It was two students with black eyes, one tall and one short wearing the same “Toyonosaki school uniform” as him——— the two who came in after Hikitani.

Notice that you are standing in the middle of the aisle, just blocking the path of the two.

Hikigu-sensei’s apology: “Sorry, I was a little stunned.” ”

After nodding at the two.

Step aside Zhu.

Make way for the two.

And the two did not take care of Biqigu.

Walking with hurried steps towards the ——— “Even if I cross the other world, my spring is as problematic as ever”.

The two picked up the novel as if they had received the most treasure.

An excited expression appeared on his face.

He said, “That’s great! ”

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