Chapter 142: Shitsuba is a fool!!

If you want to say why… Probably because his novels are recognized by others?

And this guy who recognized it, even the adult she respected did not recognize.

Although the reason why the other party did not approve seems to be just because of the subject matter, I did not read the novel, so I don’t know how good the novel is.


Even so.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu is also very happy!

Hiqigu didn’t know why the other party’s face showed a smile inexplicably.

But that didn’t stop him from saying goodbye: “So… Senpai has nothing else to do. I’ll go first.”


A girl who has already gotten the answer she wants from Hikigu.

This time did not continue to block the other party.


The other party’s words also gave the girl full confidence.

My novels are not bad, and the sales are not good simply because there is no publicity.

And as a newcomer, he does not have any popularity.

This does not mean that your work is not good enough!

Of course.

Maybe add some of the reason for the title.

In short, Hikigu’s words gave Kasumigaoka Shiyu full confidence!

“By the way, I forgot to ask what this guy’s name is.”

Until Hikiya disappeared from sight.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu finally remembered what she had forgotten.

“Forget it, it’s all in a school anyway, and I’ll ask him the next time I meet!”

Obviously, the mood was still very low at first.

Now it’s a resurgence.

I have to sigh, how much influence a loyal fan has on the author!

The other side.

Hikiya put the novel in his backpack.

While lamenting his misfortune, he came to the home of the five Nakano sisters.

After more than a week of teaching.

The academic performance of the five students has improved significantly.

And the relationship between several people has also grown to some extent.

At least as it was at the beginning, a few guys tried to drive him away, but it didn’t happen again!

But except for one guy…

And here it is.

Hikiya looked at the three girls sitting in front of him.

I couldn’t help but let out a helpless sigh: “So… Is it just a few of you today? ”

“What about those two guys?”

“If you spend a lot of time, because of all the emergencies in the business, it will pass after school, and you can’t leave at all.”

May replied.

“I know if Ihua said it, she told me.”

Biqigu nodded, and then a serious expression appeared on his face: “What about the other guy!?” ”

“Yotsuba she… She…”

May hesitated, not knowing whether to say it or not.

It’s just that.

Didn’t wait for May to continue.

Hiqigu had already spoken: “What kind of club has any activities to hold?” ”

That’s right.

This accident is Yotsuba.

Since last week.

In the whole five days, the number of times Hiqigu saw each other before and after, but it was no more than two!

Except Mondays.

For the next four days, they didn’t see each other’s shadows.

If you want to say why…

Every time I ask, I am participating in club activities.

“Did that guy join so many clubs!?”

Biqigu sighed helplessly: “If you want to talk about achievements, I’m not worried about the few of you at all.” ”

“But that guy’s words… After participating in the event, do you really have a good time studying? ”

“In other words, your girls’ school is said to face the crisis of withdrawal as long as you fail the test once, and a school with such a traditional history is here!?”

Hearing these words of Hiqigu.

May hesitated, but also said, “If you study, Yotsuba is studying hard again after returning from school!” ”

“She also said that she must be able to work hard!”


For the explanation of May.

Biqigu is also noncommittal.

What to say… You can tell just by looking at the other party’s results in completing the paper he left behind.

Even if you are “studying well”, it is probably just doing some useless work.

Compared to the other people who found a way to improve their grades significantly after teaching.

The other party’s results are actually not too obvious compared to the beginning.

The play is also extremely unstable.

Because of this.

Hikiya couldn’t help but say something like that.

It’s just that…

“This fool has said this, but it’s not good to continue talking.”

After all, he is just an ordinary tutor.

In addition to teaching, we should also fully consider the mood of the employer!

But just when Hikida was thinking like this.


I saw Ernai sitting in the seat, holding his arms and saying, “That fool”

“What’s the use of studying on her own! If you want to fail, you can probably only rely on luck! ”

“And obviously they didn’t participate in any club, but they wasted so much time helping them.”

“Being treated like a tool, this guy is too good to bully!”

You can see it.

Ernai is also quite angry about Yotsuba’s behavior.

Of course.

It would be more accurate to say ——— “The sister I cherished was used as a tool, and the stupid guy turned out to be as willing as a food, which made Nino, who is the older sister, not know how to help Yotsuba.”

It’s only right to feel very angry because of this!

“Wait, you said Yotsuba didn’t join the club?”

And Biqigu also discovered the problem in Ernai’s words at this time.

“Otherwise, how could I call that guy an idiot!?”

Erno glared at Hikigu.

It’s not that I’m angry with him, but I’m angry at myself who can’t do anything.

To this.

Hikiya also agreed with the girl’s pure speech.

He couldn’t help but nodded approvingly: “It’s indeed a fool!” ”

“Hey, I didn’t allow you to say bad things about Yotsuba behind your back!”

Facing Ernai who was a little angry.

Hiqigu could only return a helpless white eye.

PS: A new poll has been opened, if you are interested, you can check it out!

Thanks to the FP × guy for the 100 tip!

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