Chapter 169: Kitagawa Sea Dream is Unexpectedly Reliable!!


The girl ran back with a cheerful step.


With the girl’s own sound effects.

Kitagawa Haimon came to Hikigu.

I saw that the school uniform that was originally worn under the girl had now been replaced by the pleated skirt that Hikiya had held before.

And in the place of the original stain.

It was the red ribbon that the girl had just paid for.

As if to show the effect.

Kitagawa came to the front and back of Hikigu and spun around lightly~.


The girl’s cheeks were flushed, and she didn’t know why she was happy.

“Not bad.”

Hikiya looked at the girl’s dress and nodded seriously.

In terms of effect alone, it far exceeded his expectations.

Originally, Hikiya just wanted to find something to hide the stains.

It doesn’t matter if it’s a little ugly.

But I didn’t expect that after matching this red ribbon, the appearance not only did not decrease, but also improved a lot on the original basis!

“Yes, yes!”

Kitagawa said happily: “I think this thing will look good when it matches!” ”

“Sure enough, my vision is great!!”

Perhaps it can be seen that the current Biqigu is quite anxious.

After such a sigh.

The girl did not delay any longer.

Instead, he ran back to change his clothes and handed it to Hikiya along with the bow he had bought.

“Oh, everything is here!”

“Busy, be busy!”

“Thank you, Kitagawa-san.”

Hikiya nodded to the girl, and continued, “That… How much is that bow just now? ”

“I give it back to you.”

“Eh! There is no need to be so polite than Qigu classmates, and it is not a valuable thing! ”

Kitagawa waved his hand carelessly.

“It’s really not a valuable thing.”

Hikiya nodded, and then changed the conversation: “However, Kitagawa can help me find such a suitable jewelry is already a big help.” ”

“Not only did I not have time to thank you, but if I asked you to pay, I would have a disturbed conscience!”

“Is that so…”

Kitagawa frowned, then noticed something in the corner of his gaze.

His eyes lit up, and he said with a smile: “Since Biqigu-san has said so, then I will not continue to force it.” ”

“However, I won’t ask for money.”

“Why don’t you invite me to eat that crepe in return?”

Hikiya followed the direction of the girl’s finger and looked at the small shop not far away.

The brow frowned slightly: “Is this okay?” ”

“It’s okay to ask even a little too much.”

“Since it’s all excessively demanding, why do you want people to put it forward? Biqigu-san is such a strange guy! ”

Kitagawa smiled and said, “I like the crepes in this shop, can you invite me to eat one?” ”


Hikiya sighed…

He looked at the girl with a “really defeated to this guy” gaze and nodded slightly.

“So be it.”

Hikiya came to the store.

There is no one at this time, so there is no queue.

Pay for two crepes.


Get something.

Hikiya handed the portion that belonged to Kitagawa to the other party.

The girl carefully took a bite on the edge.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and a happy smile appeared on his face.

You can see it.

The girl was not lying.

She really likes the crepes in this shop.

After all…

The smile on his face can’t be feigned.


The girl suddenly noticed Hikigu’s gaze.

Her cheeks flushed slightly.

“Biqigu-san, don’t look at people while the girl is eating!”

“Isn’t this kind of thing rude?”


Biqigu apologized honestly.

In the face of Hikigu’s apology, Kitagawa couldn’t help but laugh.

“Obviously Bi Qigu looked at a difficult look, but I didn’t expect it to be such a polite guy.”

“Sure enough, human beings can’t see appearances!”

Hear Kitagawa speak.

Biqigu thoughtfully.

Is that so?

Because he is not the kind of person who is “consistent in appearance”, he will not define a person simply because of his appearance.

And when Hiqigu was thinking about this kind of thing, Kitagawa spoke again: “Isn’t Hiqigu-san going to eat?” ”

“Don’t you like it?”


Biqigu shook his head and said calmly: “It’s just that there are still unfinished things on hand, so I am not in the mood to eat for the time being.” ”

“So it is!”

Kitagawa suddenly said, “Indeed, if something is not dealt with, even delicious food will become tasteless.” ”

“Then Bi Qiya-san, you go and get busy! I won’t bother you! ”

Kitagawa smiled and waved at Bikitani.

Hikiya nodded, hesitated and said, “In short, thank you Kitagawa for your help today.” ”

“Don’t take it to heart.”

“If there is anything you need help in the future, Kitagawa can find me.”

“Got it, got it.”

Kitagawa didn’t take it to heart, and said with a smile: “Biqigu go and do your own business!” ”


After the two said goodbye.

By this time, almost 20 minutes had passed.

It was a little later than initially expected.

But if you let Hikidani try his luck on his own.

Probably the end of the time, I can’t find it, right?

Even if you find it, you may not be able to choose such a suitable jewelry.


“That guy Kitagawa helped a lot!”

Anticipated troubles can be easily solved with the help of the other party.

Biqigu is grateful.

Back in the lounge.

Seeing Hikiya returning, Mai Sakurajima couldn’t help but say, “Ah, yes, I thought I was going to be abandoned by the agent.” ”

“Even if I wanted to, Miss Little Bird You wouldn’t agree.”

Hikiya sighed.

“So… It’s just a toilet, what trouble is Junior Junior in again? ”

“Take it and see it yourself.”

Say so.

Hikiya handed the bag to the girl.

Along the way, there is also a crepe in my hand.

“I don’t know if you like it or not, but I bought a copy by the way, which is a compensation bar that makes my senior sister wait for so long.”

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