Chapter 173 Trouble from the Early Morning!!


10:30 a.m.

Higeta, sitting on the subway, was sleepy.

It was almost 12 o’clock when I got home last night.

Wait until you finish washing.

The time is also about 12:30.

Because the appointment time is at 1 p.m.

So Hiqigu is not worried.

Get ready for a good night’s sleep.


“What a mistake.”

Hichigu recalled the phone call in the morning.

I can’t help but feel tired.

I was ready to sleep until 11 o’clock.

Who knew that at 8 o’clock I was directly woken up by the ringing of the phone.

For the guy who called, Biqigu even had a lot of grievances.

But more are still complaining that they did not mute the phone in advance.

It’s just that…

“No one calls me on weekdays, who knows that I will be plotted by this old sixth in the morning!”

It’s really exhausting.

But recall the content of the call.

The corners of Biqigu’s mouth couldn’t help but show a little smile.

The guy who called was a Machida editor.

According to the other side.

Because it was too late to get the news.

So didn’t dare to bother.

And when it was just after 8 o’clock in the morning, the other party couldn’t wait to call.

Hear such a statement.

The first reaction in Hikigu’s mind was——— “Don’t you need to sleep in this kind of creature?”

Of course.

It’s just a joke.

No matter how demanding the company is.

There is no reason not to let employees sleep.


“It’s probably just that these two days are busy.”

Think of it this way.

Hikiya also listened carefully to the Machida editor’s advice.


As soon as Machida Yuanko’s words came out, she was simply interrupted by Hikitani.

“All said, just call me Biqigu.”

“Okay, Hikigu-sensei!”

Machida was stunned, and then his tone returned to excitement: “Do you know how much the novel sold on the first day!?” ”

Listening to this excited tone, it seems that sales should not be low, right?

Think of it this way.

Biqigu also subconsciously spoke: “How much?” ”

“Eh, don’t you even guess?”

“Don’t want to guess.”

Now I just want to sleep.

Biqigu yawned: “But it shouldn’t be low, right?” ”

“After all, isn’t it usually calculated by the results of the first week!?”

On the other end, Machida Yuan heard the three words “don’t want to guess” from Hikitani.

There was also a moment of speechlessness.

What kind of nervous guy I have met!

I don’t feel a little excitement at all.

You can even feel the obvious resistance.

Reluctance to let others mention the author’s name is the best proof of this!


“With such an attitude of this uncle, he won’t drag on the draft in the future, right!?”

Machida couldn’t help but have a bad premonition.

As the most common format in the industry.

Who drags the manuscript, that’s really a common thing!!

Especially those who earn money, just want to be happy.

Don’t think about the author of the next part at all!

Although compared to Kitani’s previous unbelievable efficiency, Machida Yuanzi was amazed.

But there will be such worries, and that is inevitable!

After all, an author like Hikigu doesn’t care at all.

After so many years in the industry, she has never seen it!

And at this time.

Hear the other person’s next words.

It also interrupted Machida Yuanko’s blind thinking.

Hear the standard newcomer speak.

He couldn’t help but smile and explained: “For the outside world, naturally only a week or a month’s sales data will be released. ”

“But internally, as long as the results of the first day come out, we will inform the teachers!”

“This kind of thing can be said to be the norm in the industry.”

“That’s right.”

Biqigu turned his sleepy brain and subconsciously said, “So, what is the sales volume on the first day?” ”

Machida replied in an exaggerated tone, “Bikitani-sensei’s sales on the first day…”

“That’s forty-seven thousand copies in total!”

“Forty-seven thousand copies!?”

Hear the number.

Biqigu also became a little more sober.

Although the teenager does not know much about this area.

But after all, it is a “home” that loves light novels.

So occasionally I accidentally pay attention to some news.

Sales like this are almost catching up with the sales of some guys in a week.


There should be a lot of money, right!?

Biqigu’s eyes couldn’t help but light up.

Although I don’t feel much about money.

But I know that in the near future there will be a large amount of money going into my account.

It’s a very happy feeling!

Hearing Biqigu was mixed with several emotions of surprise and joy.

Machida Sonoko also breathed a slight sigh of relief and said with a smile: “That’s right! That’s the number! ”

“Even if some popular works can sell more than 20,000 copies a week, it is already a very powerful result!”

“As a newcomer, Mr. Biqigu can achieve such results on the first day, which is really amazing!!”

“Our entire editorial department is looking forward to your final grade!!”


Biqigu responded twice.

“So, is there anything else about Editor Machida?”

“No more! I came to inform the teacher of the good news! ”

“This way…”

“Then if it’s okay, I’ll hang up first?”

“Okay, then I won’t bother you, teacher.”

Wait until you hang up.

Look at 8:11 on your phone.

Hiqigu couldn’t help but sigh: “So”

“Even if you are excited, there is no need to call so early!”

Hikiya fell back into bed.

I want to continue resting.

It’s just that…

+ I don’t know if I am sober because of the chat, or I am also excited because of the other party’s call.

Hikigu, lying on the bed, couldn’t say anything anymore.

In desperation.

The teenager could only get up from the bed.

Cleaned up a little and had breakfast or something.

End of recall.


“Obviously I couldn’t sleep just now, but now the exhaustion is all rushing up!?”

Such thoughts crossed my mind.

Hiqigu finally slept in a daze.

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