Chapter 192: Kitagawa Request!!

“Even if you show a happy expression, I won’t laugh at you, right?”

Kato sighed, and his face showed helplessness: “Hikigu-san, don’t you think you will feel ashamed to say such a thing?” ”

Hiqigu fell silent.

Seriously recalled the conversation between the two just now.

An inexplicable blush climbed on his cheeks.

“Such self-righteous words… Are you suffering from a second episode!? ”

“How can you say it!!”

The villain in his heart is already holding his head and rolling all over the ground.

But on the surface, Biqigu is pretending to be calm.

As long as he doesn’t show embarrassment, no one will know that he is embarrassed!

That’s right!

That’s it!!

“Well, this kind of thing doesn’t matter.”

“By the way, that guy from Kitagawa said that there was something to discuss, so I left first.”

Say so.

Bikiya didn’t care what Kato had to say.

Hurriedly put away the bento box in his hand.

He couldn’t wait to leave his position.

And after Hikiya left.

On Kato’s originally expressionless face, a smile suddenly appeared: “It’s really a good reaction.” ”

Then I don’t know what came to mind.

Kato looked lonely and sighed, “Even if you’re really worried about other people.” ”

“I don’t want you to meddle every time you talk to yourself like this.”


Get out of the classroom.

Hikiya breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he who had finally calmed down, his face became hot again.

“What an idiot!”

“Why did you suddenly say such stupid things!!”

Silently scolded himself in his heart.

Hikiya took a deep breath.

After adjusting my mood, I walked towards the roof of the building.

On the last corner of the rooftop.

Hikiya stopped.

Didn’t go any further.

“After all, it’s that senior sister’s territory above.”

How to say it.

Hikiya didn’t really want to face each other.

I always feel that communicating too much will cause unnecessary trouble.

Hiqigu leaned against the wall.

Wait patiently.

And then…

5 minutes passed.


Footsteps rang in my ears.

Then a girl named Kitagawa Kaiyume appeared in the teenager’s sight.

See near the corridor. Face bored after Hikigu.

Kitagawa Haimeng was stunned, and then his face showed apologies: “I’m sorry to be a classmate of Biqigu, I made you wait for a long time.” ”

“It’s just that I came a little early.”

Biqigu waved his hand carelessly, looked at Kitagawa Haimeng and said, “So is there something wrong with specifically looking for me?” ”


The originally outgoing Kitagawa couldn’t help but be entangled on his face.

“Hmm… That…”

“It’s just…”

Looking at the twisted Kitagawa Sea Dream.

Hiqigu did not make unwarranted associations towards love.

Hikiya will not feel that the two of them have a brief exchange.

A girl named Kitagawa will like herself.

Although the other party looks a little like that, there is no related scandal in the whole school.

But from time to time, I can hear it from the girl’s friends.

Kitagawa looked frightened and rejected such a thing.

And by simple contact.

Hiqigu also found that the other party has his own opinions and clear goals, so…

“What’s the trouble, so it’s not good to open your mouth and let me help!?”

Think of it this way.

Biqigu also opened his mouth to comfort: “Well, didn’t you also help me before?” ”

“I promised before that I would help you when I could.”

“So, if there is anything to say directly, don’t care.”


Kitagawa raised his head, and his face was already stained with a layer of blush at some point.

It looks delicate and attractive.

“I said, Hikida-san won’t laugh at me, right?”

Joke… What could it be?

Biqigu’s eyes appeared curious: “Don’t worry, I am professionally trained”

“No matter how funny things are, they don’t laugh.”


Kitagawa took a deep breath, and then a serious expression appeared on his face: “Hikitani-san should know Senpai Sakurajima!?” ”

“I want a senpai’s signature, can you help me!?”


Biqigu was stunned, and then couldn’t help but laugh.

The girl looked towards Hichigu with a sad face.

The meaning in his eyes is as if he is saying, “Didn’t you say that no matter how funny things are, you won’t laugh?”

Biqigu said helplessly: “Although this is the case, I really can’t help it, and I can’t help it.” ”


The girl snorted disapprovingly.

“Sorry, sorry.”

Hiqigu waved his hand and continued, “Is it just this thing that you want to get rid of me?” ”

“Wouldn’t it be troublesome?”

Kitagawa lowered his head, and his two hands fiddled back and forth uneasily: “After all, it’s such a big man, it must be difficult to get an autograph, right!?” ”

“On Friday, Hikida-san should also be working part-time and helping to run errands, right!?”

Sure enough, did you see Friday’s business performance?

For this point, Biqigu is not too surprised.

After all, the other party was there at that time.

Just see the red ribbon and don’t you know it at once.

But did such a misunderstanding arise…

Not bad!

“Just save yourself the trouble of making excuses!”

Think of it this way.

Biqigu also smiled and said, “Well, although I am indeed an insignificant part-time worker.” ”

“But there are still acquaintances.”

“Just ask for a signature, no problem.”


Kitagawa eyes lit up, and then he couldn’t help but confirm it again: “Is it really not going to cause any trouble to Bikigu-san?” ”


Hikiya shook his head, and then said with a smile: “If they knew that they all relied on your help that day, I believe that even if they took a photo with Sakurajima-senpai, it should be fine, right?” ”


Kitagawa exclaimed, and even his emotions became very excited.

But the girl quickly calmed down: “As long as you can have a signature!” ”

“It’s really troublesome to take a group photo!!”

“Really? Don’t regret it then!? ”

“Really! I won’t regret it!! ”

Kitagawa nodded seriously.

Then hesitated, and the girl couldn’t help but speak: “………”

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