Chapter 194: Isn’t Kato also a beauty!?!!

A flaw can be found in just one sentence.

It’s a real headache to deal with guys like that.

Hikiya sighed and said helplessly: “As a staff member, isn’t it normal to meet Senpai Sakurajima by chance and ask her for an autograph?” ”

“Is this kind of thing normal~!?”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu looked at Hikiya with a smile.

Biqigu stiffly said: “Even if it is to maintain the character outside, it won’t do anything to us!?” ”

“Is that so?”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu pointed her finger at her chin: “Shouldn’t it be, just because it is a staff member, so you don’t have to care too much about the personality?” ”

“If anyone reveals it, will the job be gone soon!?”

If only that could happen!

Biqigu sighed, his face full of helplessness: “Senpai, you are also too whimsical. ”

“There are so many staff, if they really show their bad side, won’t they be easily exposed?”

“But. I saw what bad news was really exposed on the set, and the fans didn’t believe it. ”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu still smiled.

“That can only be said that either it is deliberately hype, or these guys don’t care about feathers in the first place.”

After a pause, Hiqigu continued: “Like this kind of artist who does not cherish feathers, how far does Senior Sister think their future can go?” ”

“Well, that kind of thing is not something that a small character like me can say.”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu sighed, and a tired expression appeared on her face: “It’s really tiring to deal with you.” ”

“To each other.”

Biqigu complimented the girl, and the words turned.

“Since there is nothing to do, then I won’t bother Senpai during the lunch break.”


Wait until Hichigu disappears from view.

Xiazhiqiu Shi Xiyu couldn’t help but sigh: “It’s really a cunning junior.” ”

“I didn’t get any useful information, but I still owe this guy a favor.”

“But is there a sweet and sour love between a well-known artist and a student on campus?”

“This kind of subject matter is a little old-fashioned, but if you process it… Feeling good!? ”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu fell into deep thought.

All kinds of eccentric x-fetish came to the girl’s mind at this moment.


The smile on the girl’s face gradually perverted.

The other side.

After leaving the rooftop, Hiqigu also thought about the problem.

“Should be… Didn’t expose anything, right? ”

Although Yibi Qigu has had contact with this senior sister these times, he can see that the other party is not a nosy guy.

Even if you really see something, there is a high probability that you will not say anything.

Instead, put it in the bottom of your heart.


“I still don’t want to have any special accidents.”

However, it doesn’t make sense to think about it now.

Hiqigu shook his head to stop himself from continuing his cranky thinking.

Back in the classroom.

Kato watched Hikiya sit down in his place.

If nothing else, he said: “Bi Gu classmates are really cautious.” ”

Hikiya naturally understood the meaning of Kato’s words.

Sighed: “Originally, there was nothing to do with Kitagawa classmates. ”

“If others see it, and some false messages are transmitted, it will cause trouble for Kitagawa classmates.”

“Isn’t it adding trouble to Hikidani-san himself?”

Kato said bad things nonchalantly.

“According to my observations, what are the rumors that Ikitagawa-san’s character will not be taken to heart?”

Kato this guy!

It’s not good for you to be so observant!!

If it were known by others, it would definitely be called “disgusting”!?

Facing the pair of dead fish eyes of Hikigu, Kato said nonchalantly: “Hikidani-san is saying bad things about me in his heart again.” ”

“I didn’t.”


“Biqigu, who is full of lies, can’t be believed.”

Hikiya sighed: “I said Kato, do you have any dissatisfaction with me?” ”

“How do you feel extra targeted!?”

“I’m not a classmate of Bikigu.”

Kato looked away nonchalantly: “To tell the truth, is there anything bad?” ”

Honestly, there’s nothing wrong with that.


“You just looked away!?”

Biqigu complained: “Is there really any dissatisfaction with me!” ”

“No, please don’t talk nonsense.”

Kato turned his head and looked at Hikiya seriously: “It’s just that I think the scenery outside the window is very attractive.” ”

The view from the window is attractive?

Hikiya looked over there.

Isn’t that the same view as usual?

Hasn’t this guy seen enough when he was in a daze in class!?

Kato is also really…

Even telling a lie is so perfunctory.


Hikiya nodded and agreed with the girl’s statement.


Fujimiya walked into the classroom from behind Kato and came to his place and sat down.

Looking at Fujimiya, Hikiya had a thoughtful look in his eyes.

“Is Hikiya thinking about how to talk to Fujimiya-san?”

Kato’s voice rang in his ears.

Interrupted Hikigu’s thinking.

Hearing Kato’s question, Hikiya nodded subconsciously.

Then reacted.

Withdrawing his gaze from Fujimiya, he spoke in a voice that only the two of them could hear, “Isn’t Kato talking about worrying about this child?” ”

“Although I said it, didn’t you take things over your own head than Qiya-san!?”

“Isn’t it what I should do as a friend to solve the troubles of being a friend!”

The opening of Hikigu’s righteous words.

“Is that so?”

Kato stared at Hikidani with suspicion: “But I always feel that Hikidani-san is very positive. ”

“Didn’t you want to do such a thing yourself!?”

“After all, Fujimiya-san is also a beauty, and I don’t understand that Bikiya-san will have special ideas.”

Kato this guy, it’s really…

Hiqigu sighed in his heart: “Please clarify for myself.” ”

“I don’t have any other special ideas.”


“If I have to say, isn’t Kato also a beauty!?”

“Why do I have to leave Kato, who is also a beauty, to contact a stranger who has never spoken before!?”

“But anyone with a normal mind would probably not do such a stupid thing! Towel? ”

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