Chapter 207: Wonderful Fate!!

Face the girl’s doubts.

Bi Qigu opened his mouth angrily: “This sentence is what I want to say, right!” ”

“Why did you move to this place!!”

The girl didn’t pay attention to Hikigu’s complaint.

Instead, he touched his chin and said to himself: “Could it be that as soon as I saw me in the afternoon, Hikigu-san fell in love with me, so he spent his mind and followed me all the way to my new house!?” ”

“I was still in class when you left school in the afternoon!”

“Besides! Don’t say it’s a new house, I don’t know where your old house is!! ”

“Listen to people! Your words!! ”

Hiqigu didn’t hold back the desire to complain.

It’s just that such a “soft” attack is of no use to the girl!

“I actually want to go to my old home! Bikigu-san is unexpectedly bold!! ”

Kazuko Honda sighed: “Unfortunately, I already have someone I like!” ”

“You guy… I don’t listen to anything I say, huh!? ”

Biqigu looked at the girl angrily.

“Oh, didn’t you see living with Hiqigu-san, I was more excited, so I couldn’t help but make a little joke with you!?”

Kazuko Honda came down from the stairs and came to Hikidani’s side and patted him on the shoulder.

“The friend I just made today is still my new neighbor, and it is really incredible that such a good thing can happen in reality!”

It’s incredible.

I don’t know why.

Biqigu inexplicably had a mixed feeling.

“Well, let’s talk about the old things later!”

“I still have some salutes on my side, so I have to be busy for a while!”

Hiqigu couldn’t help but sigh: “Then I’ll help you.” ”

“Huh, that’s not good, right?”

Hear Hikida’s words.

Instead, Kazuko Honda showed a hesitant expression on her face.

“You actually said that we are friends, but what’s wrong with this little favor?”

“Okay then.”

“Trouble you, Hikigu!”

Kazuko Honda had a big smile on her face.

Half an hour later.

Carry the last bit upstairs.

Hikiya wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Subconsciously sighed: “You alone actually have so many things.” ”

“It’s a girl after all!”

Kazuko Honda opened his mouth as a matter of course, and then casually handed Hikiya a bottle of water.


“I’m the one who should say thank you!”

Kazuko Honda glared at Hikiya with a pout, and then sighed: “I didn’t expect it to be on the same floor.” Small”

“There is only one family in between, and the world is really small!”

“Who says it isn’t?”

Hiqigu took a sip of water and nodded approvingly.

There was actually only Miss Xiaolin between the two.

It’s too close.

“Well, let’s pack up and do it later!”

Kazuko Honda clapped his hands and looked at Hikidani, “Can I visit Hikidani’s home next?” ”


“I’ve never heard of such a thing!”

Hikiya righteously wanted to refuse.

It’s just over 6:40 a.m.

It’s not evening yet.

But if it is seen by Miss Xiaolin or Jia Baili.

I always think there will be strange rumors!

“Well, this kind of thing doesn’t matter!”

Kazuko Honda waved her hand carelessly, her blue pupils shining and staring at Hikitani: “Isn’t it normal to visit a friend’s room!?” ”

“Besides, I haven’t thanked you for your help just now!”

“It’s just this little thing, thank you or something is not needed at all.”

Hikigu wanted to refuse.

“You’re mistaken.”

Kazuko Honda placed one hand on her lower abdomen and rested her other hand on it, waving her finger at Hikiya.

“Even if they are friends, after helping each other, it is natural to compensate for other aspects!”

Then Honda Kazuko wrinkled his nose and said unhappily: “Could it be that Bikiya wants me to make you dinner in this house full of clutter?” ”

“Making dinner? When did you decide again!! ”

“Just now! Just now! ”

Kazuko Honda waved his hand, with a “why do you have so many problems” attitude.

“Make dinner and repay Biqigu for today’s help, this proposal is very good, right?”

“Can I refuse?”

“You actually want to refuse a beautiful girl to finish cooking for you!”

Kazuko Honda showed an incredulous expression: “Could it be that what Hikiya likes is actually…”

“… No, my sexual orientation is normal. ”

Hikiya “obliques” the girl with dead fish eyes.

“Then why refuse?”

“Are you sure you can cook?”

Hiqigu had a mistrustful look in his eyes.

“You actually doubt me!”

“The self-esteem of a girl is not allowed to happen like this!!”

This guy is not joking, right!?

No matter how you look at it, I don’t look like a guy who is proficient in cooking!!


This gesture has no reason to stop her at all!

Damn it!!

Hiqigu sighed: “Is it? ”

“Then I’m looking forward to Miss Honda’s work.”

“Leave it to me with confidence!”

Kazuko Honda stood up triumphantly.

Get out of the room.

Passing through Kobayashi’s door, there is a room belonging to Hikigu.

Take out the key and open the door.

Look inside.

“Oh, it’s completely different from what I imagined!”

“I always feel that you guy is thinking of something very rude.”

Bikiya looked at the girl wordlessly.

“There’s no such thing!”

Kazuko Honda denied it without hesitation.

What to say, I always feel that this guy is very similar to him.

“By the way, I haven’t had time to ask, why does Hiqigu live alone?”

“Because my hometown is in Chiba.”

“Hey, did you actually run so far to study!?”

Kazuko Honda showed a surprised expression on her face: “What is so good about this place in Tokyo!” ”

“I can’t deny that.”

“But there are various reasons why I will run so far on purpose!”

Hear the words to delete.

The girl nodded thoughtfully.

“Is there any bitterness?”

“It’s really hard!”

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