Chapter 226 Fool Ke Na!!

Looking at the inexplicably familiar smile on the girl’s face. Hiqigu suddenly realized.

Why do you feel inexplicable familiarity from each other.

“This smile. It’s like Miss Yono finding some interesting toy!! ”

“Obviously such a young child, why does he have such a terrible personality! Biqigu subconsciously exclaimed in his heart. ”


The extremely strong ——— thought of “don’t have anything to do with this guy” came to Hikigu’s mind.

It’s just that…

This is obviously impossible.

I saw that the girl named Rafil turned her eyes and fell on Biqigu’s body. An inexplicable smile appeared on his face: “Excuse me, which of your “family” is this?” ”

The girl slightly accentuated the pronunciation of the word “family”! Hearsay.

Jia Baili also stiffened and raised his hand: “I… My,”

“I didn’t expect it to be Jia Baili’s “family”.”

Ravel smiled meaningfully. After all, the two are friends in middle school. Who doesn’t know who yet?

Look at Jia Baili, who has become “lying”. For some reason, Jafil felt inexplicably happy! Face Rafil’s gaze.

Jia Baili also lowered her head in shame. For Gabrielle, who has not fallen.

The mere fact of “lying” is enough to shake it. Satania on the side didn’t think much about it.

Looking at Rafil, he said, “Eh, I really envy you.” ”

“My words will resume the “tripartite talks” on the weekend, and it is really a headache for Jafil, who just had a happy smile on his face, and his expression is frozen.”

Noticing the expression on the girl’s face. Biqigu’s brain on the side moved. A possibility comes to mind.

Of course.

Because he didn’t want to deal with the other party, Hiqigu had no intention of speaking.

It’s just that there is a chance to trick Jia Baili, and Jafil will obviously not let go of such a plan.

I saw Rafergan smile and responded: “Ahaha, that’s really miserable.” ”

Then his eyes moved and fell on Biqigu and Jia Baili.

He said, “So, isn’t Jia Baili going to introduce your “family” to me?” ”

“That… That one. ”

Jia Baili stammered, but he was too ashamed to say anything for a long time.

“This guy seems to know something.”

Looking at Jafil, a narrow smile appeared on her face.

Hiqigu sighed in his heart and took the initiative: “Hello, I am Jia Baili’s brother, Naïve Hiqigu Hachiman.” ”

Jafil was stunned, obviously not expecting Biqigu to take the initiative to speak.

However, a sweet smile immediately appeared on his face, and he put his hands on his lower abdomen and bowed slightly to Hikigu.

“Hello, I’m Jia Baili’s classmate, White Feather Rafil Endsworth.”

“It’s good if you call me Jafil.”

After a slight pause, the girl continued, “By the way, Jia Baili and I have been very good friends since middle school. ”

“I heard that Jia Baili has a very good brother before, and I finally saw it today.”

“And ask my brother Sang to take more care of him in the future!”


I see.

Because I was an acquaintance in middle school, did I know Jia Baili’s situation very well? Is it a reminder, do you already know everything!?

It’s really a completely different child from Jia Baili. Forget it, a little trouble, a little trouble.

After all, it is to help this guy Jia Baili at the moment, and there will be no contact in the future.

Think like this.

Facing Rafil who was doing various hints.

A smile appeared on Biqigu’s face, and he said flatly, “I also heard Jia Baili often mention your friend.” ”

“Thank you for taking care of Jia Baili on weekdays.”

Rafil was stunned, and the smile on her face couldn’t help but change slightly.

Then it became sweet again: “I didn’t expect Jia Baili to mention me on weekdays.” ”

“After all, they are precious friends, how can they not be mentioned by their family?”

Biqigu opened his mouth indifferently.

Looking at the two who talked like old acquaintances. Jiabaili has a hundred million points in the circle.

“Did I tell Jafil about having a brother in middle school?”

“I shouldn’t have told my seniors about Rafil before, right!?”

So……… It was obviously the first time they met.

Why are these two guys able to communicate without any obstacles!? The simple Jia Baili couldn’t figure it out at all.

In the end, it can only be attributed to the strong “dating ability” of the two.

“By the way, is that the “family” of Jafil’s classmate just now?”

Biqigu idly changed the topic.

Raphael smiled sweetly, and then nodded nonchalantly: “Well.” ”

It’s just that this reply is particularly vague.

“I wonder what the outcome of the Trilateral Talks will be?”

“That’s ah……… Okay, right? ”


Hikiya showed a certain meaningful smile.

He glanced at the girl deeply, but did not continue to speak. Looked at.

Jafiel let out an unwilling sorrow in his heart: “So it has long been seen through!?” ”

“Where did Jia Baili know such a troublesome guy!”

However, seeing that the other party did not have the intention of puncturing himself.

Jafil was still secretly relieved. I was about to take my leave.

But he heard Jia Baili, who had been silent, suddenly speak.

“Huh? Vinet!? ”

I don’t know when, a beautiful girl with purple hair is walking past several people with her head down.

It’s just that the girl is obviously in a daze.

Turning a blind eye to Jia Baili’s greeting. And then……

Under the gaze of several people.

The girl walked straight into the classroom where the “three-way talk” was conducted.


“Winette just entered alone!?”

Satania showed an incredulous expression.


Rafil sighed and nodded with a heavy face. Hearsay.

Satania showed a happy expression on her face and hurriedly said, “It seems that I am not the only one who will have a second “three-way talk” on the weekend!” ”

“Yes… Oh, yes! ”

Rafil maintained a fake smile on her face. Perfunctory nodded.

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