Chapter 230 Weekend, Sudden Trouble!!

Time is rushing.

Fast forward to Saturday.

Three days have passed since Jia Baili’s “three-way talks”.

When she returned that night, Jia Baili looked particularly depressed. However, Hikiya did not offer any comfort to the girl.

Some things don’t need to be enlightened by others. Instead, you have to figure it out and understand. to be completely solved! And the next morning.

Deliberately went out in advance, and happened to meet Jia Baili.

Hikiya also noticed that the girl’s face reappeared with a smile. It’s just that the smile is still a little confused.

But through a short conversation.

But Hikiya could see that the girl was trying to think about the answer to yesterday.

And knowing this. ら。

I didn’t continue to think about it.

Hikida, who got on the subway, couldn’t help but sigh.

“It’s obviously a weekend, but I have to get up early and go to work.”

“This kind of social animal-like daily life is really painful.”

Get out of the car.

Hikiya also came to the “Little Bird Travel Office” very quickly.

The entire firm, today’s staff in China is only 12 people. Because I’ve been here for a lot of days.

They are also very familiar with each other.

Of course, it is only to maintain the superficial familiarity in that working state. Privately, Biqigu did not have much communication with these people.

First, the character is like this.

Second, these guys are not as friendly to Hiqigu as they seem.

“It’s obviously a firm that can go bankrupt at any time, and there are so many hearts and eyes.”

“This is really…”

Of course. Hikiya also knows.

The so-called bankruptcy is imminent.

With the ability of Little Bird to play, as long as she is willing to work hard, this office will not collapse.

But this kind of thing is clearer than Qigu, but it doesn’t mean that these guys can understand. So…

Will make all kinds of intrigue moves, it can be said that these guys subconsciously move.

For such a guy, Biqigu is naturally not interested in looking at it. Greeted each other.

After the surface work is in place.

Hikiya sat down in his place. Turn on your computer.

Expertly brew a cup of coffee.

Hikidani returned to the computer, ready to start today’s work.

It’s just that………

Hikigu, who had just sat down in his seat for less than two minutes. Your phone suddenly prompts you to receive an email.

Hikidu picked up his phone and saw the caller who gave him a headache.

Little Bird Spinning: “This time should have arrived for Biqigu-kun, right?” If I don’t arrive, I’ll have to deduct my salary!?”

Hikiya sighed.

Then he replied expressionlessly: “If I can solve the problem by deducting wages, can I not come in the future?”

Little Bird Play: “Of course not.”

“If I do that, I’ll add more time to the original contract?”

Hikigu: “So, what’s going on?”

Little Bird Play: “Let’s talk about the specifics in my office first.”

“Is there any trouble to hand over to me again!?”

“What an excessive.”

Life is not easy, Biqigu sighed.

Despite complaining, but now as the other party’s employee. Naturally there is no reason to refuse.

Come to the office of Little Bird Playspin.

It is obviously the other party’s office, but this place is more familiar than Qigu’s office environment.

The reason………

“This guy likes to instruct people so much!”

Think of it this way.

Biqigu also opened his mouth with an unkind expression: “So the president, I came here specifically because my recent work has not been handled well, or is there something else!” ”

“Well, I’ve always been very satisfied with Biqigu-kun’s work ability!”

Little Bird Youfang smiled complimented. It’s just that Biqigu obviously doesn’t eat this set. Expressionless expressionless opening: “So? ”

“Please don’t waste time.”

“Eh! I didn’t expect Biqigu-kun to be so dedicated! ”

Facing Biqigu’s increasingly unkind eyes.

The little bird Youfang was also unable to resist, and couldn’t help but smile bitterly and said: “If this is actually the case, then I won’t talk nonsense anymore…”

“There is an event today, because the agents of those two guys are a little troublesome, so I can only ask you!”

“This aspect should not be in the content of our contract, right?”

Biqigu asked rhetorically.

Little Bird Youfu smiled bitterly and said, “Well, that’s right.” ”

“But I’m just asking Hikigu-kun as a friend from a personal point of view to help me with this.”

“And not because of the contract we made earlier.”

What the hell is the identity of a friend!?

When did we become friends!! Hiqigu couldn’t help but complain in his heart.

It’s just the extremely weak eyes of the bird at this moment. These words came to his lips, but he couldn’t say them anyway.

Hiqigu sighed: “I didn’t expect that someone as smart as you would actually be played by others one day.” ”

“Well, I’m just a slightly savvy woman.”

Little Bird Youfang shook his head, and a bitter smile appeared on his face: “Isn’t it normal to be played by others!?” ”

“If you want me to say it, you’re just too confident.”

Biqigu did not hesitate to complain.


Little Bird Youfang smiled, then looked at Hiqigu and said, “So, can you help me with this?” Hiki Gu-kun. ”

“If it’s as a friend, I refuse.”

Hikiya spoke, not waiting for Little Bird Youfang to show a disappointed expression, and continued, “But as your employee, obeying the boss’s arrangements is what I should do.” ”

Hearing these words of Hiqigu.

Little Bird Youfeng’s face couldn’t help but show a shallow smile, as if silently saying, “I knew you would agree.”

Faced with such a look, Hikiya couldn’t help but look away.

I didn’t care about this little bird playing, but smiled and said: “It seems that there is nothing wrong with being too confident, right?” ”

“It’s not good at all, it adds unnecessary trouble to me.”

Hikidu sighed and didn’t continue on the topic.

He said, “So the specific location, time, what do you need me to do?” ”

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