Chapter 236: The Legend Begins!!

“And I have collected all this relevant intelligence.”

“Then you just have to do what I arrange.”

“Not to mention that you can achieve good results, but there should be no problem passing the primary.”

So it says.

Biqigu couldn’t help but sigh: “After all, there is not enough money as support, and I can only use this method.” ”

Hear Hikigu’s explanation.

Zhong Lanzhu showed an incredible expression after a short thought.

“This is all you observed in just a few hours today!?”

“Let’s put it that way.”

Although there is also Kato’s help.

But there’s no need to tell these guys about that. It’s not that Biqigu wants to show off anything. It’s just that.

“I always think that talking about other girls or something at this time will be a big problem!”

Think like this.

Biqigu is also firm in his determination not to tell these guys. And hear Hikida’s answer.

Zhong Lanzhu is even more absolutely incredible. Although it is not done to do such a thing.

But the girl can also think of the difficulty!

Not to mention doing it in such a short period of time!

“Is this guy really a high school student!?”

Still a high school student who is one level shorter than himself and has just entered high school!!

Of course.

Consider the difficulty involved.

Zhong Lanzhu did not intend to fully believe Biqigu’s words.

But the girl also did not think that the other party would joke about such a thing. After all

“At this time, if you say big words, and then don’t achieve it, you can feel what an embarrassment it will be just thinking about it!” Of course.

The girl had no intention of saying this. Just silently keep it in your heart.

Wait until the final result to make a decision.

Mai Sakurajima on the side is much more direct.

He simply exclaimed: “It’s really Kappa, junior-kun!” ”

“You can actually do this in a short period of time!”

“I suddenly understand why Miss Little Bird You asked you to help!”

“I also have a question about this guy to find out.”


Hiqigu also spoke, “Do you have any questions?” ”

“If not, don’t waste time!?”

“Well, I don’t have any doubts from beginning to end. Mai Sakurajima smiled. ”

Zhong Lanzhu pouted and said, “I’m sorry, it’s me who talks too much.” ”

“I’m guilty of wasting time.”

“It’s not going to that extent.”

“Besides, I didn’t mean to blame you.”

Biqigu scratched his head and continued, “Anyway, let’s take action now!?” ”

Several people promised to come down.

Under the leadership of Biqigu, the two also quickly arrived at their destination.

“Is this where you chose?”

Looking around, Zhong Lanzhu couldn’t help but say in confusion. Biqigu said calmly: “Just believe me.” ”



The girl nodded and stopped speaking.

At the moment, the position of several people is on the second floor. But the only thing that is more unique is this.

In the location chosen by Biqigu, there is a large platform. And in front of the platform is not the common escalator in the mall. Just the usual stairs.

At present, many pedestrians walk through the stairs to the second floor of the store. Besides.

There’s also a huge screen behind this. Of course.

It’s just that these are not the reasons why Hiqigu chose here.

“There are two entrances and exits of commercial districts on both sides.”

“At the same time, it is also the place with the highest flow of people at this time of day. Because it’s closer to dinner at the moment. ”

And the main selling point in this neighborhood is in the food and drink. So the flow of people is the largest, and there are no surprises.

Foot traffic aside.

“This place is also a place where those guys often choose to sit for business performances.”

“So some of the equipment is also very complete.”

Think like this.

Hikiya looked at the girl named Zhong Lanzhu.

A somewhat complicated expression appeared on his face: “Say that. Is the first “Eutopia” serious about today’s opening? ”

The girl was stunned at first.

Then he reacted, revealing an unhappy expression: “Huh? ”

“Are you questioning my professionalism!?”

“Not really.”

Biqigu decisively vetoed.

It’s just that.

“Can such shameful words really be said in front of so many people!?”

Of course.

Such a spit is natural that Biqigu will only think about it in his heart.

Saying it to my own face is impossible with the emotional intelligence of a teenager. Don’t say that the two are not familiar, even if they are very familiar, he can’t do such a thing!

“So, any questions about the song?”

“No problem!”

Hikiya showed a reluctant smile: “I just think this song is very good for today’s opening party!” ”


This cold snort seemed to express the girl’s displeasure.

But if you can see the proud expression on Zhong Lanzhu’s face, and the eyes that “count you know”.

You can see that the other party is arrogant again! Didn’t take care of the girl.

Hiqigu turned away and began to contact nearby staff. Because the appointment was made in advance.

Therefore, after some operation, it is also extremely fast. Soon.

Hikiya returned to the girls.

Hand a headset to a girl named Zhong Lanzhu: “Then the next performance will be handed over to you.” ”

“Then you can keep your eyes open and take a good look!”

Zhong Lanzhu put the headset on, and a confident expression appeared on her face. Take a deep breath.

The girl walked gracefully and confidently to the center of the platform.

“Junior-kun, is there any problem?”

“Look at your expression with a bit of a headache.”

Mai Sakurajima walked over to Hikiya’s side with a shallow smile on her face. Biqigu sighed: “Is it so obvious?” ”

“Of course.”

“I’m just thinking about how to pretend I don’t know this guy next.”


Mai Sakurajima said inexplicably: “Why!?” ”

“Don’t you know the guy’s opening words about Eutopia?”

“I don’t know.”

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