Chapter 240 Little Bird Youfang was broken by Biqigu!!

Hikigu glanced at the water cup in front of him.

Then silently took it in front of him and drank it. Put down the water cup.

Hikiya looked directly at Mai Sakurajima, and said with sharp eyes, “I need an explanation!” ”

“It’s a horrible expression.”

Saying this, Little Bird Youfang couldn’t help but smile: “So what explanation does Biqigu-kun want?” ”

Biqigu was silent for a moment and said, “You should understand what I mean. ”

“Even if you understand, isn’t it very troublesome to guess?”

Little Bird Youfang sighed, his face showing exhaustion: “With the relationship between you and me, there is no need for this. ”

We don’t have anything to do with each other! Biqigu complained in his heart.

One side said, “Then I’ll say it directly.” ”

“You should have known the initial requirements of the program team in advance, right!?”

“Sure enough, you can see it.”

“What a terrible kid.”

Little Bird Youbo smiled bitterly and sighed: “That’s right. ”

“I do know, so what’s wrong!?”

Confirmed the guess in my heart.

The expression on Qigu’s face was even colder: “So I can understand that the so-called agent is lying to me when the situation occurs!?” ”

Hear this.

Little Bird Youfunlu looked stunned.

Then he couldn’t help but smile bitterly: “No wonder I’ve been cold since I came back, is it because of this?” ”

The bird’s reaction made Hiqigu stunned. Did I guess wrong!?

Such a thought subconsciously appeared in the heart. Then it was denied by Hiqigu without hesitation.


“How can there be such a coincidence!”

See Biqigu has no say.

Little Bird Youfang could only take the initiative to explain: “Because it’s too coincidental, letting you be the agent of two people just happens to be able to play all your abilities.” ”

“So you think this is a trap I deliberately set for you to help you, right?”

Hikiya did not speak.

But that expression was already acquiescing to the words of the bird playing.

“It seems that sometimes too smart is not good.”

So it says.

Little Bird Youfang rubbed his head and explained, “I wouldn’t do such a thing.” ”

“Although I really want you to take the initiative to help, I will not force it if you are not willing.”

“So how do you explain today’s incident?”

Little Bird Youfang smiled: “Remember what I told you before, right?” ”

“No matter how difficult the situation is in the firm now, I will still provide the resources that should be available.”

“Today, according to the original plan, it is for the two of them to set up a stage in the most crowded place to obtain the qualification for promotion.”

Hear this.

Biqigu’s face showed obvious confusion: “Then why?” ”

“Because I trust that guy so much.”

Little Bird Youfang sighed: “Because there are not enough people, all the relevant matters in this regard are handed over to that guy……… That is, their agents are responsible. ”

“Whether it’s looking for the engineering team, or the contact information of the engineering team, and the deposit that needs to be paid.”

“It’s all in that guy’s hands.”

“That’s why when that guy offered to leave this morning, I was so helpless.”

“Please on your head.”

Hikigu looked at the bird with strange eyes. Feel the strange sight of Hikigu.

This mature woman’s rare cheeks were slightly red: “What for!” ”

“Don’t look at me with this “Are you stupid?” look!!”

“What’s wrong with trusting others!!”

“It’s right to trust people.”

“But before you trust each other thoroughly, you always have to verify whether you can deserve this trust!?”

Hiqigu answered without hesitation.

Little Bird Youfang said angrily: “That’s an old man who has been in the company for a few years.” ”

“Even such a guy, I can’t give enough trust, so who should I trust!?”


Hichigu was silent.

Looking at the bird with a pitiful puppy’s gaze.

“What for! This look!! ”

“Are you pitying me!?”

Little Bird Youfang broke its defense again under Hikigu’s eyes…

“I just think that even the old man who has been in the company for several years will backstab you.”

“I can’t help but think about what an excessive boss is so miserable!”

Hikiya shrugged.

A rare smile on his face.

“If I overdo it, can you make it so easy!?”

Little Bird Youfang glanced at Biqigu with a white look.

Biqigu retorted without hesitation: “Where am I relaxed?” ”

“Every weekend I work diligently to complete the various tasks that have been set.”

“Sometimes I even have to do things beyond the scope of my accusations!!”

Faced with Hiqigu’s complaint.

Little Bird Youfeng’s face was slightly red, and he was rarely a little embarrassed: “That. How about I give you a raise? ”


Biqigu vetoed without hesitation. Joke!

He is now a popular author of millions of best-selling light novels.

Is it the people who lack this little salary!?

Just now the big string on the tail of the card…

Biqigu has no doubt that even if he is rotten for ten years, he will not have any problems!

“Then I’ll give you a holiday tomorrow?”

“Okay, that’s it!”

Biqigu agreed without hesitation.


Little Bird Youfang looked confused.

For some reason, there is always the illusion that this little guy in front of me who is ten years younger than himself is under the illusion of what’s going on?

“Okay, I’ve got the answer I want, and it’s so hard today.”

“Don’t bother Miss Little Bird You!”

“Plus again!”

Hikiya doesn’t give Bird Youbo time to refuse.

Sure enough, he said goodbye, and then opened the door of the room without hesitation. In the case that the bird playhosen did not react at all, it went out of it.

“This guy.”

The bird Youfang came to his senses and scolded with a smile. Then.

The mobile phone came with a “Dididi” sound. The little bird subconsciously looked over.

I saw that there was a text message on it.

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