Chapter 256 gives this guy a little good look!!

Looking at the back of Hikiya in the distance.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu’s eyes flowed, and she didn’t know what she was thinking in her heart.

Then a faint smile appeared on his face: “What an interesting guy.” ”

The feeling of being ignored like this was also because of this guy last time.

“I just don’t know if this guy is making an excuse or if something really happened.”

Come to think of it.

A sly smile appeared on the girl’s face: “Anyway, don’t you just follow up and take a look?” ”

With a heart move, Kasumigaoka Shiyu looked at Hikigu, who had already walked to the door of the library.

He also followed from behind without hesitation.

The other side.

Hiqigu didn’t pay attention behind him.

Because I was more worried that Futaba Riyang would be taken to a more remote place by those guys taking advantage of this time difference.

As a result, no one could be found in the end, leaving Futaba Rio harmed.

Therefore, the speed of Biqigu is also very fast.

And after coming out of the library.

Hikiya also looked at the three people, and surrounded Futaba Riyang with a smug smile on his face.

Biqigu was slightly relieved.

Not close to the past.

According to the plan, as long as the girl is always in her field of vision, it is enough

In the distance, Yibi Qigu’s sight could only barely see the three people’s mouths moving.

It should be something that Futaba Rio said.

And the girl’s face also showed a look of fear at the right time.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu, who followed from behind, followed Hikiga’s line of sight and with her wisdom, just by looking at it, she almost understood

What’s the situation right now.

“Is this what Junior Junior said?”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu spoke, but her face was thoughtful.

From what Hiqigu said at the beginning, it can be seen that the other party has long known that there will be such a show.

Otherwise, it is impossible to explain what was said at the beginning.


Why did the other party know in the first place?

The sound in my ears made Bi Qi more from the glue back to the line of sight.

Looking at the girl beside her with a thoughtful face.

Biqigu couldn’t help sighing: “Is Senior Sister stalking me?” ”

“It’s not yo~”

A faint smile appeared on Kasumigaoka Shiyu’s face: “I just planned to come out of it to breathe.” ”

“I didn’t think about seeing Junior Junior at the door.”

Is it breathable…

A good excuse indeed.

Hiqigu was about to explain casually.

I saw that several people not far away had begun to move.

“Just like Senpai saw, I’m busy now, if there are any problems, I’ll talk about it later.”

Finish talking.

Hikiya didn’t wait for Kasumigaoka Shiyu to answer, and followed the past for the first time.

“Is there anything else going on with Senpai?”

Hikiya looked at Kasumigaoka Shiyu who was following him and couldn’t help but sigh.

“Well, it just so happens that I don’t have anything to do now, and I’m a little curious about what Junior Jun said.”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu smiled and intoned, “I want to witness history myself more than listening to the oral relay of my junior junior afterwards.” ”

This guy………

I used to use excuses to cover up, but now I don’t even look for excuses at all.

Although you want to refuse.

But the legs grow on the other party, even if they refuse to follow with the other party’s personality, they will not hesitate to follow.


“Follow me, don’t trouble me, and don’t do anything superfluous.”

Biqigu spoke in a cold tone.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu smiled carelessly: “Don’t worry.” ”

“I’ll be a good spectator and won’t do anything superfluous.”

And under the girl’s heart, she thinks in her own way.

“Is there really something planned in it?”


“Is there an accomplice, or is Junior Junior himself discovering, so he carried out the action!?”

While thinking about the problem, Shiyu Kasumigaoka who followed Hiki Valley also came to the shadow position at the back of the teaching building.

Hichigu glanced inside.

Seeing that the four people were inside, Hikiya retracted his gaze.

A deep groan.

Hiqigu locked an angle, and Hiqigu threw out a black ball without moving.

“What is it?”

Noticing Hiki Gu’s movements, Kasumigaoka Shiwa revealed a curious gaze. Hikiya did not answer the girl’s question.

Just took out a pair of headphones from his arms, handed one of them to Kasumigaoka Shiyu, and then gestured with his eyes to the other party to load the headphones.

Despite a little confusion, the girl obediently put on the headphones.

And Biqigu also put on another earphone.

Then an unfamiliar female voice also entered the ears of the two.

“……… How? Weren’t you crazy before!? ”

“Why don’t you talk now!?”

Then there was another contemptuous laugh from the headphones.

Compared to before, this voice is a little thicker.

“Hehe, think that if we hide from Song, we will take you without calendar!?”


The last person spoke: “Agree to our previous request, and I can promise not to embarrass you.” ”

It was also at this time.

Futaba Riyo, who had been silent, finally spoke: “Request? ”

“I don’t understand what you’re talking about.”

“Idiot you!? Forget so quickly?? ”

“Hey, just such a memory, is this guy’s grades really okay!?”


The three of them became uncertain for a while.

Listen to a black line than Qigu.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu was also speechless for a while.

He whispered on the side: “Are these guys’ brains really okay?” ”

At the same time, he looked curiously at Hiqigu beside him.

Whether it is the props just taken out, or the game set up at the moment.

It all made him feel a burst of curiosity.

With the wisdom of Kasumigaoka Shiyu, he obtained several pieces of information through his own observation.

At the moment, of course, you can see what the situation is.

It is also clear that it is such a good situation.

However, for Kasumigaoka Shiyu’s curiosity, Hikiya did not pay attention.

Because the sound coming from the headphones has changed again!

“Damn guys! Dare to ask us!! I mean the midterm exam answer!! ”

“Or not… Give this guy a little good look!? ”

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