Chapter 261: The Mother of the Mother, Biqigu,!?!!

“Isn’t it too easy just to this extent!?”

Wait until the three of them come out of the shadows.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu couldn’t help but speak.


Biqigu couldn’t help but glance at the other party.

“Isn’t it?”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu said of course: “Just let them drop out of school, and by the way, promise never to do such a thing again in the future.” ”

“Plus apologize to those they bullied before.”

The last one is the condition that Biqigu added incidentally when he is about to leave at the end.

“It’s just that to this extent, those children who have been hurt by them, those painful memories will not be lost by this!”

“So what kind of punishment does Senpai think should be inflicted on them, so that it is not easy?”

Hiqigu asked rhetorically.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu was stunned.

Then frowned and pondered, shook his head after a moment, and said with a bitter smile: “I don’t know.” ”

Although it has such an attribute as a poisonous tongue.

But Kasumigaoka Shiwa is also a kind child herself.

If you really want her to think of a more cruel punishment, you can’t imagine it.

So in the end, it also turned into a sigh.

Then he rolled his eyes and waited for Hiqigu: “Isn’t this the plan you want.” ”

“Why do you want to think of the means of punishment!?”

“Anyway, I just think these practices you said are too simple.”


Didn’t I say anything about my punishment before?

Didn’t you say it was too easy for me to make you think!? Biqigu was speechless.

Of course.

Knowing how unreasonable women are, Bikiya does not plan to entangle with each other more on this kind of matter.

Just calmly explained: “You actually know that those painful memories can’t be erased no matter what.” ”

“Then what’s the point of letting them get cruel punishment!?”

“I don’t like this!”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu stared at Hikiya with a huff.


Futaba Riyo, who had never spoken, also said weakly: “That……… I also think that Biqigu’s methods are too gentle! ”

“For those who have been hurt, painful memories will not be lost.”

“But if they are punished more severely, those who have been hurt will also be happier when they know about it!?”

“Besides, who knows if they’ll keep their promises in the end!?”

“Even you think so.”

Hikiya sighed and said, “But…”

“In my opinion, such punishment is enough.”

“If you want to say the reason, as long as we have evidence in our hands, those guys will not dare to come here.”

“After all, from the fact that I can get their past information, they should be able to understand that even after leaving this school, I still have the ability to pay attention to them.”

“So……… Whenever they think of someone secretly weighing their words and deeds, they will always be shrouded in the shadow of fear! ”

Speaking of which.

Biqigu paused, and then continued: “Besides.” ”

“If you really put forward too strict conditions, do you think that with the character of those guys, you will really be obedient!?”

“It’s a big deal that the fish are dead and the net is broken.”

“And these three conditions, dropping out of school is not painful for them at all, they only need to have an early relationship to enter other schools.”

“As for not continuing violence, it’s just to reduce a bad taste.”

“As for apologizing like someone who hurt… This kind of thing, at most, will only make them feel that they can’t get by in face. ”

After listening to Hikigu’s explanation.

The faces of the two women were also sudden.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu looked at Hikiya with a slightly amazed gaze.

“So it is.”

“In addition to these three punishments, is secret fear also one of them!?”

“It was worthy of the plan you came up with, it turned out to be considered to this extent from the beginning.”

Futaba Riyang also exclaimed: “It’s really powerful than Qigu!” ”

Exaggeration for two women.

Hikiya smiled calmly, and there was no too extravagant expression on his face.

Only look far.

In fact.

Biqigu didn’t tell the two people in front of him a little.

That is…

“I believe you won’t be satisfied with such a result, right??”

“Then the rest will be left to you…”

To what Miss Yang Nai said before.

Hiqigu has not forgotten.

“If I’m not satisfied with the result, I’ll do it myself!” That’s with that in mind.”

Biqigu will only do this to the end.

He is not a Virgin.

For these abusers, Biqigu has no sympathy.

It’s just that………

“After all, I’m just an ordinary student.”

“That’s enough.”

With this in mind.

Biqigu also silently withdrew his gaze.

Look at Futaba Rio beside him.

“Today’s incident is really troublesome for you.”

“I’m really sorry to hurt you!”

“No, nothing!”

Hearing Hikigu’s words, Futaba Rio came to his senses.

Waving his hand in a panic: “If you want to say sorry, it should be me.” ”

“I obviously agreed to Biqigu-san, but I still made my own opinion, such a mess.”

Biqigu shook his head: “Not realizing this is already my mistake.” ”

“Anyway, I owe you a favor this time, if there is anything you need help with in the future, just open your mouth.”

“Hmm……… There is no need to be so polite than Biqigu. ”

Saying this, the girl’s cheeks reddened slightly, and she muttered in only her own voice: “I am already very happy to be able to help Biqigu.” ”

“What did you say!?”

Bikiya looked at the girl in confusion.

Futaba Riyang shook his head in a panic: “No… It’s nothing! ”

“In short, there is no need to be so polite than Qigu!”


Hikigu nodded noncommittally.

As for what he thinks in his heart, only he knows it.

“It’s really ruthless than Junior Qigu.”

At this time, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu on the side interjected: “Obviously, people also help, but they don’t say a word!” ”

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