Chapter 266: Happy Yang Nai!!

Hear Miss Yang Nai’s answer.

Hikidu couldn’t help but roll his eyes.

He didn’t think the other party was just talking.

With the ability and character of the other party, even if he really does this kind of thing, it is not surprising at all than Qigu.


“It’s really a faux pas.”

Yang Nai pouted and pretended to be dissatisfied: “Is my sister such an image in Biqigu’s heart?” ”

Hikiya did not entangle with Yang Nai on this issue.

Instead, he said, “So how is Miss Yang Nai going to punish those guys!?” ”


Yang Nai pointed his index finger at his chin, a serious thinking look on his face.

Then he showed a bright smile: “This is good.” ”

“Just let those guys’ parents go bankrupt and become ordinary people from then on, what do you think!?”

“Miss Yang Nai is really terrifying.”

Biqigu couldn’t help but sigh.

“Horror or something, no?”

“My sister is very kind!”

So it says.

A faint smile also appeared on Yang Nai’s face under the snow.

For these words, Hiqigu is naturally a punctuation mark and will not believe it.

This guy is merciful!?

Even if it is really like what was said before, directly solving those three people is probably several times better than this situation!?

The reason why those guys don’t pay attention to dropping out of school is because of the power in the family.

Anyway, they go everywhere to study, and dropping out of school or something doesn’t matter to them at all.


What if they don’t have a so-called background!? The answer, of course, is self-evident.


The lives of the three will also fall from heaven to hell.

Everything that was easily enjoyed in the past will now become a fantasy.

Such a gap is definitely difficult for these guys to face.


“From now on, even the lives of ordinary people will become a luxury for those guys, right?”

Hikigu didn’t believe that Miss Yang Nai would stop letting those guys go bankrupt.

“Probably a lot of debt.”

And those guys’ later lives will also become constantly working hard and rushing to pay off debts.

It was as if he noticed a change in Hikigu’s eyes.

Yang Nai couldn’t help but chuckle and spoke: “Why, did Hikigu start to sympathize with those guys?” ”

“Why sympathize with those guys?”

Biqigu’s face showed obvious puzzlement.

“That’s right.”

Yang Nai smiled, and then opened his mouth with a bad heart: “It’s all Biqigu’s fault that it will become like this.” ”

“I thought you would think so.”

Hiqigu couldn’t help but look at Yang Nai with a caring “fool” gaze, and complained: “Why do I think like this? ”

“Isn’t all this done by Miss Yang Nai? And what does it have to do with me!? ”


“If Bi Qigu completed my sister’s task well, wouldn’t such a thing happen!?”

Yang Nai looked meaningfully at Hiqigu in front of him.

“So in a way, isn’t it your fault that those guys are so miserable?”

“It’s not.”

Bi Qigu opened his mouth angrily: “Can Miss Yang Nai not change the concept casually?” ”

“Obviously, you yourself want to punish that guy, please don’t blame me for everything.”

“Besides, I’m just a student, what can I do to satisfy you?”

“Such as directly sniping at the company of those three people? Or assassinate their families or something!? ”

Biqigu spat with a black line: “Where do you come from as a business genius and a genius assassin!” ”


“I thought it could be done if it was Hikigu.”

“What the hell is it in such a disappointed tone!?”

“I can’t do this kind of thing! It should be said that it is impossible for normal people to do it. ”


Yang Nai chuckled softly.

Looked at.

Biqigu also calmed down: “In short, no matter what Miss Yang Nai does, it has nothing to do with me. ”

“It’s even more irrelevant to me that those guys will get such punishment.”

“It’s really cold, Hiqigu.”

Yang Nai smiled, and then did not continue to entangle on this… took the initiative to change the subject: “That’s right.” ”

“How’s the matter with Fujimiya?”

Biqigu couldn’t help but show a headache expression.

Yang Nai couldn’t help but smile: “It’s really incredible, Biqigu can actually show such an expression.” ”

“Is Fujimiya’s problem so troublesome?”

Hikiya did not answer this question directly, but asked rhetorically: “About that guy in Fujimiya, I don’t know what information Miss Yono has?” ”

“Oh? Did you actually ask me rhetorically!? ”

Yang Nai smiled, and then said, “If you are asking me for help, I can tell Hikigu the information I have.” ”

“This way.”

Hiqigu nodded: “Please also ask Miss Yang Nai to help.” ”


Yang Nai was stunned.

Obviously, Biqigu’s response to asking for help without the slightest hesitation was beyond Yang Nai’s expectations.

However, Yang Nai quickly smiled and said, “I didn’t expect that Biqigu would take the initiative to find someone to help.” ”

“If you can’t solve it by your own ability, then ask others for help.”

“Isn’t this kind of thing normal?”

Biqigu opened his mouth nonchalantly: “Or does Miss Yang Nai think I’m the kind of guy who wants to lose face!?” ”

Yang Nai smiled and did not answer Hikigu’s question.

Instead, he said, “In that case, I’ll keep my promise and tell Hikigu what I know.” ”

“Fujimiya’s amnesia is intermittent.”

Saying this, Yang Nai also observed Hikigu’s expression.

“It seems that you have discovered this too.”

Yang Nai smiled and continued, “And this interval is a week, and it will be reset every Monday…”

“Do you even know?”

Seeing that Biqigu’s face did not show any abnormal color.

The smile on Yang Nai’s face was also even brighter: “But…”

“I just don’t know if you know the next information.”

Biqigu’s eyes froze, revealing a serious look.

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