Chapter 268 is called “Mercy” Gaze!!

“It’s really…”

Hikiya sighed.

There was helplessness on his face.

Although it is not incomprehensible to the thoughts of several young girls.

After all, several people had poor results before this.

Sudden counseling.

It’s normal to feel uneasy about what kind of results you will get on the next exam.

Of course.

It is not so much uneasiness as it can also be said that it is because of great expectations for it.

It is precisely because of the fact that I have a very strong expectation of what I can achieve.

That’s why I’m apprehensive about it.


Without any expectations, few people will not be nervous about an hour like the exam.

Face the expectant gazes of several people.

Hikigu also took out the “winning magic weapon” that he had prepared long ago from the backpack behind him!

Yesterday’s papers were handed to several people in turn.

Biqigu said lightly, “Worried about tomorrow’s exam?” ”

“Then look at your results yesterday.”

“Although compared to the normal exam, this test paper is also much simplified.”

“But the above content is the core, and if you can score on it, there is no problem during the exam.”

Hearing these words of Hiqigu.

Several people also subconsciously turned their eyes to the test paper in their hands.



“I said Yotsuba, what the hell are you called!!”

Erno rubbed his sore ears and looked at Yotsuba beside him dissatisfiedly.

Yotsuba smiled embarrassedly at Erno.

Then he raised the test paper in his hand with great excitement: “Look, look!” ”

“78 minutes!!”

“It’s incredible that I can get such a high score!!!

Hearing Yotsuba’s words, Ernai’s face changed slightly.

Then, after taking a look at the scroll in his hand, the original apprehension turned into pride.



“It’s only 78 points, Yotsuba is so excited.”

Yotsuba looked at Ernai unconvinced: “I actually said “that’s all.” ”

“And how many points is that Ernai!?”

“Not much, it’s 83 points.”

Despite the calmness of the performance.

But the pride in the words could not be hidden.


Yotsuba showed an unwilling expression: “Erno can actually get 78 points!” If I had given me a little more time, I would definitely be able to score higher than Ernai! ”

“What is it called “Ernai can get 78 points”.

Erno couldn’t help but roll his eyes: “When you were stupid enough to help those annoying guys work for free, sister, I have been working hard.” ”


Yotsuba was overwhelmed and let out a grief.

Then his eyes turned to look at Ichihana.

“And how many points is that flower!?”

“This time is definitely higher than Ichihana! After all, Yihua works hard for the artist, and usually has little time to study!! ”

Ichihana smiled and didn’t answer Yotsuba’s question.

Spread out your own test paper directly.

See the score above.

Yotsuba suffered another heavy blow: “How… How can it be! ”

“Why can Yihua score 80 points!!”

Sanjiu rolled his eyes and said angrily: “Even if you are working hard for the artist, Yihua usually has time to study.” ”

“You think it’s all like you!?”


Siye let out an unwilling cry of grief and looked at Sanjiu with teary eyes.

“What about Sanjiu!?”

“What is Sanjiu’s score?”

“I’m afraid you can’t withstand the blow, so forget it.”

Say so.

Sanjiu silently put the test paper on the table with his face back.

Ernai on the side was quick in his eyes and grabbed the test paper.

“Hum, it’s hand~”

Sanjiu’s face changed slightly: “Give it back to me.” ”

Er Nai waved the test paper in his hand at Sanjiu, and said with a smile: “There is no need to hide this kind of thing at all.” ”

“Let me see your score.”

“I want to see it too, I want to see it too!!”

Siye leaned over and said with a smile: “Shouldn’t Sanjiu have a very low score, so don’t you dare to show us!?” ”

Hear Yotsuba’s words.

Sanjiu pouted angrily and said coldly: “Hmph, if you want to see it, then look at it.” ”

“But… Damn it!! ”

“Why is Sanjiu’s score so high!!”

And after seeing the score.

The second is an opening in disbelief.

Yotsuba also couldn’t help but complain on the side: “It’s too exaggerated!” ”

“Aren’t everyone learning the same!?”

“Why can Sanjiu get 90 points!!”

“So I told you not to look at it.”

Sanjiu’s qi came and went quickly.

Watch the interaction of the two living treasures.

His face couldn’t help but show a little helplessness.

As for the words of May.

Always on the side with an aunt smile silently watching several people.

“What about May!?”

“What’s the score in May!!”

Eager to regain his self-confidence, Yotsuba couldn’t help but turn his spearhead at May.

Suddenly brought up.

May couldn’t help but exclaim: “Huh!? ”

“May let me see your score.”

Yotsuba leaned in front of May and opened his mouth with a grin.

May’s face showed panic, and she waved her hand and stammered, “Also… Let’s not look at it. ”

“What’s there~”

“Even if you do poorly in May, I won’t laugh at you~”

“Nope… It’s not because of that kind of thing. ”

May waved her hand.

“Why is that?”


Facing the questioning of Yotsuba, May couldn’t help but let out a cry of sorrow.

And Yotsuba also took the opportunity to grab May’s roll.

“Hey, hey~to hand~”

Yotsuba waved the scroll in his hand at Ernai and said proudly, “Ernai, do you want to know the score of May?” ”

“Don’t want to!”

Ernai decisively refused.

And stared at Yotsuba with a “look zz” like a gaze.

“Don’t lie to me, do you want to see it?”

“You must want to see it! Seven? ”

“No, not at all!”

As if to prove that I was not false.

Erno blocked his ears with his hands by the way.


Looked at.

Yotsuba couldn’t help but feel puzzled.

“If you don’t want to see it, forget it.”

Then without much thought, he looked down at the roll in his hand.

I didn’t notice the gaze called “pity” cast by several people…

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