Chapter 271 can’t do it? That’s great!!

“Your mother wants to see me?”

“Hmm… What did you say!? ”

When he first heard Fujimiya’s words, Bi Qiya’s body had not yet come to his senses and even subconsciously repeated it.

Facing Hikida’s surprised gaze.

Fujimiya’s cheeks were slightly red, and he nodded and said, “That… Doesn’t it work!? ”

No way!? That’s great!

Since obtaining certain information from Miss Yang Nai.

Hiqigu wondered if he could have the opportunity to visit the other party’s house.

Good for more information.


“With this guy’s personality, taking the initiative to make such a request will definitely be rejected!?”

Don’t say why Hikigu can be so sure.

Just from the small things on weekdays, it can be seen that Fujimiya has a high level of vigilance.

Even if he agreed on the surface that Hikidu was his friend.

But in fact, even after a week of dancing in Hiqigu.

In the end, it was only a little better than ordinary classmates, and the degree of friends who had not reached it was also the reason why Biqigu was so distressed.

It is for this reason.

Hikiya is fully convinced that if he takes the initiative to make such a request to go to Fujimiya’s house.

It will definitely be rejected by the other party without hesitation.

And cause unnecessary trouble.


Even knowing that this may be the key to breaking the game.

Biqigu has also never been implemented.

At present, such good news is unexpected, how can it not make Biqigu feel happy.

Of course.

Hikigu’s silence fell into Fujimiya’s eyes at this time, but it changed to another meaning.

I saw that the girl’s originally worried mood became low.

“Sure enough, Biqigu-san doesn’t want to come?”

Hear Fujimiya’s words.

Hikiya came to his senses.

A smile from the past appeared on his face: “Nothing.” ”

“It’s just that I was so surprised to receive such an invitation suddenly that I didn’t come back to my senses for the first time.”

“…… So, is it better than the valley of Guxue!? ”

Meet Fujimiya’s apprehensive gaze.

Biqigu nodded and said, “Isn’t that of course!?” ”

“So when is the time?”

“This afternoon? Or some other time!? ”

Faced with this slightly enthusiastic reaction from Hikigu.

Fujimiya is also a little overwhelmed.

Every day’s cheeks were stained with a faint flush: “That… I’m still taking exams recently. ”

“Will this afternoon affect tomorrow’s exam!?”

See Fujimiya’s reaction.

Biqigu was stunned.

“If you act too deliberately, it may cause unnecessary trouble.”

Come to think of it.

Biqigu calmed his mood for a moment, and a smile appeared on his face: “It’s also said that I don’t think about it too much.” ”

“So Fujimiya-san might as well tell me a specific time?”

“Hmm… The exam lasts until the end of Friday, can it be set after school on Friday? ”

After school on Friday… It’s not impossible.

But those guys probably wanted to share everything about the exam at the first time!?

The faces of the five Nakano sisters came to mind.

“Forget it.”

“Aren’t you going to invite them to dinner later?”

“On the weekend, take a special day to spend with them, so it should be okay!?”

I have the right arrangement in mind.

Hiqigu smiled and nodded, “After school on Friday?” ”

“There is no problem on my side.”


Fujimiya breathed a visibly sigh of relief.

A happy smile appeared on his face: “By the way, there should be no club activities for Biqigu students, right!?” ”

“I didn’t join the club for some special reasons.”

“If there is a club activity for Biqigu, I have no problem waiting until the end of the activity.”

Biqigu smiled and shook his head, “I didn’t join the club either. ”

“So naturally there are no club activities.”

“Fujimiya don’t worry.”

“So how about I’m waiting for you on the subway near the school on Friday after school?”

“No problem.”

Biqigu silently praised the girl in his heart…

As a Hikigu who doesn’t like to socialize, he can naturally understand the other party’s thoughts.

Meeting on the subway near the school can avoid being seen by acquaintances in the class to the greatest extent.

Even if you really see it.

Afterwards, you can also use the words “It’s just the same subway, because it happens to be a classmate, so I can talk a few words by the way” as an excuse.

And others will not have the slightest doubt.

“What a sweet guy!”

Hikitani praised Fujimiya from the bottom of his heart for this idea that was extremely perfect in his eyes.

Finish talking about things.

The two also returned to class together.

Fujimiya put away the bento box that was still on Kato’s table.

Politely nodded to Kato: “Thank you very much.” ”

“Then I’ll take my leave first.”

Kato nodded at the other as well.

After watching the other person leave the classroom with the lunch box.

I couldn’t help but sigh: “Fujimiya-san is really polite.” ”

Hikiya is also packing up his lunch box and preparing to take things to the sink outside the toilet to deal with them.

Hearing Kato’s words, he didn’t know how to open his mouth after class: “Is it?” ”

“Don’t you think that way?”

Kato asked rhetorically.

Biqigu shrugged his shoulders and said calmly: “In my opinion, this guy just doesn’t want to have anything to do with other people, so let’s deliberately use this way to alienate.” ”

“Is that so?”

Luo, all over the water, the sun and the dog are swollen.

See Kato lost in thought. Hikiya smiled.

Then nothing more was said.

Grab your lunch box and the trash you picked up and head to the bathroom.


Exam time always flies by – wrong for most people.

After all, concentrate on the test paper in front of you.

Wait until you come to your senses.

The time until the paper is handed in.

For Biqigu, it is a different situation…

“Is it finally time to hand in the papers!?”

Hikiya couldn’t help but yawn, his face full of boredom…

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