Chapter 275: Machida Yuan is numb!!

Biqigu didn’t have time to answer yet.

Kazuko Honda had already subconsciously exclaimed: “Eh! ”

“Is that so? Biqigu! ”

Hikiya couldn’t help but glance at the nosy Kasumigaoka Shiyu.

Nodding, he said, “Well, there’s no problem with saying that.” ”

“You know my situation now, but I don’t have time to write.”


Machida exclaimed, “Doesn’t Hikiya have time to write lately!?” ”

The puzzled gazes of Kazuko Honda and Shiha Kasumigaoka instantly fell on Machida Yuanko’s body.

“This guy…”

“Why do such superfluous things!!”

“Isn’t everything you just done in vain!!”

Biqigu roared in his heart.

Thinking about how to round the field.

“Hasn’t it been a long time ago?”

“Why does Miss Yuan Zi have such a strange reaction when she hears this kind of thing!?”

Kasumigaoka Shiwa looked directly at Machida Sonoko with sharp eyes.

A trace of doubt appeared in my heart.

And Machida Sonoko noticed Hikitani’s unkind look and understood her gaffe.

The heart faltered.

In the face of Kasumigaoka Shiyu’s forced question, “Na” didn’t know how to speak.

Kazuko Honda was equally puzzled.

But I didn’t think too much.

Bluntly said: “This guy has no money on hand, so he usually works part-time.” ”

“So it’s normal that there is no time to write novels.”


That’s it??

Hear Kazuko Honda’s explanation.

Machida Sonoko also reacted.

If it were for any other reason, Machida would have taken it seriously, feeling that Hikiya really didn’t have time to write a novel.

But just for that reason…

“I’ve been deceived again.”

Although it is not clear how much of the manuscript fee was sent to the other party before.

But it will definitely make Biqigu eat and wear for a while.

So no money or something is an absolute lie!! Come to think of it.

Machida Sonoko was also relieved in her heart.

The originally stiff brain, somehow also rare to tell to turn.

“Although the works shown to me at that time were very ordinary, they were also outstanding in other aspects.”

“If you work hard, you will definitely have a good development in the future.”

“Such talents, if they do not continue to write, will be a considerable loss.”

Speaking of this, Machida Yuanko couldn’t help but sigh: “That’s why I was so surprised to hear that this guy didn’t have time to write.” ”

“But if it’s because life is compelling, then there is really no way.”

Is that so?

Although it sounds reasonable.

But Kasumigaoka Shiyu always felt that something was wrong.

I couldn’t help but keep looking at the two with suspicious eyes.

As for Kazuko Honda, it is much simpler.

I easily believed Machida Yuanzi’s explanation.

I couldn’t help but look at Biqigu with surprised eyes: “I didn’t expect Biqigu to have such a talent on this.” ”

Then his face pouted, and he said in a tone similar to coquettishness: “You didn’t even tell me!” ”

“I can actually think of such an explanation.”

“This guy is not bad!”

Hikiya glanced at Machida Enko with an approving look.

Then explained: “Compared to a guy like you who can successfully sign a contract for the first time writing a novel, I have nothing to show off, right?” ”

“Besides, I didn’t know that Editor Machida had such a high opinion of me.”

“That’s right!”

“Then I forgive you!”

Kazuko Honda smiled and patted Hikiya on the shoulder.

Listen to the interaction between Hikidani and Kazuko Honda.

Machida Enko has a black line.

Good fellow, two geniuses put each other on hold Versailles, huh!? It’s too much! It’s too much!!

It’s slightly better to think about how ordinary people feel!? Kazuko Honda finished speaking.

His eyes turned and looked at Kasumigaoka Shiyu: “Senior Sister Kasumigaoka is really not as cold as the rumors, she is a good person.” ”


Kasumigaoka Shiyu was stunned, and her gaze subconsciously fell on Hichigu’s body.

Biqigu shrugged: “Watch what I do?” ”

“Isn’t Senpai a celebrity in the school?”

“…… So, you are also a student at Toyonosaki Academy? ”

“Hey, hey.”

Kazuko Honda smiled embarrassedly: “But that was before.” ”

“Now I’m out of school.”

“Dropping out of school?”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu frowned, and her tone became a lot colder: “Why?” ”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu facing this gesture.

Kazuko Honda had a slightly frightened expression on her face.

After hesitating, he couldn’t help but say, “Well, I don’t really want to talk about that kind of thing.” ”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu couldn’t help but look at Hikigu.

“I don’t even want to say it, you see I’m useless.”

So it says.

Biqigu couldn’t help but complain: “I didn’t see that Senior Sister is still such an enthusiastic person.” ”


Kasumigaoka Shiyu snorted coldly.

Then I suddenly thought of an animity that I hadn’t noticed at first.

He couldn’t help but squint at Biqigu and said, “That’s right.” ”

“Junior-kun, why aren’t you curious at all that I know Miss Yuanzi?”

Hear this.

Biqigu couldn’t help but roll his eyes: “Senpai, my memory is not bad.” ”

“I still barely remember what I met in the bookstore.”

“The author of that book is called ‘Kasumi Shiko’, right?”

“Senpai’s name is also Kasumigaoka Shiyu, isn’t it very similar.”

Hear Hikigu’s explanation.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu couldn’t help but chuckle: “Even if it looks like, it doesn’t mean anything.” ”

“It doesn’t mean anything.”

Hikiya nodded approvingly, and then looked at Machida Yuanko: “But coupled with knowing Machida editor, I think this should already explain a lot, right?” ”

“What a keen guy.”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu couldn’t help but complain.


Machida Yuan said weakly: “That… So you guys are from a school!? ”

But in my heart, I couldn’t help but complain.

It is clear that he is an editor, but he turns out to be the weakest in front of these guys

Something must have gone wrong!!

In the face of Machida Yuanko’s question, several people nodded in reply despite their different expressions.

“It’s really fate.”

Saying this, Machida Sonoko also sat beside Kasumigaoka Shiyu and said, “Then let’s talk about the incident that asked you out today.” ”

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