Chapter 282 The exam is over, confessing his identity to Kato?!!


With the end of the exam for the last lesson.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Even Kato’s voice is much livelier than before.

“It’s finally over.”

Facing Kato’s emotion.

Biqigu couldn’t help but smile and said: “It’s just an exam, are you so tired?” ”

“It may be very simple for Hikidani-san.”

“But as a student with average grades, the exam is very tiring.”

“It is necessary to constantly think in a short time to find accurate answers.”

Hikigu, who was completely empathetic to this, shrugged his shoulders and did not continue the topic.

Eyes swept across the classroom.

Many people are discussing where to go and what to play later.

The most conspicuous is naturally the core group dominated by Kitagawa River.

Of course, there are also guys like Hikiya and Kato who no one invites.

“Are you envious of Biqigu-san?”

Kato’s words interrupted Hikitani’s thoughts.

To this.

Biqigu rolled his eyes back: “Kato is the exam too long, is the person stupid?” ”

“You would ask such a stupid question.”

“Well, even if Biqigu-san doesn’t fit in, it’s too conspicuous to be so straightforward, right?”

Kato replied in a slightly surprised tone.

Hikiya asked rhetorically, “What about Kato?” Envious? ”

Kato thought for a moment, nodded his chin and whispered, “Slightly… A little bit, right? ”

Hikiya showed a surprised expression.

Then he teased, “I didn’t expect Kato to be interested in this kind of thing.” ”

Kato raised his eyes, and the mood in his eyes seemed to have changed in some way.

However, the tone of speech was as light and fluttery as ever: “As an ordinary high school student, isn’t it normal to go and play with my classmates after school!” ”


Is Kato implying that I’m not normal!? Hikiya glanced at Kato.

Effective “observation” of others has no effect.

Never mind.

There’s no need to care too much about this kind of thing.

Biqigu smiled and said: “Well, do you want to go somewhere to play together next time after school?” ”


Confusion appeared in Kato’s eyes: “Let’s go play together?” ”

“Don’t you need to work part-time after school!?”

“Was he fired?”

Hikiya was silent for a moment.

Still couldn’t hold back the desire to complain: “So I have such an impression in Kato’s heart!?” ”

“Even if you go to work, you have a vacation, right!?”

“Not to mention a part-time job.”


Kato patted his chest, but the expression on his face did not change.

But the word “care” is revealed outside the words: “So it is.” ”

“If you lose the way to work, won’t Biqigu lose your living security?”

Biqigu couldn’t help but be moved in his heart.

That’s a friend! Thought about it.

He would definitely do it.

After that, there will definitely be a lot of free time after school.

Even if the direction in which the two live is not smooth, maybe they will meet at some time

Instead of explaining it then, it is better to foreshadow it now.


“Don’t worry, Kato.”

“Even if I don’t have a job, I can support myself.”

Facing Kato’s doubtful gaze.

Hiqigu smiled and said, “Not long ago, I tried to write some short stories. ”

“The direction turned out to be unexpectedly good, and I signed a long-term contract there.”

“So even if this job can’t continue, it doesn’t matter now.”

Sorry, Kato.

A little bit of a lie.


Except that he was lying to Kato in writing a short story, everything else is true.

So…… Just such a lie, it should be fine!?

“So it is.”

“Is Hikigu planning to resign?”

“Also, writing takes a lot of time, right?”

“It’s so hard to keep both sides at the same time, and you have to make trade-offs!”

When Kato heard these words, he thought of the previous conversation, and he also reacted at the first time.

He nodded and said, “That’s how it is.” ”

“Can Hikidani-san tell me my name?”

“I want to see it!”

So it says.

Kato’s eyes were also full of curiosity.

To this.

Biqigu naturally refused without hesitation.

“How can people know that something that may become black history in the future!”

Kato disagrees: “I think too much about it. ”

“How can a teacher who can be recognized or even signed a long-term contract to earn living expenses write something that is black history!?”

“No, no, no.”

Biqigu shook his head and denied: “I’m not mature now, it’s definitely just luck to be able to sign a contract!” ”

“Later, I feel mature and able to face all this calmly, and then tell Kato!”

“It’s a shame.”

Kato sighed, a rare look of loss on his face.

Of course.

This loss did not last long.

I saw Kato continue to speak: “So after school this afternoon, do you still want to continue to work?” ”


“If you work part-time, it should be on Saturday, and this afternoon… There are other things to be busy with. ”

“This way.”

Kato nodded and looked at Hikiya with gentle eyes: “After the hard exam, I can’t rest as a result, and I have to go to other things…”

“It’s really pitiful!”

Is this sympathized with by Kato?

Biqigu’s mood inexplicably became a little subtle.

“And what about Kato, what are you going to do after school?”

“Hmm… Go back and clean up the house, then read novels, walk the dog or something? ”

Biqigu cast an envious look: “It’s really good.” ”

This is the life of dreams!

Of course.

It would be even better if you could leave aside the first and last ones! And the small talk between the two also ended here.


The school bell rings.

Hikiya said goodbye to Kato at the school gate.

Then come to the station.

Sweep your gaze.

Quickly find Fujimiya standing near the corner…

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