Chapter 286: Who is not a decent person!!

“I didn’t talk about anything, I was just talking about Kaori at school.”

Shiho Fujimiya smiled and spoke.

Hearing her mother’s words, the girl’s face changed slightly.

A reluctant smile appeared on his face: “What is there to talk about about that kind of thing!” ”

“Who told you never to tell me?”

Shiho Fujimiya looked at Kaori Fujimiya with a slightly sad gaze: “Sure enough.” ”

“Is it still the age of rebellion!?”

“There is no rebellion or something!”

Even knowing that his mother was just pretending to be sad, Fujimiya slowed down his breath slightly.

In a coquettish tone, he explained: “Isn’t just learning in school?” ”

“That kind of thing is enough of a headache in school, and I don’t want to talk about it when I come back!”

Then the girl also gestured to Hikiya with her eyes.

It was as if he had asked him to help say a few words.

However, for the girl’s gesture, Hikiya looked at it with a completely helpful plan.

If you want to say why…

This kind of thing is not in the agreement between the two!

“You kid.”

Shiho Fujimiya looked at Kaori with slightly helpless eyes: “How can there be only study in school?” ”

“Even if it’s because of that kind of thing… Don’t just study. ”

“In this case, as a mother, I can’t help but blame myself.”

To the end.

Shiho Fujimiya couldn’t help but show a sadness on his face.

See such a scene.

Kaori Fujimiya opened her mouth, but she didn’t know what words to say to comfort the other party.

Hiqigu on the side couldn’t help but sigh.

Then he said nonchalantly, “I said Fujimiya-san.” ”

“Even if you feel shy, it’s okay to talk about things at school, right?”

“Isn’t there anyone else besides me who cares about you?”

“Even if you tell your aunt, it doesn’t matter, right!?”


Because he was too surprised, Fujimiya couldn’t help but be stunned.

Then the girl who reacted showed an embarrassed expression on her face.

As for whether it is too embarrassing, or because she is not used to lying, only the girl herself knows.

“That kind of thing… There’s not much to say, right!? ”

Biqigu smiled and said, “But Auntie is very interested.” ”

“I was very happy just now.”


Kaori Fujimiya’s eyes widened: “What did you just say!” ”

“Sa, who knows?”

Hiqigu spread out, with an innocent expression on his face.

Kaori Fujimiya glared at her disgruntled gaze.

See the interaction between the two.

The sadness on Shiho Fujimiya’s face disappeared and was replaced by a gentle gaze.

“It’s a good relationship.”

“Who has a good relationship with this guy!”

Because it’s too angry.

The girl couldn’t help but tell the truth for a while.

It’s just that saying such words at this time falls under the eyes of Shiho Fujimiya, who is a mother, and it is completely like an arrogant speech made by a girl who is too shy.

The terrified Kaori Fujimiya was about to explain the previous gaffe.

But I saw a warm aunt smile on my mother’s face.

Suddenly it became unclear.

“Why… Mother is not angry at all? ”

Hikiya also smiled bitterly at this time and said, “Fujimiya-san still likes to joke so much.” ”

“Kaori, even if it’s a joke, saying too much like this kind of thing will make people feel sad?”

Shiho Fujimiya couldn’t help but advise.


Kaori Fujimiya looked confused.

Mother, who is your daughter?

“You guys play, I’ll go make you some snacks.”

Say so.

Shiho Fujimiya also left from his position.

Wait until you know that the mother is in the kitchen.

Only then did Fujimiya come to Hikida’s side and whispered, “Hikigu-san.” ”

“What did you and your mother say just now?”


Biqigu also put away the smile on his face and said calmly: “I just talked about your situation at school.” ”

The situation at the school…

Kaori Fujimiya subconsciously imagined the image of sitting alone in her position every day.

Pursing her lips, the girl showed a sad expression: “Why tell her that kind of thing!” ”

Wouldn’t you feel sad and worried if you knew it!? What’s the point of specifically asking you to help!?

Looking at Fujimiya’s expression…

Bikiya can almost understand the girl’s thoughts.

I couldn’t help sighing: “Although there is no need to explain this kind of thing.” ”

“But for the smooth cooperation between the two of us, I would like to say a little more.”

“Of course it’s impossible to tell your aunt the truth, right?”

“It’s just that in the current reality, a certain adaptation has been made… I mean the good things. So there’s no need to worry at all. ”

“Didn’t you see that Auntie was always smiling just now?”

Kaori Fujimiya nodded subconsciously.

Then he couldn’t help but confirm from the mouth of Hikitani: “Really? ”

“Of course.”

Biqigu nodded: “I will do what I promised.” ”

“So don’t worry.”

“Thank you.”

Kaori Fujimiya thanked her from the bottom of her heart.

This guy cares a lot about his family.

But…… Also.

If you didn’t care, you wouldn’t have made such a big sacrifice.

Invite guys like me to your home.

Think like this.

Biqigu also couldn’t help but suggest: “Speaking of… Is it really good to rely on deception like this? ”


“Even if you have amnesia every week, it’s not without a solution, right??”

“The solution?”

Facing Fujimiya’s puzzled eyes.

Biqigu casually said a method: “Isn’t there still a diary?” ”

“As long as you write down the events that happen every day, even if you forget them, you can familiarize yourself with them through a diary, right?”


Fujimiya hesitated on his face, hesitated and couldn’t help but complain: “Who still writes a diary these days!” ”

Hikiya rolled the eyes of the dead fish: “Then Fujimiya-san, who loses his memory every week, can be regarded as a serious person?” ”

I don’t know what came to mind.

The girl’s face suddenly turned rosy, and she stammered and opened her mouth to retort: “You… Who do you say… Who is not a decent person!! ”

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