Ji Xing turned around, smiled at Shi Yu and said,"Shi Yu, you are the hero of the times. Here, you will get countless opportunities to prove yourself."

Shi Yu nodded solemnly, ambitious.

He is determined to become an outstanding Saint and radiate his own unique light in this place full of challenges and opportunities. There is a warm atmosphere in the kitchen of the Silver Moon Mansion. Shi Yu and Ji Xing stood at the counter. Ya Yun held a recipe in his hand and looked at the ingredients and steps on it intently.

Ji Xing smiled and said:"Shi Yu, tonight we are going to prepare a feast for the Saints. Do you have any ideas?"

After thinking for a moment, Shi Yu said,"In order to show our strength and courage, I think we You can choose some challenging dishes, such as the legendary dish that requires superb knife skills."

Ji Xing nodded in agreement:"Good idea! Let's try the ambergris stuffing. This dish is among the Saints. It has always received high praise."

Yayun chuckled and added:"The ambergris stuffing needs to be finely chopped into thousands of layers of meat stuffing, and precise use of various materials to shape it. If you want me to do it, Taking charge of this part, I believe I can produce outstanding results."

Shi Yu couldn't help but admire Yayun, she was outstanding in both knowledge and skills.

He smiled and nodded:"Miss Yayun, your cooking skills and knowledge are really admirable. I am very much looking forward to trying your creations."

Yayun felt a little shy, but still maintained a gentle smile:"Thank you for the compliment, Shi Mr. Yu. I am also very happy to serve you a delicious dish."

The three of them sat down to discuss the menu and finally decided on a number of traditional dishes and unique and innovative dishes.

The atmosphere in the kitchen became more lively.

During the cooking process, Shi Yu felt the warmth and strength radiating from Yayun.

She prepares every piece of food with care and constantly optimizes the combination of various condiments.

Shi Yu's eyes showed appreciation

"Miss Yayun, you are a talented and gentle and considerate woman. In this pinnacle place, you have brought us a different kind of experience. Yayun smiled slightly:"Thank you for the compliment, Mr. Shi Yu. I just have a strong interest and love for cooking.""At night when the dinner was being prepared, the aroma filled the Silver Moon Mansion. The saints gathered in the restaurant, looking forward to this extraordinary feast. Shi

Yu stood in front of the door, the breeze blew over his body. He felt Qixing After patting his shoulder lightly, Shi Yu turned around and saw Qixing holding a small phantom beast in his hand.

"Brother Shiyu, I think you may need this."Qixing's eyes were full of expectation and trust.

Shi Yu took the Phantom Beast and frowned,"Sister Qixing, what is this? Qi

Xing answered with a cheerful smile:"This is a phantom beast that can change its shape and has the ability to identify the authenticity of ingredients. You can take him to the market to buy ingredients.""

Shi Yu felt an unknown warmth surge in his heart.

Qixing was always so kind, innocent and cute, and he couldn't help but feel a heavy responsibility for her.

"Okay, I'll do my best to prepare a delicious meal for you all"

"Remember to buy fresh seafood and fresh vegetables!

Qixing reminded softly," AndThis is a list I compiled when I usually peeked at cooking books. I hope it will be helpful to you."

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