Two people came to the stray animal rescue station with a cat in their arms.

The staff took the initiative to come forward and, after understanding the situation, prepared to take the cat away.

“By the way, would you consider adopting the cat?”

Before taking the cat, the staff asked.

Xuejian Yuan shook his head slightly.

“I really want to, but due to practical reasons, I may not be able to do it.”

The staff heard this and said,”Oh,” and stopped talking.

Xue Jianyuan looked at the cat in the box.

The pair of golden and light blue vertical pupils looked really beautiful.

“Can I come to see it later? We get along pretty well. I can donate some cat food to it.”

Xue Jianyuan asked.

The staff was obviously stunned by the question.

Then he immediately shook his head.

“I’m afraid that’s not possible. If you want to see it, you’d better watch it now. There won’t be a next time.”

Such a statement made Xue Jianyuan frown.

“No next time, you mean?”

“We will register its information on the website for adoption, and if someone adopts it within the time limit, it will be taken away naturally.”

The staff explained, paused for a moment, and then continued:

“If no one adopts it within the deadline, it will be euthanized on the next culling day, Tuesday or Friday.”

Xue Jianyuan looked at the cat in the box again.

The pair of heterochromatic vertical pupils looked really beautiful.

“Take me to go through the adoption procedures.”

Xue Jianyuan said lightly.

The staff smiled when they heard this.

“Please come over here. Do you have any ID to prove your identity?”


“If you adopt, you are required to have at least one vaccination.”

“You have done all the necessary checkups and vaccinations, right? Can I wash the cat here? I’m afraid I can’t wash it clean as I’m not a professional.”

“Yes, I will take it down to take a bath after filling out the form.”

“Oh, and please prepare some cat food, cat litter boxes, cat litter, etc. for me.”

“OK, you are such a kind person.”

After filling out the form, the staff member carried the kitten and went to the back with a smile.

The boy was willing to spend money on this stray cat.

So he would most likely be a good owner, not just on a whim.

Although she works here, she doesn’t want to see the cat being euthanized.

Waiting for the cat to take a bath and have an examination.

Yukima Yuan looked at Kato Megumi beside him.

Kato Megumi avoided his gaze guiltily. Yukima

Yuan stretched out his hand and pinched Kato Megumi’s little face

“why did not you tell me”

“I thought you knew…”

“If you have such concerns, you should just say it out loud.”Yukima Fuchi pulled the girl’s cheek.”Aren’t we friends?”

The question that was asked to the boy not long ago was returned.

Even a girl as light-hearted as Kato Megumi had a wandering gaze. Yukima

Fuchi felt angry and amused.

Just now, Kato Megumi was poking the cat.

Obviously, she hoped that it would run away.

In this way, it would not have to be sent to a rescue station to be euthanized.

Yukima Fuchi did not know the rules of the rescue station in Sakura Country, but Kato Megumi obviously knew it.

As a result, this light-hearted girl was just being silent and saying nothing. She still had the nerve to say things like”Aren’t we friends?” It makes me angry just thinking about it.

“Sending stray cats to the shelter is the right thing to do. I think it will cause trouble for Yukima-san if I tell you this….Moral burden or something like that.

Seeing the boy’s anger, Kato Megumi explained.

As a result, Yukima Fuchi simply pinched her cheek with his other hand.

“So I’ve said it before, aren’t we friends? Anyway, start calling me by my name now!”

Kato Megumi’s face was deformed by the pulling of both sides.

She called out incoherently,”Yuan classmate.”

Xuejian Yuan let go of her hand.

“Dear Hui, next time please make the same demands on others and yourself and treat everyone equally, okay?”

“Don’t be as strict as a saint to yourself, and then lower your standards for others.”

Kato Hui seemed to want to refute after hearing this.

But her eyes met with Xuejian Yuan’s.

In the end, she could only lower her head and said vaguely:


After a short while, a staff member came out holding a pure white kitten.

“I have taken a bath, trimmed my nails, and done internal and external deworming. These are all free.”

“There is a fee for the vaccine. You will have to come once a month. After three vaccinations, you can have it once a year.”

“All cat supplies are ready over there. See if there are any you don’t want and can return them.”

Xue Jianyuan nodded.

He was more focused on the cat than spending money.

The gray kitten was actually pure white.

It was outrageous.

If the staff hadn’t done that for no reason, Xue Jianyuan would have suspected that the cat had been swapped.

He took the cat.

Xue Jianyuan felt like he was holding a ball of cotton.

The soft cat fur was fluffy, and the golden and light blue eyes were still very beautiful.

The pink cat paws pressed on Xue Jianyuan’s arm, and the touch was very soft.

“I never thought that this little guy is actually a master of Chiyu Xiaofei.”

Xuejian Yuan sighed.

Kato Hui tilted her head when she heard this.

“A ruler of jade flying in the sky?”

“Well, it’s the name of the Dragon Kingdom, used to describe this snow-white cat with heterochromatic eyes.”

“That sounds awesome, are there any others?”

“Well, there is a complete naming system. For example, if the body is black and only the four legs are white, it is called”Taxue Xunmei”, and if the back is pure black and the abdomen and four legs are white, it is called”Wuyun Gaixue”.”

“Well, it sounds like poetry.”


Yukima and Kato Megumi smiled at each other.

Holding the cat, they walked out of the shelter.

“I’ll take a taxi back to the apartment. The subway doesn’t allow this kid to get on.”

Xue Jianyuan said.

“I’ll go and help, after all, we picked it up together, and since Yuan-san adopted it, I should also take responsibility.”

Kato Megumi raised her hand.

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