Various Heavens and Realms Picking Attribute System

Chapter 362: Mantis catching cicada cardinals behind

Li Yao motioned for the small fire, and when he came to an inconspicuous place, he brought the small fire to the space.

After entering the space, they all changed to their respective appearances.

Then, Li Yao quickly asked Xiaohuo: "Small fire, why are you back so soon?"

Immediately after Li Xiaohuo left Li Yao's presence in Changhe City, what happened to their party was simply recounted to Li Yao.

After Li Yao quietly left Changhe City, Zhang Xiaofan and his party followed Jin Pinger to a remote mountain forest.

At first, they found nothing unusual.

Afterwards, the three-minded Faxiang, Lin Jingyu and Qi Hao all noticed something different.

They found this seemingly weak golden bottle, as if they were deliberately taking them around, and seemed to have an unspeakable purpose.

Later, the French equal questioned Jin Pinger repeatedly.

Regardless of Jin Ping'er's exquisite thoughts, the people she faces are basically the leaders of the younger generation of the right way. They are very flexible and not easily deceived.

Alas, she soon showed her flaws.

Finally, the French equals discovered that Jin Pinger may be one of the devil.

Alas, they had a big fight with Jin Pinger.

Seeing that Jin Pinger was not the opponent of these people, she quickly used Meishu to confuse the French equals, and then escaped.

Since Xiao Xiaohuo was a fake owner of Li Yao, he did not easily take out the gold bottle to avoid being discovered by others.

After a short while, the French and other people had a discussion and finally came to the conclusion that the demon must have acted on the right path.

The evil spirit may be very afraid of Li Yao's strength, so he specially sent Jin Pinger to take them around, the purpose is to hold back Li Yao's schedule.

So they rushed back from Changhe City immediately.

Walking halfway through the road, the people at Fayin Tianyin Temple broke up with Qi Hao and others and hurried back to Tianyin Temple.

Qi Hao, Qi Xiao, Zhang Xiaofan and others, because they are on the same road, rushed back together.

刚刚 As soon as they passed Heyang City, they found unusual movements in the direction of Qingyun Mountain.

Qi Qihao was so anxious that he quickly speeded up and rushed back to Qingyun Mountain.

And Zhang Xiaofan and others also followed.

Of course, from the beginning to the end, posing as a small fire like Li Yao, has not revealed flaws.

Therefore, no matter Qi Hao, French equals, Zhang Xiaofan, etc., they did not know that Li Yao who was always with them was not really Li Yao.

Li Yao learned these situations from Xiao Huo's mouth, and immediately came out of the space.

This time, he appeared again at Qingyunmen in his original appearance.

He found that the place he was in was relatively quiet.

小 Zhang Xiaofan and others are gone, I don't know where they have been killed.

And the sound of killing in the distance ahead is still trembling. The battle between Zheng and Mo has entered a state of fever.

尧 Li Yao quickly reached for a lead, summoned the overlord magic gun, and rushed forward.

This time, as a righteous man, he reduced demons and demons and presided over justice!

Suddenly everything that happened before him was all he expected.

五年 When he came to 诛仙 世界 five years ago, he had expected this day.

Of course, because he is familiar with the plot, this is the trend.

He wants to develop Wushuang Zong into the most influential martial arts in 诛仙 世界.

Qingyunmen is undoubtedly the biggest obstacle.

Qingyunmen has a heritage of thousands of years. It is not easy to shake Qingyunmen's status.

Therefore, we can only use the hands of others to weaken the power of Qingyunmen.

The demon is a very good ‘assistant’!

So, in Liubo Mountain, Li Yao didn't kill Qinglong, Youji, and Ghost King.

On the other side, the ghost king lost Fu Longding, and at the same time found that a peerless figure Li Yao appeared on the right path.

He felt that the situation was getting worse for their ghost king.

After thinking about it for a long time, he decided to break the boat and make a pre-emptive action, unite Wandumen, Changshengtang Hehe ~ huan faction, eliminate Qingyun Mountain in one fell swoop, and then try to find ways to eradicate other right path factions.

Therefore, he discussed with the demon heads of the other three factions, and used the bones of Puzhi to make a big fuss, such as Zhou Yin and other demons, pretending to be monks at Tianyin Temple, and questioning the people of Qingyunmen, why was he found near Qingyunmen? Pu Zhi's bones.

The high-level officials of Qingyunmen, such as Lu Daoxuan, were deceived by Zhou Yin and others without any notice.

Dao Xuan was conspired by Zhou Yin.

In addition, there is also Cang Song, a traitor who secretly helps ~ ~, making it easy for the demons to enter Qingyunmen.

Qi Qingyun Gate was caught off guard and immediately fell into a passive beating situation.

All of this is developing in the direction expected by the ghost king, making the ghost king very proud.

Because the ghost king avoids Li Yao, he let Jin Ping'er make a plan to delay Li Yao's journey.

It's a pity that the ghost king's organs calculate, but they don't know that the mantis catches the cicada and the yellow bird.

Li Yao not only understood his tricks, but also calculated them. He sneaked into the Qingyunmen secretly, and then stepped on first. He stole the treasure that the ghost king is also dying: 诛仙 剑.

Today, Qingyunmen is already in full swing.

However, Li Yao did not intend to destroy Qingyunmen in the hands of demons.

Next, he will use the hand of Qingyunmen to unite with Qingyunmen to eliminate another major obstacle in Wusong Sect: Demonism.

Therefore, no matter whether it is Qingyunmen or demonism, he is playing with applause.

尧 Li Yaoyu used a magic gun like a **** of war. On the way, he cut the demon and removed the monster, and he was invincible.

Numerous demons were pierced by Li Yao's lance and fell into a pool of blood.

尧 While fighting with the demons, Li Yao was collecting magic weapons and picking up various types of light balls. He was very busy.

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