The next day, one person and one bird suddenly appeared over the center of a huge pit.

Here, this is where Li Yao took away the Tongtian God Tree.

He disappeared here.

So, when he returned from his space to the world of Wuxian, he appeared here.

Li Yao looked at the huge pit below and couldn't help sighing.

The giant pit in front of his eyes is his masterpiece.

He changed to the past, he dare not imagine.

Because there is no Tongtian **** tree here, the surrounding aura is no longer so rich.

Li Yao glanced at the huge pit underground, then retracted his eyes.

Next, is he returning to Wusong Zong? Or look elsewhere?

He didn't know that the beast **** led a large group of beast monsters and was looting the Central Plains.

Now the Central Plains is already full of sadness!

He has been leading the Qingyun Gate for thousands of years. He has not recovered from the tragic invasion of the cult, and has been hit again. Many elite disciples, even some of them, were killed in the catastrophe.

In addition to Qingyunmen, Tianyin Temple was not spared. Many elite disciples were also buried in the catastrophe.

The only one who has not been plundered by the beast monsters is the Warrior Sect founded by Li Yao.

Thanks to Li Yao's foresight, he personally laid a large mountain guard.

It is with this large mountain guarding team that the beast monster cannot break through Wushuang Mountain at all.

Li Yao knows nothing about these situations.

He thought for a moment, and asked Huang Niao, "Xiao Huang, do you know the whereabout of the candle dragon?"

The yellow bird screamed, indicating that it knew where the candle dragon was.

The owl candle dragon, like the yellow bird and the yak, is one of the four spirit beasts in the owl fairy world.

In addition to these three spirit beasts, another spirit beast is the one who follows the beast god.

Candle Dragon is from the wild northwest of Wanzai Hantan. Sexual delights devour monsters, and they can guard Wanshui and deter the demons.

Later, conquered by the ancestors of the cult, now it should be in the cult temple to guard the temple.

However, Li Yao did not know exactly where the demon temple was located.

It is not too far away from the wild northwest, and the yellow bird and the candle dragon are both spirit beasts.

It is not surprising that Yellow Bird knew the whereabouts of the candle dragon.

Li Yao patted Huang Niao's back and said, "Very well, Xiao Huang, you take me to look for the candle dragon."

Since the candle dragon is also a spirit beast, now that he has come here, go to the temple of demons by the way to see if he can get the candle dragon.

Of course, if you have a chance in the future, you can also consider getting 饕餮.


The wild northwest is a well-known dangerous area in the world, and it is also the place where the cults originated.

古 Since ancient times, there have been countless treacherous rampages in the wild, and outsiders can almost never get into them.

After the deserted Gobi, the desert is an endless desert.

On this day, a giant bird suddenly appeared in the cloudless sky, and there was a person sitting on the giant bird.

That is Li Yao and Huang Niao.

This is the third time that Li Yao has gone deep into the desert.

In my opinion, his fate with the desert is really good!

For the first time, he crossed the desert of Daming World and almost died of thirst in the desert.

For the second time, in the world of wind and cloud, in order to obtain the dragon and win the gold sword, he took the initiative to go deep into the desert and took the dragon and the gold sword from the Lord of the Blue Moon.

This time, he already has a ring space, so he doesn't have to worry about water source at all.

As long as he is thirsty, he can directly take out some spiritual fluids made from exotic flowers from the space to quench thirst.

Of course, with his current practice, even without water, he can stay in the desert for a long time.

The seemingly dead silence in the barren desert is actually not quite peaceful.

有着 There are many beasts here, lurking under the yellow sand.

Serious beasts unique to wild deserts such as sand scorpions, earth dragons, and red pythons.

However, Li Yao sat on the back of the yellow bird and flew in the air, but did not have to deal with these fierce beasts.

Of course, the sky here is not very peaceful.

各种 In the sky, there are various strange birds appearing from time to time.

However, the yellow bird is a nine-day mysterious bird. Not only is it huge, but it also exudes a powerful power naturally, which makes these birds recede.

Even the beasts in the desert drove into the yellow sand one by one, scared and shivering, and dare not easily show their heads.

So, along the way, Li Yao went deep into the desert very smoothly.

I don't know how long, he found a lot of sand walls in front, covering a very large area.

沙 These sand walls seem extremely messy, but in fact they are distributed in a certain pattern, as if forming a huge sand wall maze.

I walked through this maze, and two oasis appeared in front of me.

Unlike the previous lifelessness, here is full of vitality.

树木 The trees here are lush, and there are several spring eyes, and the crystal spring water is constantly emerging.

These two oasis, seen from the air, are like two green pearls dotted in a desert.

泉 In the center of one of the oasis, spring waters converge to form a lake.

"Uh? It seems like two people are taking a bath in the lake?"

而且 "Also two women!"

尧 Li Yao's high profile, coupled with his sharp eyes, quickly found that two women in the lake were taking a bath.

Alas, he found the two women very familiar.

I seem to be ... You Ji and Baguio.

Li Yao was a little surprised, he didn't expect to meet them both.

It seems that after the ghost king fled from Qingyunmen ~ ~, he hid in the barren temple.

In fact, Li Yao also guessed that the ghost king would hide here.

He doesn't have the habit of peeping ~ peeping, so he lets Yellow Bird continue to search for the temple.

Since You Ji and Baguio both appear here, it means that the temple should be nearby.

At the same time, Baguio and Youji, who are bathing in the lake, have discovered the yellow birds in the sky.

However, because of the huge size of the yellow bird, they did not see Li Yao sitting on the yellow bird's back.

Wu Youji looked up at the yellow bird in the sky as it drifted away, and could not help showing a frown, muttering: "This ... this seems to be the legendary yellow bird! Why did the yellow bird appear here?"

"Yellow Bird?"

Baguio was surprised and asked quickly: "Aunt You, is this giant bird in the sky the nine-day mysterious bird my father often says?"


Wu Youji nodded and thoughtfully said: "According to legend, the yellow bird has been in the death swamp, why did it suddenly appear here? The direction in which the yellow bird flies is like a temple, isn't it ..."

When she thought of it, she was shocked and said, "No good, Baguio, let's hurry back to the temple."

Baguio is smart and thinks about the key.

She and You Ji immediately got dressed and hurried towards the temple.

Not long after I was far away from the oasis, Li Yao finally saw the distance and a magnificent palace building appeared.

The Barbaric Sanctuary of the Demon Demon finally appeared in his sight.

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