Various Heavens and Realms Picking Attribute System

Chapter 7: Heroes save beauty, Qinglong Wuguan

He suddenly heard a drink, and the five men who were about to violently turned back.

I saw a thin young man standing at the alley, and the five men burst into laughter.

Seeing Li Yao, the puppet woman seemed to grab the life-saving straw and pleaded: "Help! Brother ... Save me ..."

The man in the dress looked at Li Yao up and down, with a smirk in his face: "Where is the stinky boy that comes out, shouldn't you want the hero to save the beauty? Lao Tzu is in a good mood today, don't care about you, get out of the way!"

尧 Li Yao watched the dress man calmly and said, "I made dozens of sounds, and you let go of that girl, nothing I can do is happen."

After I finished speaking, Li Yao began to count, "One, two, three ..."

The man in the dress stunned for a moment, glanced at the other four associates, and the five burst out laughing at the same time.

The man in a western dress approached Li Yao and pointed at Li Yao's nose and cursed, "Boy, why did you eat a bear heart and a leopard? How dare you talk to Lao Tzu ..."


Li Yao spit out the last number gently.

As soon as the words fall, the fist has come out!


尧 Li Yaoyi boxed the face of the man in the dress.

The man in the dress only felt a flower in front of him, and a sudden sudden force came on his face, making him uncontrollably fall to the ground.

At the same time, he also heard a sound of bone fracture, an unprecedented sharp pain immediately hit his face, and also jealous of Venus.

The man in the dress wiped his face with his hands, and his hands were immediately covered with blood.

He shouted in horror, his voice was like the sound of killing a pig.

He was resentful, showing his ferociousness, and yelled at the other four people: "Why are you still wondering, give me a hard time!"

Because Li Yao's movement was too fast, the other four had not responded yet, and the dress man was knocked to the ground.

The drapery man shouted and awakened the other four from shock.

The four of them quickly surrounded Li Yao.

Suddenly, they swarmed up and rushed towards Li Yao.

尧 Li Yao greeted him, punched out, and banged on one of his chests.

如同 The person flew upside down like a kite with a broken line and fell heavily on the ground not far away.

尧 Li Yao kicked his right leg, and his right leg was like a whip, kicking diagonally up between the other person's legs.

This person snorted, his body bowed into a lobster, covered his hands with his hands, and stumbled over the previous person.

Li Yao's foot is the ‘head goes out of the horse and a whip’ in the legs of Shaolin Twelfth Road Tan.


Li Yao felt a punch coming behind him.

His body is a bit off, and his opponent's fist is emptied.

He reached out and grabbed the opponent's wrist, and severely gave the other an over-the-shoulder fall, and dropped the other person on the previous person.

The last person left was so frightened that he ran away.

"Remember to run now, late!"

尧 Li Yao flashed in shape.

Like a ghost, flashed in front of the last person.

He reached out and grabbed the man, just like grabbing a chick.

He threw the man into the air, and when the man was about to land, he kicked him hard.


With a scream, the man fell on the person before him.

At this moment, the four people are like stacked humans, stacked together.

Seeing Li Yao's bravery, the man in the dress was already scared.

The man in the costume quickly climbed to the feet of Li Yao, and repeatedly hoeed his head: "Heroes, heroes, heroes spare their lives!"

尧 Li Yao looked at the shocked woman and said to her, "You're not leaving!"

The woman then responded, bowed gratefully to Li Yao, then turned and ran away.

Then, Li Yao set his sights on the dress man who crawled under his feet, with a grinning smile: "I've already shot, no matter what, you have to make a good point!"

Dress man froze, "color head?"

尧 Li Yao frowned, "Huh? No?"

The man in the western dress shuddered in shock and quickly said, "Yes, there are ... there are colorful heads!"

He said, he didn't care about the severe pain in his face, he got up from the ground, touched his body, and found out a stack of paper money, and trembled it into Li Yao's hands.

尧 Li Yao squeezed the banknotes and frowned again. "Just so?"

The fancy dress man shuddered and said quickly: "And, and there!"

He said, he ran to the four people who were still at the stack, and groped about them, and found a small stack of banknotes.

Then, he ran to Li Yao in arrogance and handed the note to Li Yao respectfully.

Li Yao is still a little dissatisfied, "Are you sending the croaker?"

The fancy dress man was so frightened that he scoured himself up and took out all the valuable things on his body.

There are pure gold snuff bottles, pure gold pocket watches, pure gold pens ...

尧 Li Yao picked up a pen in pure gold and sneered, "Just like a bird, do you also need a pen?"

The man in a western-style dress nodded like a chicken pecking rice, and even said, "Not worth it, not worth ..."

尧 Li Yao nodded with satisfaction and waved with a big hand: "You know the current affairs, get out of here!"

The man in the dress was like an amnesty. He left the other four and ran away.

Li Yao saw several attributed light **** on the ground, and he picked them up without falling.

Although there are not many attributes, mosquito meat is also meat!

Li Yao collected the booty, and UU reading left with satisfaction.

Then, he came to Wuguan Street again to see if there was an inn.

他 When he passed the Qinglong Wuguan, he found that the owner of the Qinglong Pavilion was sitting in front of the door, sighing and sighing, his expression was dispirited.

Li Yao asked casually: "Hey, are you all right?"

The host of Qinglong Wuguan Pavilion looked up and saw Li Yao. He quickly came over and said, "Is you? Do you recognize me?"

Previously, when Li Yao and Ye asked to compete, the owner of the pavilion was also in Ye's house.

So he recognized Li Yao.

Li Yao nodded and said, "I was also present when Jinshan was looking for a match with you."

The owner of the hall was stunned, and at the same time, his expression was darkened, and said, "Well, if it were not for Jinshan to find a match with me, I would not end up now."

尧 Li Yao was puzzled and asked, "What's going on?"

The head of the museum sighed and narrated the original story.

It turned out that after the host of the Qinglong Wuguan Pavilion was defeated by Jinshan, the apprentices he received felt that his martial arts were inadequate and left Qinglong Wuguan.

Before they left, they also removed all valuables in the martial arts hall, saying it was to compensate them for their tuition.

After listening to the narrator's narrative, Li Yao looked around the bustling street again, and a good idea suddenly came to his mind.

So, he said to the museum owner, "The museum owner, I want to inventory your martial arts, I don't know what you want?"

The patron of the pavilion froze for a moment.

But think about it carefully, anyway, my reputation is bad, there is no way to stay in Foshan, it would be better to transfer the martial arts to this person, and then another place to continue to open the martial arts museum.

Therefore, the two hit it off right away, and Li Yao successfully captured the Qinglong Wuguan.

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