
125 – Dance of The Dead

"Hex isn't a villain," the hero named Lill said.

"He wears a villain band, hence a villain," Titan replied.

"He's got us there, Lill," Hex answered.

"But I will not unfairly judge," Titan continued. He turned to Lill, "If you can vouch for him, he is welcome to join in my quest."

"Is this part of the event?" Hex asked.

Titan nodded, "The villain Sweet Dream is gathering others to attack a candy factory to power her confectionary abilities. I'm recruiting a team of heroes to stop her."

Lill looked to Hex, "What do you think?"

"I'm game," Hex said.

"Good. I am Titan, son of Kratos. Meet me in front of the heroes guild in five minutes. I still need five more heroes to fight Sweet Dream's force."

"I'm Lill'Personator, but everyone calls me Lill," the hero said.

"And I'm Hex," the villain answered.

"Then, I will see you both soon."

With his goodbye said, Titan crouched low and jumped once more into the sky. He landed a street away, near a colorful temple to a Greek god. Titan found it rather fitting that his character would end up protecting Thenapolis, World of Supers depiction of ancient Athens. As the son of Kratos, working as a hero in the city of the gods that banished his father was perfect on so many levels.

Titan sprinted past the temple, his heavy steps making small depressions on the street. He passed by a few more small temples before reaching another fight. This time it was two villains facing a lone hero. Titan picked up the pace once he caught a glimpse of them. This last person should give him enough players to fight against Sweet Dream.

Titan slowed his sprint as he approached, readying himself to jump on top of the two villains. The opponents in question were dressed in urban military camouflage and combat boots. Both openly brandished knives in front of the sole hero facing them, their faces taut with concentration. The hero, or heroine Titan noticed as he came closer, stood dressed in a long gown laced with flowers. She stood confidently in front of the two villains, hands on her hips like a nanny telling off a young child.

In addition to the woman's flowing dress, the heroine also wore a crown of flowers on her head. A skull created by makeup covered the heroine's distinctly Hispanic features. The heroine finished the look with a skull hair clip holding her long hair together in a braid. Titan recognized the attire as a traditional Dia De Los Muertos outfit, but he couldn't focus on her as the two villains were making a move.

Titan arrived as the two villains lunged forward, their knives aiming straight for the heroine's stomach. Titan srang off the ground, shouting a warcry to attract the villains' attention. Both enemies glanced at Titan but kept their knives on course. The strongman looked on as the blades flashed towards the heroine, knowing his jump would end after the attack landed. At the last moment, the heroine lifted the edge of her dress and twirled. The lace flowers flowed upward and struck the knives, knocking them off course.

The heroine spun with the strike, grabbing one of the villain's hands and tugging. The enemy stumbled forward, and he found himself caught by the woman. Before the villain could regain his footing, the heroine brought him close and pulled him away from his partner in a tango. The villain tried to tug his hands free, but all that got him was a sharp tug as he flew into a spin.

Titan landed in front of the other villain a second after the woman pulled his partner away. Surprise crossed the man's face, but only for a second. After the moment, the villain crouched in a fighting stance, his knife pointing right at Titan. The hero responded with a stance of his own, spreading his arms high and wide like a bear. The two circled each other warily, neither taking their eyes off the other as they calculated their plans of attack.

Titan was the first to make a move. Trusting in his inherent durability, the hero lunged forward to take the villain in a bear hug. The enemy responded with a quick slash at the hero's palm, abandoning the attempt and rolling backward when Titan didn't even flinch. In truth, the villain's attack had hit Titan, but it was only a small tick of damage. Knowing the villain couldn't take him down, Titan pressed the attack.

The villain retreated under Titan's assault, bobbing and weaving through the hero's wide swings and grabs. Each time, Titan felt a small twinge of pain as the knife slashed his arms, but it was only a matter of time until Titan caught his foe.

The dance continued for a few more seconds until the villain backed up into a wall. Titan smiled as his foe felt at the cold brick behind him. "You fought well, but you are no match for the son of Kratos. Surrender and face the severity of your crimes, or fall by my hands."

The villain didn't respond, instead lunging forward for one last strike. Titan stepped back and grabbed the villain's arm, squeezing it in his large hands. The villain winced in pain but pulled another knife out of his sheath on his belt and swung it at Titan. The hero knocked it away with his free hand.

"So be it," Titan said. He yanked the villain upward, lifting his enemy off the ground with no effort at all. The villain struggled for a half-second before Titan spun in a circle and launched his foe into the air. Titan watched the villain shoot upward, flipping head over end as he fell to the ground. A dull thud cracked across the street as the villain landed and disappeared, his health dropping to zero.

"A brutal way to end his life," the heroine from before said.

"I gave him a chance to repent," Titan answered. "It was his fault for ignoring it."

"Such is the way of the world, I guess," the woman answered. She bowed to Titan, "Thank you for your help. I am Muerta."

"Titan," the hero answered. "And I don't think I was needed."

The woman laughed, "Help should always be appreciated, though you are correct. The two we fought were only clones. The real culprit has long since escaped."

"No wonder my foe didn't use powers," Titan answered.

"Yes. I was sure I had him," Muerta answered. "But he somehow switched places at some point."

"No use trying to find him now, then. Instead, I'm looking for others to join me in stopping Sweet Dream and her recruitment of criminals. She plans to use them to assault a local candy factory in an attempt to enhance her powers. I aim to stop her, but I need allies."

"A dangerous proposition," Muerta said. "Aren't you on the same side as Dr. Zlo and the others?"

"Regrettably," Titan answered. "I joined Menagerie as I believed their goal was just. Our world should not be beholden to those who don't live in it. Their similar beliefs are what made me join in the first place. But I cannot abide them causing chaos in the name of that goal. What use is freeing this world if there is no one left to save?"

"So you oppose this plan and need allies to join you," Muerta surmised. "Very well, you have my assistance."

"Thank you," Titan answered. "The others are meeting me in front of the heroes guild. If you allow me to carry you, we have just enough time to make it there."

Muerta held out a hand for Titan to take, "Lead the way."

Titan took the hand, pulling the woman into his arms and leaping into the air at the same time. The two traveled over the city, neither speaking until they arrived at the front of the heroes guild. Titan landed a few feet away from the small crowd of heroes milling about and attracted their attention. A quick count revealed ten heroes, exactly the number he wanted.

"Thank you all for agreeing to help," Titan said as he released Muerta. "I am Titan, son of Kratos, and part of the group Menagerie. As you all know, Dr. Zlo has planted a bomb somewhere in the city. A bomb that will destroy everything if it isn't stopped. His helper, Sweet Dream, looks to speed up the process. She is currently on route to a local candy factory, where she plans to steal as much sugar as she can to speed up the countdown with her powers. I cannot agree with their methods, and so I am trying to stop them. If you are willing to help, I'll gladly have you."

"Sounds like a fun time," Lill'Personator said. "I'm in."

"Me too," Hex said.

"I as well," Muerta answered.

The others followed after, agreeing to join Titan on his quest.

"Thank you, friends," the hero said once everyone finished. "It warms my heart to know others haven't lost hope. Now, let's make haste. We will discuss our powers as we make our way over to the factory. I'm sure Sweet Dream already has a head start."

High above the clouds and miles away from Thenapolis, Dr. Zlo fumed in his chair.

"How dare Sweet Dream hang up on me!" the villain complained. "Doesn't she know I'm the mastermind behind all of this?"

"I think she does, hon. But I don't think she cares," Mabel answered.

"Of course she doesn't," Dr. Zlo grumbled. "That woman has always questioned my authority."

"But you gotta admit, she gets things done, boss," Cass answered.

Dr. Zlo sighed, "That she does. I may not like her methods, but pulling in a team of villains to fight the heroes has better odds than Riptide's plan of no plan at all."

"Too bad Titan isn't a pushover," Mabel answered. "He's recruiting a team as well."

"Yes! The son of a titan versus the queen of confections! Both hold authority over others, and both have used that authority to recruit others." Dr. Zlo leaned back in his chair and looked at the twin projections of Titan and Sweet Dream. Both players stood above their peers, directing them towards the intended target and arranging them into teams.

"A clash of rulers is coming, Cass," Dr. Zlo said. "I can't wait to see the result!"

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