
133 – Wave Goodbye

Titan rolled to the side as Sweet Dream swiped a fist at him, coming up next to Leonidas. He grabbed both the drugged hero's spear and shield, hoisting them up to face his foe. A shock ran through his hands as he grabbed the spear. The weapon slid through Titan's grasp, clattering to the floor and cutting him on the way down.

The hero tried to grab the spear again, but Sweet Dream fell upon him like a landslide, forcing Titan to raise his shield and back away. Chocolate splattered across the truck like raindrops as Sweet Dream shot another glob. A bit of it hit Leonidas in the mouth, lengthening the hero's drug trip.

"Brace yourselves!" Bart yelled, swerving through another police blockade. Sweet Dream instantly hit the floor, sticking herself to the truck with her chocolate. Titan crouched and stabbed his hand into the vehicle's metal top, anchoring himself as the semi careened around the blockade. A jolt sent him into the air for a second, knocking Leonidas and his spear off. Titan quickly looked to see if the hero was okay, sighing in relief when he saw the man propped up on his spear like a man leaning on a wall.

Sweet Dream rolled with the turns, coming to a stand as the truck straightened out. She could see the road ahead leading to the coast, a flat stretch that Bart thundered down like a raft in rapids. The others were still fighting behind her, Muerta and Krampelle the only two left on the truck. No, that wasn't entirely true. Sweet Dream caught a glimpse of Leatherface street surfing behind, his leather rope securing him to the truck's back.

"I'm going to win, Titan!" Sweet Dream taunted. "You can't take me down in time!"

Police sirens echoed through the streets like fireworks as the patrol cars swarmed behind the candy caravan. A few tried to take potshots at Leatherface but found their shots blocked by the villain's power. Titan looked around, surveying the insanity before focusing on Sweet Dream.

"I still have a chance," the hero said, hefting Leonidas's shield.

Sweet Dream threw a fist as Titan advanced, letting the blow splatter on the hoplite shield. Titan ignored the strike, continuing to push at the villainess. Sweet Dream found herself skidding to the edge, unable to match Titan's strength. Of course, the villainess knew she didn't have to equal it.

Sweet Dream threw herself to the left and released her transformation. She landed in a roll in human form, transforming back into the chocolate monstrosity as she jumped to her feet. Titan lurched from the loss of mass, almost falling off the truck entirely. He caught himself by falling forward and slamming the shield into the vehicle's frame.

Sweet Dream lazily tossed a glob of chocolate his way, not expecting it to hit. True to her thoughts, Titan jumped into the air, dodging the strike and moving a few feet back as air resistance pushed at him. He hit the ground in a run, dashing a Sweet Dream again. The villainess kicked out, ringing the shield like a bell and slowing Titan just enough for her to jump away again.

This time, the two fought along the length of the truck, giving Sweet Dream plenty of room to back away. As she neared the hood of the semi, so too did the vehicle edge closer to their target. The villainess could make out the blinking buoy in the distance, its red light bathing the coast. No NPC thought to check the beacon since it sat within a row; Dr. Zlo's little bit of camouflage to keep players from immediately finding it.

Titan saw the truck nearing the edge as well, and his attacks became more frantic because of it. Police were actively shooting at the rear truck now, doing their best to take out the tires. Someone must have tipped them off, Sweet Dream figured. She glanced around during a break in the fighting to see heroes and villains fighting along the streets, doing their best to succeed in their respective tasks.

Powers of all kinds flew toward trucks, some aimed at players on top while others went for the tires below. Energy of all types plinked and pierced the vehicles, and some of their contents started to drain out the back, leaving a trail of sugar for the police to follow. Villains struck back with warped claws, ethereal axes, and other malicious items. Sweet Dream caught one villain summoning a pink clown that smashed its red nose into a struggling hero.

Bart kept going, his power keeping the truck running by repairing it when abilities hit the vitals. It drained a lot of energy, but they were at the home stretch. The buoy was only a traffic light and a beach away.

Titan grabbed Leonidas's shield by the edge and started to swing it like a fan, swiping back and forth to try and force Sweet Dream off before they landed. The villainess stepped back as much as she could but found herself with no room as Bart's truck reached the traffic light.

"I have you now!" Titan roared as he swiped one last time.

Sweet Dream watched the shield come at her in slow motion, everything slowing down for a short second. She turned as the shield bore down on her, catching a glimpse of the traffic light as it turned red. Heroes and villains passed through her vision, creating a chaotic tapestry of powers. Her eyes focused on a car that gunned it once their light turned green, not noticing or not caring that an eighteen-wheeler three times as big was bolting through the intersection.

Seeing the incoming collision, Sweet Dream lunged forward. Titan's swipe crossed over her head as she dove onto the truck's hood. Sweet Dream slammed onto the hood, sending a mist of chocolate into the air. The car from before slammed into the side a moment later, forcefully twisting the semi and skidding it towards a line of parked cars.

Titan jolted into the air from the impact, flying over the edge and landing on the street. The truck behind Bart swerved to avoid the crash ahead, bringing it right into Titan's path. The hero grunted as he sank into the semi's grill, bending the metal in as his health dropped. The Licor-Ick inside tried their best to correct, but oversteered. The semi-truck flipped onto its side and rolled to a stop, crushing the front cars at the intersection and blocking off the route. The villains and heroes on top of the car sailed through the air, landing on buildings near the edge of the street. The patrol cars screeched to a halt behind the crash, piling up into a gigantic mess as following vehicles rammed into the leads.

For a moment, it looked like Bart wouldn't be able to steer his truck clear of the parked cars. However, the villain still had one trick up his sleeve. Bart heaved the steering wheel left with a grunt, then jerked it right and slammed the brakes, activating his power to thicken the tires. The truck corrected course and skid to a halt right before the first parked car.

"Great going, Bart!" Sweet Dream cheered. She switched over to her human form, quickly scrambling into the passenger seat. "Now, take this baby to the ocean! I have a bomb to detonate!"

"Cass! Drinks for everyone! Sweet Dream did it!"

Cass produced a champagne bottle from inside his coat and hastily popped the cork. Foamy alcohol spewed forth, spilling onto the floor where it dripped through the latticed floor. A few drops landed on some Jacques below, and one quickly pulled the other's coat off to use as an umbrella.

Cass produced three glasses and poured the celebratory liquid into them. Dr. Zlo grabbed one as soon as the butler finished, raising it high into the air.

"A toast!" he proclaimed. "To villainy, debauchery, and everything in between!"

Cass and Mabel raised their glasses with him, clinking them together as they watched Sweet Dream and Bart take the final truck to the coast.

"Einstein!" Dr. Zlo commanded. "Be ready with the phone!"

The mouse squeaked an affirmative, scurrying over to the rotary telephone. Dr. Zlo strode over moments later, keeping his eyes on the screen.

Sweet Dream was directing Bart to back the semi-truck into the ocean while she grabbed a hidden rope and reeled the buoy in.

"Ooh, I can't wait!" Dr. Zlo said.

Once the truck was close enough, Sweet Dream and Bart opened the back, letting the candy spill out over the area. Sweet Dream then stood between the blinking bomb and the candy, holding her hands over both.

"Get ready for a sugar rush!" Sweet Dream whooped. The villainess stored the candy inside her inventory, procuring and palming a detonator linked to the corresponding bomb.

"Are we connected?" Dr. Zlo asked urgently.

Einstein nodded.

As soon as he saw Sweet Dream press the button, Dr. Zlo spoke into the receiver.

"Too bad heroes! Today, evil triumphs! I hope you all enjoy a good bath! Just know it'll be a touch salty."

With that, Dr. Zlo started to count down from ten. Every player in the area immediately logged out, except for those who absolutely needed to see the action up close. But when Dr. Zlo counted to zero, nothing happened.

"Ca–" Dr. Zlo started to shout, but before he could finish, a great rumble shook the speakers in the room. Dr. Zlo whipped his head back to the projector to see his bomb lodge itself in the ground and shake. The rumble pushed the seawaters back, only for them to crash in moments later. With perfect timing, the bomb shook again and again, sending the seawaters further and further away until they splashed over the streets.

"YES! Know the true evil that is Dr. Zlo!" the villain boomed.

NPCs below ran inward, but the bomb was relentless. A few heroes used their powers to protect the citizens, but many were just washed away as the rippling waves advanced. The water continued to encroach upon the land, drowning storefronts, houses, parks, and the local metro station. Cries for help scattered across the wind as a few NPCs lucky enough to live high up climbed to the rooftops.

And then, the city started to fight back. Helicopters appeared in the sky, airlifting the distressed citizens. Heroes with water powers pushed the waves back, buying enough time for others to make it to fortified bunkers before they sealed shut. There were even a few villains on the scene, doing the bare minimum to help but still helping. As the seas moved to the center of Thenapolis, more and more supers appeared to push back the tides.

Despite the resistance, Dr. Zlo kept up his maniacal laugh.

"Struggle all you want, heroes!" the villain whooped. "Know that today you were beaten by Dr. Zlo! Criminal mastermind!"

As he spoke the words, a message appeared in front of Dylan.

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