
167 – Hidden Dealings

Dr. Zlo arrived back in Skyline, materials in his inventory, just in time to see Rampart and his team come through the teleporter. The team of heroes was talking to another group, people Dr. Zlo didn't recognize immediately. After a moment, he recalled a few of the players that Rampart teamed up with for the event.

"Alright, see you tomorrow then?" Rampart said to the others as Dr. Zlo got closer.

"Yeah," one of the heroes said, a man decked out in power armor.

"Should we just meet over in Aldorant?" another hero said, this one dressed as a shaman from a long lost culture.

"Probably for the best," Rampart answered. "That way, we can start the Mayor's quest as soon as we get there."

"Oh man, I can't wait," the man in power armor said.

Dylan smiled as he walked past but made sure it looked mocking on Dr. Zlo's face. He had to keep up his façade as an evil villain, despite how close he was to the heroes. Oro noticed the smile, winking at Dr. Zlo then glaring at him. Dr. Zlo mimed firing a gun, reminding the hero of the time he joined the dark side.

Oro stepped through Rampart's conversation then, puffing his chest out to meet Dr. Zlo.

"Well, look who it is," the hero said. "Dr. Zlo, in the flesh."

"Ah, Oro. So nice to see you still remember me," Dr. Zlo said with a bow. "I was sure you put the whole villain for a day business out of your mind."

"Oh no, I made sure to remember you well," Oro said. He moved to get within an inch of Dr. Zlo as if he was an MMA fighter posturing.

"Would you mind?" Dr. Zlo said calmly. "Your breath is stinking up the air."

"Just you wait, Dr. Zlo," Oro said, making sure to breathe out on every word. "If this wasn't neutral territory, I would send you flying into next week."

"How unfortunate for you, then," Dr. Zlo said. The villain took his cane and pushed Oro on the chest. The hero relented, stepping back a few steps. "Though, if you're so inclined to fight, we could always go to the coliseum."

"AS if you would ever abide by the rules of the ring," Oro said. "No, I was thinking we could meet somewhere else for a rematch. One of the cities below."

"Talk to my agent," Dr. Zlo said, grabbing Saul by the shoulder. The sleazy minion tried to protest, but a glare from Dr. Zlo's monocle eye stopped him.

Saul stepped between Dr. Zlo and Oro, offering a handshake to the hero.

"Saul Goodman, at your service," the minion said, flashing his best smile.

Oro pulled back from the gold tooth that dominated the man's grin, surprise on his face. "And you're his, agent?" Oro asked.

"That's right," Saul said. The man pulled a slightly creased business card out of his pocket and handed it over. "I represent Dr. Zlo in all his public dealings, and of course, anyone else looking for a representative in superhero work."

"You call his crimes work?" Titan said from the sidelines.

"Dr. Zlo is not responsible for any misinterpretations the general public has about his image," Saul answered.

"Fancy way to say yes," Titan growled back.

Saul flashed his smile at the hero, "You seem like the type of person who gets on other's bad sides. Would you be interested in a public relations agent?"

"No," Titan said.

"Then stay out of the conversation," Saul snapped. The minion turned back to Oro, "You're looking for a chance to face off against Dr. Zlo, right? I can help arrange that. For a fee, of course."

"I'll let you work things out with Saul," Dr. Zlo said. "I'm sure I'll see you soon, Oro!"

"Get back here!" Oro shouted, but Saul stepped between the players.

"I'm sorry, but any interaction with my client should be vetted by yours truly." Saul gave another winning smile, "I hope you understand."

Oro kept up protests but didn't move past Saul. Dr. Zlo waved goodbye as he left the teleporter and made his way back to his base. A moment later, a message from Oro appeared.


How was that?


Perfect thanks.


Yep yep. Let me know if you need something else.

Oh and tell me when you actually want to do something. I've got a few quests with the group for a bit, but I went through and made a villain character for some shenanigans.


And tomfoolery?


I thought that was implied?

Was that not implied?


I was getting clarification.

I felt tomfoolery was implied, but I didn't want to assume.

It's the turn of the millennia, you know.


True, assuming is so last century.

Anyways I'm gonna be free in a day or two, depending on how many quests Aldorant has.

Joined up with this other group who went through Mutatholis and found a few hidden quests.

Well, not actually hidden but apparently reacting in ways to the NPCs opens up different routes.

I can't believe we were complaining about simple quests before!


It's that different?


Oh yeah.

We went back through one of the Haven quests, interacting with NPCs differently and all.

Found a remnant group of peaceful natives from the island before people colonized it, run by a super.

But also found a mafia group of the natives that were actively pressuring the peaceful group to take back the land.

I don't want to spoil anything else just in case you play a hero someday, but that was an awesome storyline.


It sounds it.

I might have to make a hero at some point if the stories are that in depth.


If you do, hit me up. We'll be the dynamic duo! The terrific two!



Alright. Talk to you later. I have a crime to plan.


And now I have to legally report you.

You shouldn't be divulging such information to a hero.


Ha! As if you could stop me!

Dylan closed the chat, making his way inside his base and placing his ordered items for the Zlomobile in the garage. Talking with Oro was always fun, and Dylan was excited for when his friend made his villain character. He wondered what the golden hero would pick. Oro seemed to have a love for the classic heroes and villains, the ones who defined the tropes everyone knew and loved.

"Boss, are you sure you should leave Saul alone?" Cass asked.

"Why do you ask?" Dr. Zlo said.

"Boss, he'd sell his own mother for a quick buck!" Cass protested.

"Which is why he's perfect for us, Cass," Dr. Zlo argued. "You see, Saul is a man that understands business. In that he can sell whatever he wants as long as he doesn't get caught or upset the wrong people. All I need to ensure is that he understands that no matter what he does, I'm always watching."

Dr. Zlo snapped his fingers, a white mouse scurrying out from under the work desk in the garage. The rodent squeaked as it arrived in front of Dr. Zlo, climbing up the villain's pants leg at his urging. Once the mouse rested on the palm of Dr. Zlo's hand, the villain spoke.

"I need you to have a few of your people watch Saul. If he thinks about selling me out, leave him a note to show we're watching."

The mouse squeaked and nodded, bringing its small paw up in a salute. Dr. Zlo nodded back, then set the rodent down onto the work desk.

"Oh, and make sure to have a few countermeasures ready," Dr. Zlo said. "I'm sure someone like Saul won't sit still when mice appear in his office."

The mouse squeaked again, then scurried off behind the desk to meet with its brethren.

"You see, Cass," Dr. Zlo said, brushing a stray hair from his pants leg, "I've got it all under control."

Cass looked at his boss with admiring eyes, "You're always a step ahead, boss."

"That's because I'm me," Dr. Zlo said. "Now, let's see how everyone is settling in, shall we?"

Dr. Zlo and Cass made their way back up the stairs and into the lab. There, they found Brunhilde scolding a few of the Jacques. They sat on their knees, heads hanging low as Brunhilde berated them.

"How dare you bother Herr Zlo'z experimentz!" the maid protested. "Vhy, ze nerve!"

"Something wrong, Brunhilde?" Dr. Zlo asked.

"Notzing, Herr Zlo," Brunhilde said. "I vas only reprimanding zeez mizcreantz for tapping on the glasz of your eelz."

"I see," Dr. Zlo said. "Carry on then."

Brunhilde nodded, then went back to admonishing the Jacques. Dr. Zlo circled the group, heading back up to the main floor of his base to find Quartet. Cass followed behind, making sure to be extra careful around Brunhilde in the future. The woman's berating sounded like artillery shells.

Dr. Zlo walked around the main floor, finding Mabel in the dining room with her Jacobs. The woman sipped on a mug of coffee today instead of her usual tea, prompting Dr. Zlo to stop.

"Coffee today, Mabel?" Dr. Zlo asked. "How unlike you."

"I wanted something dark and bold today, hon," Mabel answered.

"Hmm," Dr. Zlo said. Dylan wasn't sure if Mabel meant drinks or men and wasn't about to ask. "Have you seen Quartet?"

"He's on the second floor," Mabel answered. "Arranging one of the rooms to suit him or something."

"Thank you," Dr. Zlo said, turning toward the flight of stairs leading up.

"Anytime, hon," Mabel answered.

Dr. Zlo went back to the foyer at the front of his base, taking the second flight of stairs to search for Quartet. Before he could, a mouse came to him, jumping onto his shoulder and squeaking in his ear.

"Yes?" Dr. Zlo asked.

The mouse jumped into Dr. Zlo's hand, a phone strapped to his back with a text.

Lord, we've found the location of a fusion reactor as you requested.

"Excellent," Dr. Zlo said. "Where?"

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