
174 – Fight For A Cause

The decontamination room was automatic, meaning Mabel didn't have to control another group of people. As the hiss of decontaminants came down like snow, covering the invaders with a fine mist. It dispersed as quickly as it came, leaving behind a fresh mint smell.

"The mint was my idea," Constantine said. "The normal decontaminants smell like a wet dog."

"How does that happen?" Cass asked.

"We don't have time to discuss the random inventions of other scientists, Cass," Dr. Zlo said. "We have an important design to steal."

Dr. Zlo led the way, opening the door to reveal a room filled to the brim with stacks of blinking computers. Scientists ran between the rows, with others sitting at desks situated at the ends. Past the groups of computers was a circular room, separated from the computers by a line of glass. On the other side stood workers in hazmat suits, working on a glowing green item.

"That's it," Constantine said, pointing at the green glow.

"Funny, I thought it would be larger," Dr. Zlo said.

"It was when I researched it," Constantine said. "Looks like someone made a few improvements on the technology."

"Well, that makes things easier for us," Dr. Zlo said. He tipped his hat and gripped his cane before walking inside. The Jacques followed behind, spilling out into the computer room like marbles from a bag. And like marbles, they caused chaos wherever they went. Jacques toppled stacks of computers and ripped cords from the walls while Dr. Zlo walked forward, dropping his secret identity.

Dr. Zlo bowed, "Good afternoon, esteemed engineers and scientists. I am Dr. Zlo! Criminal mastermind! And I am here to steal your fusion reactor. If you would be so kind."

The scientists panicked, one slamming his fist on a red button nearby. Klaxons blared, and red lights started to flash, warning the entire building of Dr. Zlo's theft. The villain halted, his lips pinching together from the annoying sound. With a quick motion, Dr. Zlo blasted the scientist who pressed the button with his monocle laser. The red beam connected with the man's white lab coat, eating through it and leaving a small hole. The scientist fell to the ground, then vanished in a puff of smoke, leaving behind a vial of test tubes.

"I wasn't quite done with my speech," Dr. Zlo announced. "So that was very rude. Now, does anyone else want to try?"

"We don't have a lot of time, now!" Constantine shouted. "Get the fusion reactor, and let's get out of here!"

"You have no sense for the dramatic," Dr. Zlo said. "This is the most important part. I'm not about to scurry around like a common criminal panicking over a little alarm. Besides, Mabel can take care of interlopers, isn't that right?"

Mabel winked at Dr. Zlo, "You know it, hon. I'll make sure to stay right on top of them."

"See?" Dr. Zlo said, turning back to Constantine. "Nothing to worry about. Now, open up the reactor room so we can grab our prize and be on our way."

"But that would release deadly radiation to everyone outside!" A scientist cried. "We'd all die!"

"A price I'm willing to pay," Dr. Zlo said.

"Now, hold on," Constantine said. "I'm not about to let these brilliant men and women die for this cause."

Dr. Zlo rolled his eyes, "Then what would you suggest?"

Constantine pointed to a hazmat suit hanging off a rack near the reactor, "We'll suit up and make our way inside. I'll have to decouple the reactor core from the elevator anyway."

Dr. Zlo frowned but acceded the point, "Fine. Have it your way. However!"

Dr. Zlo turned to his Jacques with a flourish, "Make sure that our new captives don't leave."

The Jacques saluted, forming a ring around the scientists and herding them like cattle. Cass and Quartet looked on, wondering if the boss would give them any orders. When none came, Quartet fumed.

"I can hold off guards as well as Mabel," he complained.

"Then by all means!" Dr. Zlo shouted back. "Just know that if one gets past you and Mabel, I'll blame you for it, Quartet."

"On second thought, I'm fine with overseeing the Jacques," Quartet said. He walked over to the ring of minions and started to boss them around, giving a show of authority but none of the respect.'

Constantine led D.r Zlo over to the hazmat suits, both donning the bulky material. Constantine turned to Dr. Zlo as the helmet sealed around the villain's head.

"Now, the reactor might be a bit tricky now that it's miniaturized. I'll need to concentrate. Which means I can't be disturbed."

Dr. Zlo hefted his cane, "That won't be a problem."

Constantine nodded, then the two men stepped into the first room. The glass spun around them, sealing the two men off from the computer stacks. Another blast of decontamination spray misted over the men, leaving behind the smell of fresh sage. Once the process finished, the room spun, opening up to the reactor core. The few scientists inside stood hesitantly, unsure what to do.

"Please, don't interfere," Constantine said. "My colleague doesn't have the moral scruples I hold."

"You know," Dr. Zlo said. "That would be insulting if I wasn't a villain."

"I'm sure," Constantine answered. The man made his way over to the glowing green reactor, grabbing a set of tools from the closest scientist.

"First things first, we need to uncouple the reactor from its power source," Constantine said. "After that, we need a way to cool it down."

Dr. Zlo frowned, "You didn't mention that during our earlier talk."

"Didn't I?" Constantine said. "Not to worry, I brought a containment unit."

"Hmm," Dr. Zlo answered.

The villain was starting to think Constantine had a different motive. Well, he did expect the man to have a reason that didn't align with Dr. Zlo's. Captives like Constantine don't agree to rob a fusion reactor without ulterior motives. The only question was, why now?

By all accounts, Dr. Zlo expected the man to betray him after the theft. That would be when the scientist had his helpers around. But it was starting to look like Constantine had another plan. He confirmed it when a scientist protested in front of the men.

"That's not the decoupler!" the scientist cried.

"Quiet him," Constantine said to Dr. Zlo. "I'm trying to work."

"Now, hold on," Dr. Zlo said. "I believe he said something rather important."

Dr. Zlo turned to the scientist, "What's our dear engineer doing?"

The scientist gulped, "He's going to cause a meltdown if he keeps this up!"

"Blast your cowardice!" Constantine growled.

Ah, now I see the plan," Dr. Zlo said. He walked over to Constantine, cane at the ready, "You weren't trying to steal the reactor. You wanted to explode it."

"You wouldn't understand," Constantine argued.

"No, perhaps not," Dr. Zlo said. "I hold none of the dogmatic scruples you seem to hold. However, I expected more from someone who spoke about morals."

"Sometimes we must make sacrifices for the greater good," Constantine said. "Stealing the reactor wouldn't solve the problem. The elevator itself needs to die in order for Tractus to live. I must cut off the city's child from the mother; for too long has it stolen our nutrients!"

Dr. Zlo whacked Constantine upside the head. The man fell, unconscious.

"Right then," Dr. Zlo said, turning to the scientists. "Which of you is going to deactivate the reactor for me? Keep in mind I don't have a lot of patience left for anyone with ulterior motives."

Constantine woke up at that moment, sweeping Dr. Zlo's leg out from under him. The villain fell to the ground with a crash.

"I won't let you ruin my life's work!" Constantine shouted.

Dr. Zlo grunted as he hit the ground, his monocle dislodging from his face and clattering to the floor. The villain shook off the blow, swinging his cane around like a club. He activated his adhesive gel at the same time, letting his cane become a paintbrush and the foamy substance the paint.

Constantine jumped back, pulling a scientist in front of him to block Dr. Zlo's attack. The white gel wrapped around the hapless NPC, sending them to the ground where they stuck fast.

"You're spry for your age," Dr. Zlo complimented as he stood.

"I've made several upgrades to my body over the years," Constantine said, rolling his neck. "All to succeed in my task."

"Ah, a mad scientist after my own heart," Dr. Zlo said. "Though, I think experimenting on others is the better decision. You get to try the more fun designs that might be too dangerous."

Constantine rushed forward, throwing punches at Dr. Zlo, "I'm nothing like you. I have a cause! A belief!"

"Ah, belief. How it gets in the way of things," Dr. Zlo said as he dodged. The villain twisted the knob on his cane, releasing his nanomachines. They were a shimmering black now, to complement Dr. Zlo's suit. Dylan wasn't quite sure if this was the color he wanted, but the effect was definitely impressive.

The nanomachines formed into a whip, Dr. Zlo sending it to wrap around Constantine. The engineer twisted, bending his back in an impossible direction to escape the attack.

Seeing that the fight would take longer than expected, Dr. Zlo backed off and turned to a scientist.

"You there, go unhook the reactor."

"What?!" the scientist shouted.

"Listen, if Constantine gets the chance, he's going to have this whole place go up in a fireball to destroy the elevator. I don't know about you, but I don't plan to be around for that finale. However, I also need the reactor, and I believe you do as well."

Dr. Zlo grunted as Constantine rushed at him again.

"Look!" the villain shouted to the scientist. "If you decouple it and take it away from here, you can get it back after this is all over. If you don't, you run the risk of blowing everyone up! Do you want that?"

The scientist shook their head.

"Then get to work!"

Constantine connected with Dr. Zlo, sinking a fist into the man's torso while he talked. "If you think I'll let you–"

"Please, Constantine," Dr. Zlo interrupted. "Such words are below you. Unless you were a two-bit villain this entire time. Besides, I doubt you'll be able to get past me."

Dr. Zlo stepped between the man and the reactor.

"After all, I'm always a class above the rest when it comes to villainy."

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