
193 – The Rise of Empires

As Dylan appeared in his lair, the message for the new expansion appeared. A video started to play, narrated by a man with a deep voice and accompanied by an orchestral piece.

Welcome to World of Supers, Rise of the Ancients!

For millennia, the great Emperor Zrethra ruled the continent, raising vast armies with his sorcerous powers. He ruled with an iron fist, cracking down on any insubordination with his legions of terror. But even an emperor is mortal, and despite Zrethra's powers, even he couldn't stave off the cold embrace of death.

Zrethra grew increasingly desperate as time passed, enacting rituals of dark magic to prolong his already extensive life. He erected great pyramids across the world, demanding sacrifices to fuel his lifespan. But Zrethra gained less energy each time, the black sorcery unable to keep up with his decaying body. Desperate, the Emperor turned to the darkest magics known, that of undeath. Zrethra prepared a great coffin filled with grand treasures for his passing as he prepared himself.

The Emperor planned to become a lich, using one of his many treasures as a phylactery. Sacrifices of the man's subjects doubled, then tripled as Zrethra used their life to fuel his magic. A soul well was formed, a place of storage to hold excess magic as the Emperor prepared himself.

Rebellions appeared as Zrethra engrossed himself in the ritual, his focus taken from the ruling of his kingdom. Oppressed heroes broke free of their shackles, leading men and women against Zrethra's Legions, many turning coat on the sorcerer as well. The rebellious armies grew until they were an army of freedom, breaking from their ruler's dark protection.

The army stormed the gates of Zrethra's palace, interrupting Zrethra's undead ascension at the last step. Zrethra had to die to become a true lich and sealed his body inside the coffin. His loyal followers would wake him, but the freedom fighter's interruption stopped his plan. Zrethra was trapped in a state of limbo, not dead, but not alive.

The newly freed population tried to destroy the coffin, but Zrethra's magic countered or overwhelmed anything sent at it. With no other options, the people buried Zrethra far underground, enacting rituals to ensure the lich was never woken from his slumber.

But all things age with time, and the seals hiding Zrethra broke. A hapless archeologist stumbled upon the coffin, foolishly opening it as he believed it to be the coffin of a long-lost king. The ritual complete, Zrethra rose to once again conquer the world!

The video finished playing, and another message appeared right after.

Introducing Rise of the Ancients!

The evil Emperor Zrethra has risen and has raised vast undead legions once again to claim his rightful place as ruler of the world. Heroes and villains must band together to face this new threat, or Zrethra will destroy else everything they love!

New Invasions!

Zrethra controls vast hordes of undead and sends them to assault the many cities around the world. Players must work together with the locals when these invasions commence or risk losing parts of their towns to Zrethra's undead might! And keep an eye out around any player-controlled wilderness territory. Roving bands of undead have risen to attack! Animated by stray magics from Zrethra, these undead might be tougher than the average legionnaire. So stay sharp!

New Materials!

Unlock the secrets of talismans with the new expansion! These talismans, formed from ancient magics, are a new crafting material that grants magical bonuses to anything that bonds with it. Gain the strength of a bear, the cunning of a wolf, or the speed of a hawk with these new materials! Or use them as one-off tokens for a temporary boost in power!

New Cities!

Now that the Quli leader is defeated, players can find a new city built on the ashes of the destroyed mothership. Section 51 is a home for Quli refugees, the aliens gathering under their mothership after losing their leader. Players can find new factions, quests, and items inside the refugee city. Just be sure to provide something that the people need in exchange!

New players and those with new characters rejoice; Tutorial city is here! Located on an island far off the mainland, Tutorial city is the new start point for every hero and villain to learn the ropes! Have a go on the new obstacle courses, prepare for your first quests, take a few combat lessons to help you excel outside of the city! Once you complete tutorial city, players are free to travel anywhere else!

"Neat," Dylan said.

"What's that, boss?" Cass asked.

"Oh, an evil emperor is attempting to take over the world with an undead army," Dr. Zlo answered nonchalantly.

Cass paled, "I'm not good with skeletons, boss."

"You're not good with anything," Quartet snorted. "Don't worry, boss. We can take them."

"Of that, I have no doubt!" Dr. Zlo exclaimed. "After all, the undead are so tacky. Mindless minions who need micromanagement every step of the way. Why you'd have to be a control freak to want something like that."

"Plus, they don't have our winning personalities," Quartet answered.

"What are we going to do about them, boss?" Cass asked. "Won't they be attacking us at some point?"

Dr. Zlo raised an eyebrow, "Cass, we're in a city in the sky. Any undead that reaches us will need wings, and I'm not confident that a rotting carcass can fly."

"They could steal airplanes and come up here," Cass wailed.

"You think too much," Quartet replied.

"Quite right!" Dr. Zlo said. "We have no time for these speculations. There's a race we have to get to!"

Dr. Zlo whirled, taking the steps down to his garage. His Zlomobile sat right where he left it, painted a brilliant sheen of black. Eagerly, Dylan opened the driver's side door and stepped in, admiring the leather interior. The player ran his hands over the wheel, feeling the ivory handles and buttons meant for his weapons.

"Oh, I can't wait to try you out," Dr. Zlo commented.

He moved his hands to the dashboard, admiring the vanilla white texture that contrasted with the car's outside. It reminded Dylan of a tuxedo, perfect for a classy villain like Dr. Zlo. He laid a hand on the gearshift, a bright red handle that gave off the impression of a bow tie. Finally, Dr. Zlo laid a hand on the ignition, basking in the throaty rumble of the engine.

Inspection done, the villain stepped out of the car, calling for his minions. Jacques filed into the room, followed by his three lieutenants. Brunhilde came last, the maid shoving a few straggling Jacques into the room. Saul didn't show, but Dylan knew the minion didn't reside in the mansion. He had his own building for his agent services.

"Right minions!" Dr. Zlo shouted as everyone squeezed inside. "Today is an important day. It's the day we test out my newest invention, the Zlomobile!"

Cass clapped appreciatively. Quartet shoved the butler to shut him up. The two glared at each other while Dr. Zlo continued his speech.

"I'm sure you're all familiar with the race I've scheduled and how I've invited heroes and villains alike for the contest."

The minions all nodded.

Dr. Zlo spun around to his car, "That's because I have a plan to eliminate the competition!"

The Jacques looked between them, making silent conversation as Dr. Zlo continued.

Mabel spoke up, "How, hon?"

"I am stationing you all at various points on the race, where my companions and I have formed traps! When the racers come by, you shall activate the traps, take out the competition, and leave me the sole victor! Muahahaha!"

Dr. Zlo threw his head back and brought his hands up to the sky, copying the evil laughs of old villains.

Cass raised a hand, "But boss, aren't you a racer? What if you get caught?"

Dr. Zlo whirled, glaring at his butler, "You think that I'll get caught by my own traps?"

Quartet snorted, "Yeah. Who would get caught by a trap they designed?"

"No boss!" Cass backpedaled. "But, what if a hero tricks you? Like they tell you that your dear old Cass is caught under a pile of bricks?"

"Cass," Dr. Zlo started. "You know that I would never fall for a hero's paltry tricks. After all. I am Dr. Zlo! Criminal mastermind! And besides, you're riding with me."

Cass gulped. It seemed the boss wanted Cass along for some reason, meaning the butler would get caught up in all the traps. It wasn't that Cass distrusted Dr. Zlo's words, far from it! But the butler had grown a healthy caution after his fight on the Zloppelin. Falling from impossible heights had a way of sobering you.

Dr. Zlo thrust his cane at his minions, shaking Cass out of his thoughts, "Now, come! We have a race to get to!"

The Jacques saluted, running back up the stairs to grab goggles, scarves, and other gear for racing. They came back down looking like old aviators, their faceless features hidden behind their equipment. One of the Jacques ringed a bell, the minion somehow finding a bicycle in Dr. Zlo's junk stash.

Dr. Zlo shook his head, "You're not the one's racing you dolts! I already said you're going to set off the traps! Mabel, get my minions in line."

"You got it, hon," Mabel answered.

Momma Mabel turned the Jacques, rounding them up like cattle with her words.

"What do you want with them, hon?"

"Right," Dr. Zlo pulled out a map of Skyline, the image made by Jack when the group was talking about the race. "Traps are set here, here, and here."

Dr. Zlo pointed to the central skyscraper, the PVP arena, and the crafting hub. "Quartet, I want you to wait at the central skyscraper. Mabel, you take a few Jacques to each location and set up at the arena. We're starting there. The last group of Jacques will be at the crafting hub, the end of the race."

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Cass asked.

"Don't question me!" Dr. Zlo chided.

Cass nibbled a finger nervously. He didn't trust the Jacques one bit.

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