Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 1169 Something not inferior to the little ghost

Being targeted by the king, he would be overtaken even if he ran nine streets, not to mention that the ghost did not run away at all. It happily took a detour and wanted to sneak into the undead city quietly for a big meal. When it thought that there were hundreds of thousands of fresh and delicious food inside, The intelligent soul cannot help but be excited.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he got closer, he bumped into the king head-on. He was beaten and cried a few times, and then roared. Of course, the king's roar was a kind of soul shock. After a few roars, the ghost said everything.

However, the ghost was mentally ill. The more he yelled at it, the more panicked it became. It couldn't ask any real questions. He was afraid of spoiling the thing. The king quickly brought it over and handed it over to the more skillful Anthony.

Anthony glanced at the ghost and did not start the interrogation directly. Instead, he took out the Holy Shroud, rolled it up, and then threw in some evil spirit fragments.

Evil spirits are all at the level of mourning, and their soul strength is very high. Unfortunately, their consciousness is incomplete and they cannot display it. If they encounter the Holy Spirit who is specifically responsible for restraining them, they will just give up.

If some evil spirit fragments are thrown into the Holy Shroud and stay with the ghost, doesn't it mean that it is absorbed by it? Nigris asked in confusion: "Do you still want to treat it?"

Anthony said: "It was frightened and couldn't ask any questions. Let it be quiet first."

"Scared? Old Immortal, did you scare it?" Nigris asked.

"I yelled at it, so it should be fine. Its soul is quite tough, and it won't break after a few yells." The king said.

Anthony smiled bitterly and said: "It's not broken, it's just frightened. This kind of incomplete spirit body will have confused thoughts when frightened, and can't ask anything. Your Majesty, you go and have a rest first, and I'll ask questions before I go there." You report.”

The king waved his hand: "I'm not tired, you don't need to pay attention to me, just follow your own pace."

Anthony smiled bitterly and said: "Then please stay away from your majesty. Your majesty's power is too strong and it can't bear it."

This ghost is obviously not an ordinary thing, but a ghost with special abilities, so the god star descendant dares to throw it alone into the undead city without fear that it will be torn apart by other undead creatures.

But no matter how special it is, it is just a ghost. It was yelled a few times by a king with black crystal soul, and it was considered very tough if it didn't lose its soul on the spot.

It is different from a complete spirit body. A complete spirit body has a soul and will explode if it cannot bear it. But this kind of incomplete soul will really lose its memory if you shout too loudly.

Only then did the king understand what Anthony meant, scratched his head in embarrassment, and retreated far away.

The Holy Shroud can isolate the perception of all souls, even the rebirth of the phylactery. The ghost is stuffed inside, just like falling into a dark sealed bottle.

If it were a soul with normal intelligence, or one with claustrophobia, it would have been scared to death by now, but the ghost was not a soul with normal intelligence. It immediately found out that the scary guy yelling at it was gone, and immediately relaxed. I also found a lot of soul fragments around me.

"Take a bite, it's delicious, take a bite, eat, eat..."

When Anthony opened the shroud again, the ghost gnawed at the soul fragments, and because it gnawed so fast, it also made some sound effects.

"Is it delicious?" Anthony handed over a larger piece of soul fragment, but he was muttering in his heart: Doesn't it need to be digested?

The ghost quickly hugged the soul fragment and said while chewing: "It's delicious, take a bite, it's delicious, roar——"

As he gnawed, the ghost suddenly showed a ferocious expression and roared fiercely a few times. After roaring, he continued to gnaw on the soul fragment as if nothing had happened.

Nigris hid behind Anthony, stuck his head out and whispered: "It seems to be clearing away memory fragments in the soul energy."

Anthony also nodded in shock: "Yes, no wonder the descendant of the God Star dared to put it into the Immortal City. With this ability to digest as much as it eats, the Immortal City can be eaten up in less than half a month."

Why can undead creatures devour other souls, but cannot be upgraded quickly? Because it needs to be digested, and what needs to be digested is the memory fragment in the soul energy.

Any spirit body, even if it is a soul fragment, has fragments of consciousness, such as a skeleton. It hunts, sleeps, fights, and has its bones torn apart by others. It all has memory.

For it, it is the memory that makes it unique. No two skeletons have the same memory. Even if they are newly conceived and instilled with the same memory, the moment they move freely, the memory will be different.

If these memory fragments are retained and devoured, then the person devouring them is equivalent to experiencing his or her life all over again, and it is easy for the person to have a split personality.

Digestion is the process of removing memory fragments. This process is very slow. There are basically no shortcuts, except for the dead man fruit.

Even the broken soul fragments, the diffuse aura of death, and the settled soil of rest, all have various memory fragments remaining. They will spawn a large number of resentful spirits, as common as the air in the world of death. Eliminating them is like removing them from the air. It's just as hard to pick out the breathing element.

However, the Dead Man Fruit Tree can. Its fruit contains pure death aura without any memory fragments. Any undead creature can absorb it directly, eliminating the need for digestion.

Relying on the Dead Man Fruit, the king transformed from the soul of mourning into the soul of black crystal in just two years. The last time he crossed this stage, it took the king tens of thousands of years.

It's a pity that from Sombra Soul to Chaos Sombra, the logic of upgrading has changed. It's not just about stacking up, otherwise he wouldn't want to get up.

And now, this ghost is taking a completely opposite route. It doesn't digest, it eats a lot, and then clears it out. I don't know how it does it.

Soon, the ghost gnawed off all the soul fragments, looked at Anthony with an unsatisfied look, and then looked at Negris, and said: "Are you delicious? Let me take a bite and see what it tastes like."

Negris wanted to transform and hit people, and it actually wanted to bite itself? But before it could do it, Anthony had already held out a ball of holy light: "Come, try it."

Feeding the ghost with holy light? So vicious, I like it. Negris's evil taste came up and he watched happily.

The ghost actually bit the holy light, making a sizzling sound like frying. The ghost also kept howling, as if it was burning its mouth: "Hiss - ah - oh - ah - uh..."

Finally, it burped and swallowed the holy light, saying with smoke coming out of its mouth: "It's not delicious, it's hot."

After that, it turned its attention to Negris: "What do you taste like? Let me take a bite."

However, Negris and Anthony were stunned. Anthony even shouted from a distance: "Your Majesty, can you force it to engrave the soul mark? This is a good treasure, it can digest anything."

The king sent a message from a distance: "I tried it, it ate the soul mark."

"Hiss..." Eat the soul mark? Is there anything that can eat the soul mark? So magical?

Anthony had to turn to Ang: "My lord, do you have a way to subdue it? It's probably something that is not inferior to the little ghost."

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