Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 291: Harvey Wants to Play Bad

The undead creatures were ready to go, but the great sage had not been seen for a long time. Harvey hurriedly summoned a wise subordinate and asked, "Where is the great sage?"

"I'm busy harvesting." The subordinate responded.

"Harvesting? It's been a long night and hasn't finished harvesting yet? Did he go somewhere to play?" Harvey asked wonderingly.

When he found the great sage, he realized why it was confiscated and there were too many plants.

"What's going on? Why is there so much food? Are you going to arrest people to farm? Plant so much? Didn't you always disapprove of enslaving living creatures? How did you change your temper?" Harvey asked wonderingly.

"What's messed up? No, it's still the same as before, but what is it called? Yes, organization optimization, special personnel, accountability of the chief, and more pay for more work, incentives for increasing production, etc. It's very complicated anyway, but those The enthusiasm of living things is very high, if you are not careful, you will plant too much, and you came just in time."

Harvey was dumbfounded, what do you mean I came at the right time?

"Come, come, help me harvest the crops in this farmland. The dew hasn't condensed just after nightfall. If the dew condenses and the rice is soaked, our hard work in the past few months will be in vain." The great sage pointed Speaking of the endless farmland in front of me.

Harvey's eyes widened... Oh, he has no eyes, it almost cracked his eye sockets, pointed to his nostrils, and said in shock: "Me? Going to cut rice?"

"Yes, only you can cut the rice before the dew, go quickly." The great sage urged.

"I am the King of Immortality, Lord of Mourning, Purple Gold Skeleton Harvey, you want me to harvest rice? You..." Harvey said angrily.

The great sage narrowed his eyes, and there was a dangerous light in his eyes: "I haven't slept for five months. I have worked so hard to plant these things. If the condensation is gone, my hard work will be in vain. You let me My hard work is in vain, and I can make you restless."

Harvey shuddered, and immediately patted his ribs and said, "No problem, wrap it on my body, just cut rice, it's a trivial matter."

But as soon as he finished speaking, Harvey complained: "But even if I go to harvest, I can't harvest so much rice before the dew. I don't know magic."

"No, silver coins said you can, silver coins, silver coins, come here quickly, teach Harvey how to harvest, if you don't hurry up, the dew will rise, the dew will rise, the rice will easily rot, and we don't have the conditions to dry it, pile it up together After many months, I’m afraid they’ve all sprouted, so quickly harvest them and move them to a cave, blowing them with convective winds.”

A goblin trotted over, took off his hat first, and greeted politely: "Meet Mr. Harvey."

Harvey stared at him angrily: "It's you goblin, nonsense that I can harvest rice, right?"

Yin Coin quickly waved his hand: "No, no, I'm not saying that you can harvest rice, I mean, only the most powerful skeleton can harvest so much rice in a short period of time. So you are the most powerful skeleton here?"

Huh? This kind of words sound comfortable, the most powerful skeleton? Is there anyone else but me?

Harvey patted his ribs: "That's right, I'm the most powerful skeleton here. How can I harvest so much rice in a short time?"

"Oh, that's right. I've seen a skeleton running through a ravine with a death sickle upside down, and the rice fell down. Do you have a death sickle?" Yin Coin asked innocently.

Those who don't know the old silver coin will be easily deceived by his expression. Harvey laughed: "Not only do I have the Death Scythe, mine is also a mourning grade."

Harvey stretched out his hand to hold it, and a huge scythe appeared in its hand.

"How do you mention it? How do you mention it backwards? Do I let my golden skeletons cut it? They also have Death Scythes." Harvey asked.

Before the silver coins could speak, the great sage said eagerly: "Don't let those stupid bones enter my field, let them cut them, they will trample on more than cut them down, wait for me to train them in the next season." They said again, this time you will collect it for me first, hurry up, it's too late."

Harvey sighed helplessly, and ran into the field with the sickle upside down. He ran forward at a trot, and the rice fell on the ground behind him.

Some intelligent undead creatures stood blankly by the field, watching their king rush towards the distance with one foot deep and one shallow, one foot watery and the other muddy.

No way, don't look at Harvey's level is higher than the great sage, but the great sage is a wise man who manages the entire sinking land, and he can only chop, kill, and sleep. The ground will be messed up.

And the great sage is very annoying, it really made his efforts in vain. In the next eternal night, I really don't want to sleep, he will mutter, and you can't find where he is.

Compared with it, the image of a mere king is nothing, let alone harvesting, it is no problem to let it be transplanted.

What the silver coin said was right, the Reaper's Scythe was a sharp harvesting tool in Harvey's hands, it ran like the wind, never stepped on any rice, but could cut down the crops neatly.

The great sage commanded the golden skeletons who were standing on the edge of the field to gather the crops. They were not good at harvesting, but they were capable of carrying large bales.

A group of undead creatures who were going to start a war were driven into the farmland, with their feet in water and mud.

The progress of harvesting became very fast. In less than half an hour, Harvey finished harvesting.

There are more big bales to carry. Once Harvey finished cutting, everyone carried them away one by one.

I saw tens of thousands of skeleton zombies each carrying a few bundles of rice, came to the central mountain range, handed them up the mountain, and stuffed them into those ventilated caves.

Even in Yongye, there is a never-ending wind here, which will gradually dry up all the rice.

"What's going on? You haven't said how you planted so much food. This food is enough for you to feed hundreds of thousands of people. Are there so many people living here now?" Harvey asked, shaking the mud on his feet.

"Hehe, let the silver coins tell you." The great sage looked at the grain in the cave, his expression was full of joy of harvest, he didn't even bother to say anything, just smirked there.

Harvey turned his attention to Yin Coin, and Yin Coin quickly stepped forward to salute, explaining: "The production method here is relatively primitive, and the organizational ability is too weak to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the workers, and cannot give full play to the advantages to improve production efficiency. All of a sudden, productivity exploded.”

Harvey stayed there for a long while before answering: "I understand every word you said, but I don't know what you said together. Please give me a few examples."

Yin Coin rubbed his hands and explained: "For example, mobilize the enthusiasm of the workers. In the past, the people here just planted enough to eat. They didn't cultivate more fertile land at all. , because of food processing."

"So I suggest that the reclaimed fields be given to those who reclaimed them. The more you work, the more you get, and the more you get. We provide grain seeds, repurchase them, help with processing, and just charge a little handling fee and loss."

"As a result, everyone is very motivated and works day and night. Because of the season, a lot of the newly reclaimed farmland in this planting season is useless. The next planting season will increase food production even more."

Harvey was stunned, and then asked: "Does grain mean new grain? What does food processing mean?"

"Oh, yes, that is a new grain cultivated by my lord. It can mature within four months, and the yield per mu is as high as... Uh, there is no statistics yet, but it can probably weigh four to five hundred catties, although it is a little less... "

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the great sage: "Nonsense, how can the yield of four or five hundred catties per mu be called less? Our previous grain yield was only a little over one hundred catties per mu. Double, five times, how little is that?"

Silver coins shrank their necks, and muttered softly: "In exchange for my lord Ange, less than a thousand catties is considered less."

However, the natural conditions of this plane are limited, and the yield per mu of four to five hundred catties is considered qualified, so the silver coin did not bother with this problem, and continued: "As for food processing, it refers to shelling, grinding, baking, and adding ingredients. .”

"Farmers shell and grind the flour by themselves, which consumes a lot of energy and takes a lot of time. Sometimes half a day is not enough to cook a meal for the whole family. Therefore, I suggest that we use natural wind, water and bone power to concentrate on shelling and grinding, so as not to save them Trouble." Silver coin said.

"Bone strength?" Harvey was taken aback by this new term, and after thinking about it for a while, he realized that it must mean skeletons, right?

"Is this meaningful? Let the skeletons wear out and work for those people for nothing?" Harvey asked displeased.

"How is it possible!" Yin Coin yelled subconsciously, as if he had been insulted: "How could it be possible for me to do things for nothing?! You..."

The great sage floated over quickly, grabbed the silver coin and comforted him: "Don't be angry, don't be angry, Harvey doesn't understand the way of this, don't bother with him."

? ? ? Harvey raised a question mark on his forehead, did he say something wrong? Even if he said something wrong, how dare the little goblin get angry? The great sage is still coaxing him? Damn it, aren't you afraid of tempering his soul by yourself?

Harvey remembered that this goblin was indeed not afraid of it, and he saluted naturally when he met it, and he didn't panic when a normal living creature touched a skeleton.

Realizing this, Harvey couldn’t help asking: “Aren’t you afraid of me?”

Yin Coin was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "My lord protects me, I am not afraid of anyone."

Harvey's eyes widened: "Are you a member of the Illuminati Church? No, you don't have that annoying aura about you."

The magicians of the Church of Light have been infiltrated with the power of the Holy Light for many years, and they naturally carry an aura that is disgusting to undead creatures, which can be smelled from several feet away.

"Ah? No, no, I'm a Lich." Yin Coin said quickly.

"What? You are a lich?" Harvey was shocked, and his mind quickly swept across.

Under the mind scan of the mourning skeleton, the status of the silver coins can be seen at a glance.

Why didn't Harvey scan the status of the silver coins at the beginning? Because silver coins belong to great sages, the basic courtesy of the Undead Empire is not to scan others with your mind, that is the same concept as lifting someone else's skirt.

But in the face of this situation, Harvey couldn't care less about lifting his skirt. A lich, why does he look so lively?

Sweeping through the thoughts, it is really a lich, it is really amazing.

"Why are you so alive?" Harvey poked the flesh of the silver coin and asked in disbelief.

"This is the power of my lord." Silver coin said proudly.

"Your god can bring liches to life? Who is your god?" Harvey asked.

"My lord, the god of immortality." Silver coin said.

"Pfft..." Harvey burst out laughing, and even the great sage beside him couldn't help laughing.

The immortal god is the godhead of the king, but the king already has a soul network, which is a higher level of power than belief, so it is not very useful for the immortal godhead, and it has always been developed by chance.

The Temple of Immortality sent a few priests at random, most of them were silver skeletons. Think about it, how do dumb silver skeletons develop believers, so the godhead of immortality has always been supernatural.

But no matter how unobtrusive it is, it is also the king's property. How dare you claim to be the God of Immortality for a guy who collapsed out of nowhere?

If it was the extremists of the Church of Light, it would be strange if they didn’t tear you up on the spot when they heard you talking about the Gods of Light, but Harvey and the great sage were not so extreme, they just laughed out loud:

"It turned out to be the God of Immortality, that's great. Look at my hand, this is the fire of everyone's faith. If your master is the God of Immortality, he must know me. Let him help me get rid of these flames. If he can If he does, then I will believe that he is the God of Immortality."

The great sage couldn't help laughing: "Silver coins, you may not know that the godhead of the immortal god belongs to the undead king, that is, our former king, pretending to be the immortal god, that is really a false god You have entered the Temple of the True God, I hope you will not be deceived by him, "

The silver coin blinked and smiled, and the light of the gold coin flashed in his eyes: "You guys wait a moment, let me ask first, by the way, Mr. Harvey, if you can help you get rid of the fire of public trust, what are you willing to pay for?" remuneration?"

"Hehe, of course he is the master, the immortal god." Harvey laughed.

Silver coin chuckled: "Master Harvey, don't be joking, I will contact my lord first, and you can first think about what kind of reward you can pay."

After Yin Coin finished speaking, he walked to the side, closed his eyes and called out to Ange.

Harvey was stunned for a long time before he came back to his senses. He dared to talk to it like this, and let it "think about it first" what kind of reward it could pay?

Being aroused in this way, Harvey couldn't help thinking along this line of thought, wondering if he didn't want to know, and was startled when he thought about it, is he so poor?

"Great Sage, I really don't have anything to pay for except this bone." Harvey said in a low voice.

The great sage sneered, "Did you know it now? You even made the deck chair out of stone."

Harvey scratched his head, a little lack of confidence: "Then what should I do? What will I get as a reward?"

"What do you want to do so much? You don't think that this immortal god who came out of nowhere can really drive away the fire of faith? It's fine to hit him a few times, but don't hit silver coins, this goblin is A first-class talent, I will keep him for great use." said the great sage.

Harvey suddenly said: "That's right, well, let's take the Thunder Eye of the soul that Lord Locke gave me as a reward, and he can't take it away anyway."

"You mean the eyepiece of the soul thunder? The horcrux that is stuck in the eye socket and can release the soul thunder? Is it with you?" the great sage said in surprise.

"Yes." Harvey said proudly, and while speaking, he took out an eyepiece from the seam of the bone, and stuck it on the eye socket:

"Our special eyepiece for skeletons, but I can't drive this thing. Lord Locke gave it to me so that I can communicate with him. Unfortunately, it is useless now. No matter how I call it, I can't get a response from Lord Locke."

The great sage sighed: "This thing is too precious, put it away."

"Don't be afraid, and I can't take it away. Let's talk about it if I can dispel the fire of my faith." Harvey said disdainfully, a guy who appeared out of nowhere dares to call himself the God of Immortality? It's really looking for a fight.

If the other party can't dispel the fire of popular belief, then Harvey will never be polite, and will dismantle it on the spot to see if the silver coin will not abandon the letter.

After finishing the contact with the silver coin, he came over and asked: "Master Harvey, my lord has said that it can be expelled. Have you thought about what reward to pay?"

Harvey pointed to the eye sockets: "This." He explained the function of the eyepiece.

"Oh, then you show the fire of faith in your hand, and take off the eyepiece." Yin Coin said.

Harvey has the mentality of playing with him, he will do what the silver coin says, so as not to fail when he gets it, and the silver coin blames him for not cooperating.

A breath was cast on the body of the silver coin, and the silver coin in the state of holy light dragged the bag and emerged from the silver coin.

"Holy Light!?" Harvey and the great sage were taken aback.

Shenhun reached out to scoop up the silver coin, and scooped up the fire of trust. This group of flames that had burned Harvey for more than four months was actually scooped up by Shenhun?

Shenhun kept smiling, stretched out his hand again, and touched the eyepiece on Harvey's other hand.

"Okay, the letter fire is gone, I'm going to collect the reward." Yin Coin said excitedly.

But as soon as Shenhun's fingers touched the eyepiece, Harvey tightened his hand and held the eyepiece tightly.

Yin Coin's expression changed, and he hurriedly said: "Master Harvey, don't you want to play tricks?"

Thank you for being so hot, so hot, so handsome, Qiao Biluo in the ball world, and calm Yun, for your tip.

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