Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 308 Howling Opera Troupe

"It is a legendary artifact that can communicate with the undead world. It possesses supreme power, can ignore matter, and directly hit the soul..." Meisha took out a necklace on her chest, and introduced it excitedly, but the words were not finished yet. , was interrupted by Negris.

"Isn't this the necklace of the Banshee, the lead singer of the Howling Opera Troupe? Why is the voice of wailing here? I know why you were able to strengthen into an iron shell in just two years. It's the voice of wailing. This thing has Strengthen the function of the soul, if there is still soul energy in it, it can also replenish energy for you, where did you pick it up?"

Negris recognized this thing, the Howling Opera Company, an opera troupe made up entirely of Wailing Banshees.

The Wailing Banshee is a very rare undead creature. They are evolved from wraiths. They have a certain amount of wisdom and are best at using soul impact.

Because the number is too rare, they didn't even become an independent type of undead creature. However, in fact, their formation mechanism is completely different from that of undead. In theory, they should belong to a separate branch of undead creature.

These rare Wailing Banshees were assembled to form an opera troupe. This opera troupe is not for singing. When more than a dozen Wailing Banshees gather and sing the undead movement, all souls will be excited.

Specific to the undead army, all skeleton zombies will drown all enemies as if they had been injected with chicken blood.

When they sing the lullaby of the night, all souls will be soothed again, specifically, the recovery of soul energy will be accelerated, and the wounds on the soul will be healed.

A melancholy soul like Rogge would never be depressed if a banshee sang to him every day.

This is a unit that combines inspiration and healing, and belongs to... a witch?

Thinking of this, Negris couldn't help but frowned. Most of the witch's memory was lost, and he was a little uncertain.

Meisha was stunned, at a loss, she felt like she was holding an antique to ask someone else to appraise it, the tauren aunt on the side of the road glanced at it and said: Hey, this is not the dragon pattern steel core mithril pinch that just came out last week. Is the silk magic pattern soil-covered calcined gemstone gain brightening and brightening washboard?

"I, I bought it from the flea market." Meisha said in a low voice.

The situation is that Mesha was blessed by the goddess of luck and bought a necklace at the flea market, which turned out to be the magic jewelry of the Banshee, the lead singer of the Howling Opera Troupe of the Immortal Empire.

Originally, according to the routine of knight novels, with the help of the Horcrux, she should defeat her old enemy and marry the prince to reach the pinnacle of her life.

It's a pity that the howling necklace was useless when she was alive. It wasn't until she died that she began to strengthen her soul, reincarnated her as a lich, and strengthened her body. In just two years, she became an iron lich. .

However, Meisha didn't think it was a blessing, if it wasn't for the cleansing technique, even if she could regain her freedom and leave here, she would still think it was a curse.

She will live forever with a strong, hard, ugly and withered corpse.

But Lisa's arrival, she is willing to believe that this is a blessing, think about it, she died at the most beautiful age, under the cleansing technique, she will always maintain this appearance, isn't this the legendary eternal youth?

"This is the blessing of the God of Beauty." Lisa said with a smile.

"Ah? Aren't you a saint of the Illuminati Church?" Mesa asked in surprise.

"I used to be, and now I am a saint of the Immortal God, a priest of the Beauty God, and an incarnation of the Harvest Goddess," Lisa said.

Meisha opened her mouth wider as she listened, and murmured: "Your relationship is so complicated."

"Hehe, let me introduce you, this is Master Ange, the God of Immortality." Lisa introduced.

Meisha glanced at An Ge timidly, and didn't dare to say hello. She had already tried An Ge's supernatural power just now, which made her completely autistic.

"This is the God of Knowledge, Lord Nagris." Lisa introduced Negris again.

This dish, this dare to say hello, Meisha quickly waved her hand: "Hello."

Good guy, there are two gods in the group, and they are truly walking with gods. No wonder she has no power to fight back. Meisha looks enviously at her ancestors... aunt.

"You thought we were sent by Robert, who is this Robert?" Lisa asked.

Upon hearing this name, Meisha, who was still a little unnatural, suddenly became furious: "A despicable person, I will kill him!!"

The Grand Duke Rosa of this generation will be inherited by Mesa. According to the usual practice, the Grand Duke's House will choose a young and promising commoner with no roots to become Mesa's husband.

This Robert, a fiancé personally selected by Mesa from among the people screened by her parents, is a sixth-level swordsman.

At Robert's age, and he was born in a commoner family, he is already very talented to become a sixth-level swordsman. From the age of sixteen, Robert was taken to the Grand Duke's Mansion for corresponding education, in order to become a qualified swordsman. Prepare for the grand duchess husband.

Robert was also very diligent and hardworking. With sufficient nutrition and high-intensity training, his strength improved by leaps and bounds, and he soon entered the level of a ninth-level swordsman.

He is also very good at cultural subjects. He has learned the etiquette and knowledge of various nobles, learned to write and calculate, and mastered a certain ability of overall planning and organization.

However, Robert also has some habits that Mesa dislikes, such as greed, miserliness, and informants, but her parents feel that this is just the nature of children growing up in civilian families. After mastering wealth and power, these habits will gradually disappear. that's it.

Robert's bad habits are indeed slowly disappearing. Looking back now, it's not that he has changed at all, but that he has learned to hide, but this kind of hiding has allowed him to gain the trust of the Mesa family, and everyone is waiting for Mesa 2 After the age of eleven, a grand wedding was held for them.

However, bad luck came. Just when Meisha's birthday was approaching, Meisha's parents, the sixty-fourth generation Grand Duke Rosa, both suddenly fell ill and died.

Meisha suspected that her parents were poisoned, but the medical officer's examination said it was myocardial infarction. In the midst of grief and grief, Meisha suppressed her grief and buried her parents. Then she married Robert according to her parents' arrangement before her death, but she still couldn't mention it. Interested in having sex with each other.

Two years have passed like this. When Mesa brought Robert to the ancestral cemetery to worship her parents, she was attacked by Robert from behind and killed on the spot.

When she woke up, after an unknown amount of time, she was put into the sarcophagus and covered with a heavy lid.

Meisha pushed open the lid with great effort, only to find that the stone door was closed tightly, and she still couldn't get out. In this way, she spent her days in a pile of sarcophagi, slowly watching her skin and flesh wither until Ange and his party arrived.

"It's horrible, go, come with me, let's kill him." Lisa said angrily, her hair standing on end.

Meisha quickly grabbed her grandmother and grandmother, and said, "No, Robert must have mastered the military power of the principality. We can't get close to him just by the two of us."

Although the two of them were not the only 'persons' present, but upon hearing titles such as the God of Immortality and the God of Knowledge, Meisha wisely did not count them among the 'people'.

Lisa waved her hand: "Don't be afraid, my lord, let everyone come out, and flatten this Robert tonight."

Then, Mesha watched in astonishment as Ange pulled out an 'army' out of thin air.

ps: I have to fight against a villain called lazy every day, sometimes I win, but today I lost...

Thank you for missing this life, book friends 20211108233414376, book friends 20190622230155853, momo, for your rewards.

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