Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 316 The Pope wants to buy food from us?

After interrogating the demons who surrendered, everyone has a deeper understanding of the current situation on the plane.

"Oh, I was careless. We fell into the misunderstanding of our inherent thinking, thinking that the major planes are still the same as we used to be, with a lot of powerful existences. No, the rest are all these rotten fish and rotten shrimps, even a big demon dares to raid the plane." Negris said.

Different systems have different levels. Most of the abyss planes are demons, so their demon kings are equivalent to their gods.

At the level of gods, their strengths vary. Some weak chicken gods can't even beat big demons, while some strong gods can create new worlds.

And those monarchs who disappeared: "All were killed by a purple-gold skeleton."

"Lock?!" A name jumped out of everyone's mind.

"No, it's not necessarily Locke, have you forgotten the other purple-gold skeleton that is following the king?" Negris asked.

Lamo said hesitantly: "However, there is no second purple-gold skeleton by the king's side. In the original empire, there was only Lord Locke as the Lord of Mourning, but His Majesty has a small pet, but it is not a skeleton."

"But the little devil insists that there is a second one, because it knows Locke. That purple-gold skull is not Locke. If you don't believe me, ask it."

The lord of terror known as the Imp, its monument was carried over and clubbed to the ground.

The little devil carefully described the original situation, and repeatedly assured that the purple-gold skeleton was not Locke, and combined with the narration of the captured demons, it was certain that the skeleton was really not Locke.

"That is to say, there are two mourning masters under His Majesty's command, and the second mourning master ran into the abyss and killed all the demon kings?" Anthony concluded.

"You said, is it possible that His Majesty sent both mourners out? Locke went to kill the gods and the archangel, and the other went to kill the abyss monarch? Otherwise, where did the Harvest Goddess go?" Negris guessed.

"Hiss..." This conjecture is a bit crazy, the undead king is fine, why kill all the gods and monarchs?

Of course, these are just speculations, and no one knows if it is true. Anyway, the current situation is that there is no monarch in the abyss, the lord is the king, and a big demon dares to run amok.

"Failure, failure, the intelligence system of the Illuminati Church has failed too much, and such important information has not been discovered yet." Anthony was heartbroken.

"Maybe it's not that I didn't find it, maybe I found it, but I deliberately hid it, and maybe I have it all to myself." Lisa guessed.

"That's right." Anthony said bitterly, "I just want to do this. If I knew about this situation, I would have sent my subordinates to the abyss plane."

After regretting for a while, Anthony turned to Ange and asked, "My lord, can we open the world transfer station now?"

Angus shook his head.

Anthony had long expected that Ange would refuse, and the World Transit Station couldn't be used to grow vegetables, so why waste the magic crystals when it was open.

"Then can I borrow it occasionally? When re-exporting a large amount of supplies." Anthony asked.

An Ge nodded: "Yes, everyone, silver coins."

"It's great!" Lisa was the first to jump up: "I'm going to move the Beauty God City back, no, rebuild it."

"Oh my god, all our territories can be connected as a whole."

Ange's current sphere of influence is point by point. Except for the Oasis Darkside City and the Beauty God City, which can be connected together, other places have to cross planes, and communication is too troublesome.

If everyone in the world transfer station can use it, it means that there is cheap transportation, and all places can communicate with each other. Food from the Danhai Plane and Falling Dragon Lake can supply all places, and the Abyss of Rest does not need to spend more To grow food at a low cost, saving people and effort.

On the Danhai plane, under the management of the believers of the Goddess of Harvest, the cost of food cultivation is super low. If the cost of planting there is "one", then the cost of planting in the Abyss of Rest is "twenty". The gap is huge, even if you spend some magic crystals It is more cost-effective to transport it than to rest in the abyss.

The environment, terrain, mineral deposits, and climate of each territory are all different. The best way is to complement each other's advantages instead of growing food in every place.

Goblins have a famous saying: If you want to earn gold coins, you must build a golden road first. The world transfer station is a shining golden road.

When everyone knew the news, especially the silver coins from the Land of Sinking, they immediately contacted Anthony through Ange:

"Master Anthony, what should we do now? Has your food problem been solved?"

"No, those demons don't have much food in the first place, and they cheated them out of the previous transactions."

"So that's the case, Mr. Anthony, I learned that you are in urgent need of food. I am really anxious. I didn't sleep well all night. I was thinking hard, and my mouth was bubbling in anxiety." Talking to Anthony, the silver coins are not as simple as Ange. , The long-winded half-day can't get to the point.

Anthony's eyes narrowed: I believe you are a big-headed ghost.

"So I counted this year's grain production that night, and then counted the next season's consumption, and found that there was a balance of 150,000 tons of grain..."

Before finishing the silver coin, Anthony subconsciously rushed forward: "Sell it to me."

"I think the same way. The matter of Mr. Anthony is the matter of my silver coin. I'm anxious..." Silver coin started talking about it again.

"I owe you a favor." Of course Anthony knew what the profiteer was doing, so he interrupted him quickly.

"My lord is too polite. I immediately went to discuss with the great sage. He refused. He said that he is not short of money, books, fruits, handsome men and women, slaves, no..."

Anthony suddenly felt a pain in his head, no desire, no desire, this is it.

Undead creatures have always been known to be difficult to deal with. He is okay. He was originally reincarnated from a human being. He first reincarnated as an undead. Although he is not interested in eating and drinking, his interest in playing has greatly increased because he is too boring. up.

But for those native undead creatures, the situation is different. Like the strong bone Locke, who can sleep for hundreds of years in one sleep, and his majesty does not tell him to get up to fight, he won't get up. He has no needs.

Of course, undead creatures still have needs, such as soul crystals, but where can Anthony get soul crystals? There are really so many soul crystals, it's better to use them for Ange to activate the halo of quick death, and grow more than 100,000 tons of grain in minutes.

Thinking about it hurts my brain, so I just don't want to think about it. Silver coin has been with the great sage for a long time, and he knows what the other party wants. He said a lot, but he wanted to show how much work he had done and how difficult it was. It's just a lot of oil and water, Anthony is not used to him.

"If you don't say anything else, I'll send someone to block the sewers of the manor houses I mortgaged to you with mud, glue the keyholes, fill the drinking pools with manure, and put a few colonies of termites in."

"...You are ruthless." Yin Coin said through gritted teeth: "I said that customers can collect some information about the Abyss of Rest, so the great sage agreed. The question now is, what news do we have about the Abyss of Rest? revealed."

"Kangbada! A profiteer."

"The profiteer!"

The first sentence was cursed by Negris, and the second sentence was cursed by Anthony.

The Abyss of Rest is theirs now, and they are also the ones who buy food, and they decide what news to reveal. Isn't this equivalent to using the furniture of their own home in exchange for a trading right?

"It seems that the great sage really wants to come back, so what should we do? What news should we reveal to him?"

"Just tell him that the World Transit Station stopped, the Wind of Rest blew, everyone retreated into the dungeon, the Lich City suffered a famine, the cultivated land in the Ice City was burned by the devil, and revealed the situation before Lord Ange didn't come give him."

"That's fine, let's just shovel a bag of soil blown by the wind of rest to him to comfort his longing."

"Why don't you just bring him back, now there is a world transfer station, you can teleport him back without going through the main plane."

"Are you crazy? Can we stop Harvey? Lord of the Mourning."

"Uh, that's right. I guess it's impossible for Harvey to be loyal to Ang, so forget it."

After the discussion, the next thing went smoothly. A bag of soil from the Anxi Abyss was sent over here. This kind of soil that has been blown by the wind of Anxi for many years cannot be faked. The great sage will know it when he touches it.

"Is there really a famine in the Abyss of Rest? How many people are there now?" the great sage asked.

"Five thousand in Lich City, fifty thousand in Ice City, four thousand in Demon Valley, there is indeed a famine, and Filin is about to launch a natural disaster of the undead. Uh, Filin is the lord of Lich City, a lich." Silver coin said arrive.

The great sage nodded: "I now believe that your news is true. You actually know the name Feilin. He was an employee of the World Transit Station back then. I met him several times when I projected my mind. They Guy, it is quite appropriate to call the state of our mental projection a watcher."

Powerful undead creatures like the great sage, when they are usually bored, will occasionally project their thoughts onto some low-level skeleton zombies, use their bodies to wander around, and take the opportunity to observe the development of the plane. Of course, the main reason is boredom.

There are not many people who can do this, and only a few such as His Majesty, Locke, Duroken, Great Sage, and Witch have this kind of authority. Once, Locke was projected onto a skeleton, and was hacked by a group of demons for no reason. He was so angry that he wanted to go out for revenge.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he got up from the grave, Rogge waited for the death knight to come back with the devil's head in his hand and report: "My lord, we have avenged you."

"Do I want you to help me avenge? I finally managed to play, you stole my monster!!!!" Locke's roar almost shook the souls of Rogge and others.


150,000 tons of grain were stuffed into the teleportation array in batches, and the silver coin personally controlled the teleportation array and sent them one by one.

You don't even need to move it, you just turn to the main plane and teleport to Anthony's territory. The world transfer station only serves as a transfer.

But because of this transfer, the consumption of magic crystals plummeted by 80%. Originally, one transfer needed to consume ten magic crystals, but now two transfers only required two magic crystals.

Anthony immediately distributed the food, alleviating the food crisis in several food-deficient areas.

Ange, who was repairing the world tree, stopped suddenly, took out his planting godhead, and said to Negris: "It is big."

"Growing up again? What did you do?" Negris flew over and asked with a frown as he looked at the planting godhead, which had obviously flourished.

"Food." An Ge said with certainty: "Silver coins, grain."

Negris said: "That is to say, the batch of grain from the silver coins led to the growth of your planting god?"

Ange nodded. This is not the first time that the Godhead of Plantation has grown stronger, including the time it was ignited, and it was also because of the food. Since then, Ange and Negris have been careful.

It's just that I didn't expect that this time, it was obviously a grain of silver coins, so why could it also grow and grow godheads?

"Could it be that as long as the food grown by your believers can strengthen the Godhead of the God of Planting? Can it still be like this? The food Anthony bought back is obviously to be distributed to the believers of the Church of Light, and they don't believe in the God of Planting. Why? Can you strengthen your godhead?"

After a while, Negris's puzzled thoughts suddenly came to him: "Sabada, doesn't this mean that the God of Planting has stolen the power of the Gods of Light?"

An Ge suddenly raised his hand, and the scales turned up on the palm of his hand——Dragon God Transformation, but An Ge did not completely transform, but only changed one palm and then stopped. When the scales were retracted, An Ge said: "I can Change, twenty-six seconds."

"It's increased by three seconds? Why can you use the power of the god of planting to extend the transformation time of the dragon god?" Negris' eyebrow scales were about to fall off:

"Doesn't that mean that as long as the godhead of the planting god continues to grow, you can continue to extend the time for the transformation of the dragon god, and even Locke's transformation?"

"And to grow the Godhead of Planting, you only need to grow food for others to eat? This is quite reasonable, the God of Planting, the God of Planting is called the God of Planting who grows what others eat, and only grows what others do not eat, that is nature God."

"Forget it, you don't have any grain to prove it now, plant your land quickly and produce more grain, let's try again." It was rare, Negris persuaded Ange to farm for the first time, usually All he could do was persuade Ange to 'stop farming'.

Ange nodded, and when he was about to go back to farm, Anna hurried over: "My lord, something is wrong, the world transfer station was requested to be connected by an unfamiliar source."

"Just ask, why are you panicking?" Negris said angrily.

Now that it is decided to open the world transfer station for everyone to use, it means that it will be opened from time to time, and if it is opened a lot, it will always be discovered.

Now that Negris knows the situation of the major planes, he is not too worried about the transfer station. The gods and monarchs have disappeared, and the remaining big demons dare to cross the plane. Can be directly hammered to death.

I have made psychological preparations and plans. If someone asks, just ask clearly and decide how to deal with it. There is nothing to panic about.

"But, but he said his name is Guliani, and he hopes to buy food from us." Anna said anxiously.

"Pfft... what are you talking about? The Pope wants to buy food from us?

Thank you for your reward.

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