Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 320 Someone Knocks on the Door

I don’t know if I can eat it all. Anyway, I come here every day to take a bite. It took more than ten days for Ange to wipe off all the bright and extinguished god marks inside. From then on, the holy kingdom of heaven really belongs to him. .

After certifying the divine pattern, Ange can easily penetrate the barrier, and can freely enter and exit the kingdom of heaven without going through the ladder of heaven.

After discovering this, Ange immediately authenticated everyone's divine patterns.

"Hey, I'm also a person with divine marks. Look, my logo is pretty." Lightning himself 'thought' of a unicorn head logo, highlighting its long horns.

"What divine pattern? It's just soul certification. The horn is too long. Those who don't know it think it's a hoe."

Negris said angrily.

"You are the hoe. Your whole family is a hoe. I am a unicorn, a unicorn..." Just as he was speaking, the little zombie happened to show his own symbol—a hoe.

Lightning looked at the little zombie, then at his own logo, and silently shortened the horns a little.

Anthony rushed over, watching the big guy happily 'drawing' his own logo there, dumbfounded.

This is just a matter of thought, soul certification, but I don't know who made this system of the Holy Heaven, so there must be one more symbol-the god pattern mark, to distinguish it from ordinary soul certification, and the style will come up all at once.

This stumped many people immediately, because most people have no artistic bacteria, let them think with their brains, and they can't think of a suitable logo.

The little zombie angel is okay, a hoe and a fist on the eye socket can get it done.

Guys like Lisa Luthor are in trouble. Lisa said that she wants to be beautiful without losing the face of the goddess of beauty, but also to include the goddess of harvest, and she must have her face, so what she imagined is a pile of indescribable complex irregularities.

Luthor said that to show his charm, he also wanted to highlight the various characteristics of his dragon-pattern steel core, mithril filigree magic pattern, covered soil, forged gemstones, buffs, and enchanted two-handed swords, so the sword was bigger than his face.

Anthony didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "In the future, if there are theologians who want to sort out theology, you will make them cry. It's better to be concise, like Anger is the best."

An Ge's divine pattern is very simple, the sickle and the ears of rice intersect, simple but full of power.

In the end, it was Anthony himself who designed the corresponding divine patterns for those who did not have artistic germs, and only then did the entire certification be completed.

In fact, Anthony didn't need to come in person for the divine pattern certification, because he has a soul connection with Ang, and he just sent the logo and soul fluctuations. The silver coin didn't come, he sent his own logo, a golden gold coin.

Anthony came over in person, mainly to give gifts.

"My lord sang the undead movement last time, which lifted everyone's souls, so I went back and went to the court to look for it. There are many artifacts that the Illuminati Church regards as heresy. I want to find out if there is any information about immortality. The record of the movement really let me find something."

While talking, Anthony turned out an iron book.

The so-called iron book is a very ancient writing recording tool, consisting of several thin copper and iron sheets strung together, with words engraved on it.

This kind of thing is very rare, because wood chips and bamboo chips are easier to obtain than it, and they are also more durable than it. Copper and iron sheets will rust after a long time, and it is difficult to preserve them.

So more often, it appears as a sacrificial article, such as the one in front of you.

It consists of six pages of iron sheets strung together, filled with black air, and there is no trace of rusted iron book. On the first folded page, there is a big engraving of the word "Witch".

"Witch?!" Negris widened his eyes in shock. Could this be a witch's thing?

Can't wait to turn the pages of the book, all the iron pages are empty, looking at the lines, there is a trace of someone forcibly obliterating the above things.

"Words?" Negris asked hastily.

"Erased. In the trial hall, all heresy items must be sealed, destroyed, and erased." Anthony said.

"Then you still talk about giving gifts? What's the difference between giving an iron book with its handwriting erased and giving a knife without a blade?" Negris said angrily.

"Don't worry, although the traces of words on the iron book have been erased, but there are rubbings on file, and I found the original rubbing." Anthony stretched out his hand, and the rubbings of the three iron pages appeared in his hand superior.

Anthony explained: "I couldn't take out the original rubbing, so I could only write it down from memory. I showed it to me for 30 seconds, and I only remembered the first three pages."

Negris poked his head over, looked at it and asked suspiciously: "Wait, what do you mean? You took out the iron book, but you couldn't take out the original rubbing? I only showed you for thirty seconds? Who is so bold, Do you dare to limit the time even if you want to see it?"

Anthony spread his hands helplessly: "No way, the Tribunal is on the same level as us, don't look at me now proclaiming myself the acting pope, even if the real pope, Guliani, has to abide by their rules when he arrives at the Trial House, because they are the only ones The God of Judgment independently leads the department, and the other gods of light can't control them, by the way, didn't you ask the God of Judgment about the logo more than ten days ago?"

"As soon as you said that, I remembered. When we erased the divine pattern a few days ago, the God of Judgment's logo was on. When we erased it, there was another idea projected over it. It is very likely that the God of Judgment Alive, or reborn," Negris said.

Anthony nodded: "It should be still alive. Remember what I said before, after the king and the gods disappeared, did a miracle happen again? The one who came that time was the God of Judgment, and because of that time, so these Over the years, I have never dared to mess around."

Yilong and the other looked at each other, and they saw their inner thoughts in each other's eyes.

But at the next moment, Anthony shook his head: "No, no, no, the court is only responsible for judging heresies, and it doesn't care who is the pope. As long as I allocate funds on time, they never care about my business. They don't even make it difficult for me to go to their warehouse. I, there is no need to provoke such an enemy, at worst, I will go there a few more times and write down the next few pages."

Negris said, "What about the God of Judgment?"

Anthony had a tangled expression on his face: "Is this okay? Do we have the strength to kill God now? God of Judgment."

He has seen the power of the God of Judgment. This God of Judgment is not as weak as the Redemption of Libra. Now he clearly knows that the other party is not dead, but wants to kill him. Does he have such strength?

Negris thought for a moment, then nodded: "That's right, alas, it's been a little swollen recently, alas, we even snatched the light godhead, and we don't look down on the gods, if it's like you said, it's someone who doesn't As for the reborn god, it is indeed not something we can do casually if he can maintain the strength he had more than a thousand years ago. By the way, when did you say the last time he came?"

"It must have been fifty or sixty years after I joined the Church of Light. At that time, the plague of insects broke out in Hemel, and it was the God of Judgment who came to clean it up." Anthony recalled.

Suddenly, the entire holy heaven trembled.

"What's wrong?" Everyone looked at Ange in unison.

An Ge tilted his head: "Someone, knock on the door."

Isn't the knock on the door too loud? When everyone returned to the top of the temple, they saw a beam of light erupting from time to time at the landing point of the heavenly ladder, causing the shock to spread throughout the entire heavenly kingdom, making the huge heavenly kingdom tremble non-stop.

Someone is trying to teleport in, but because there is no authentication and no scepter of heaven, they are blocked by the barrier of the plane.

A name flashed in Negris' mind: "God of Judgment? Hiss..."

It seemed to realize how absurd the previous idea was. An old god who could break through the barriers of the plane, he actually wanted to provoke him just now? Sure enough, it was floating.

However, after Ange transformed into Locke, he could break the barriers of planes with his bare hands, and I don't know who is better.

"It's okay, it's okay, his divine pattern has been erased, and he can't get in again." Negris breathed a sigh of relief.

The vibration lasted fifteen times, and then subsided completely, probably because he realized that he could not break the barrier of the plane, so he gave up.

"There is a question, why didn't he come back here if he didn't die in these thousand years?" Negris asked puzzled.

Anthony spread his hands: "How do I know, maybe the other gods are dead, he was bored by himself, or maybe he was injured and found a place to recover, or maybe he was frightened."

"Scared?" Negris was surprised.

"That's right, another Lord of Mourning is going to kill the Abyss Lord, Locke is going to kill the Archangel, who is going to kill the gods? Maybe it was Locke, maybe His Majesty did it himself, so maybe he was frightened." Anthony shrugged: "It's all my guess. Why don't you let him in and ask the next time he knocks on the door?"

No matter how much speculation there is, without the confirmation from the rightful owner, it can only be speculation. Anthony left three pages of rubbings on the iron book and went back first. If there is anyone who is the busiest in the world, Anthony can at least compete for the top three, because he has not slept for a long time.

An Ge wrote down the undead movement on the rubbings, but he didn't sing it, because singing it requires soul energy, and his soul energy is not enough to farm the land now, so singing and so on must be in the back row.

So Ange resumed his most accustomed rhythm, farming, farming, farming, and if no one disturbed him, he could keep planting until all the territories under his jurisdiction were fully planted.

During the time he was farming, the western parish on the main plane was also in chaos.

The chaos in the western parish had been foreseen by everyone, and Anthony had made preparations early on, closing all the border crossings so that they could not be seen.

Without sufficient food, it is impossible to solve the crisis in the west. The only solution has been recorded in the history books.

What Anthony can do is to seal the pass to prevent the disaster and famine from spreading to the eastern parish, and then desperately send requests for food rescue to the various planes. If there is any surplus, send it to the western border.

At the border there, he built a lot of refugee camps to accommodate a large number of hungry people.

At the same time, he also called on believers in coastal areas to change their diets, eat more seafood, and save food to send inland.

Silver Coin sold him 150,000 tons of grain before. If it was handled well, as he did in the eastern parish, it would have saved many lives, but unfortunately it didn't.

Dyson does not have the ability to fine-tune operations, or even a fair distribution. Anthony supported him with 50,000 tons of food, which he distributed to those under him that day. As for the ordinary believers and people, they didn't even see a hair.

Anthony expected this to happen. There was a surplus of food in the future, so he didn't support it anymore. He sent it directly to the refugee camp. The refugee camp was in chaos and the management level was low, but it could save more people than Dyson. This damn Western Archbishop .

In order to solve this severe famine, Anthony applied to hold a plane security meeting, pointing to Dyson's name and scolding: "Your parish has become like this, how many people have starved to death? Can you show some face and do more things?" ? If you have a problem with ability, you should step aside and let someone with more ability do it."

Dyson responded unconvinced: "It has nothing to do with me. How long have I just taken over the Western Diocese? These are all questions left by Nicholas. He has returned to the embrace of the gods. If you have any questions, you can go to heaven to find him. "

Even if you don't believe me, I just came back from heaven. Anthony muttered in his heart, and turned to Guliani: "Your Majesty, this is the person you chose, and put all the responsibility on the predecessor?"

You can't see your face in the teleportation array meeting, but Guliani at the other end, his face is so dark that he can drip water. He has always resolved the disputes within the church internally. Anthony has no plans to establish the Holy Church on his own. It was discussed at the security meeting, and Anthony's doing so was simply tearing his face.

Guliani asked sadly: "Is there anything you can't talk about when you come back? Do you have to say it on this occasion?"

Muslim? I guess I died. Anthony muttered, and continued to scold: "If you can solve the problem, do I need to argue here? The teleportation array is so expensive, others can solve it, but the person you choose can't solve it. It is your vision that is wrong, or you Is there a problem with the ability of the person selected?"

Guliani was sprayed speechless. If there is no comparison, everyone is so bad, there is nothing to say, but Anthony's handling is too bright, the entire plane is short of food, why is there no famine in Anthony's eastern parish? Is it really a capacity issue?

Dyson responded indignantly: "You colluded with the evil gods to buy food continuously. Of course you can solve it. If you have the ability, you can share the channel through which you buy food. I will buy it too and see if I can solve it! "

"You are the one who colluded with the evil gods, you are an incompetent kobold, you can't do well yourself and still slander others." Anthony scolded.

" are incompetent pig-headed man!" Dyson didn't have much experience in cursing people, so he was speechless on the spot for a while before he scolded 'pig-headed man' in a smart way, without any attack power.

Hearing this, Gaillard, who was a little impatient, interrupted: "Okay, I didn't come to listen to your quarrel. If there is a quarrel, go to your church. If you want to buy food, I know a channel, you can try it , They can grow the tree of life, they can grow salty rice, and their planting techniques are very powerful."

Anthony suffered internal injuries on the spot. He knew who Gaillard was talking about, and he also wanted to say that he had bought all the grain over there, but unfortunately he couldn't. On the surface, he had no connection with Ang's forces at all.

This is troublesome, he originally wanted to play the elf, among the people here, the only one who has food left is the elf, who wants to be sent back in advance by her, what should I do?

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