Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 345 Specially Came for Judgment

It must be a very rare thing that can make Angor feel a strange atmosphere. Anger alone can use the four elements of wind, fire, water, and earth to cultivate land magic, and can also use the power of holy light and the breath of death. Able to change dragon magic and druid magic.

There are many strong people he knows, such as high-level sword masters, arcane truth mages, space esotericists, and even Lightning's darling, and there are almost no powers he has never seen.

However, this twelve or thirteen-year-old girl in front of her, with her hands tied, blindfolded, and a face of resignation, had an unfamiliar power to Ange.

And this girl looked familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere before.

"My lord, we caught a witch. If she uses her power to stare at people, she will turn people into a beetroot, so we blindfolded her and ask my lord to judge." The victim who brought her over said.

"Pfft? Beetroot? Why do you turn people into beetroots? These ignorant guys can talk nonsense." Negris burst out laughing.

It is true that someone can turn someone into another substance. For example, Ange's magic element conversion can turn soil into straw, but that requires divine power.

The second is the high-level arcane art - sheep transformation. It says 'advanced' here, not 'advanced'.

In arcane magic, some magic cannot be released with a high level. This kind of magic is collectively called "advanced arcane magic". It requires a lot of deep understanding of matter, elements, space, power levels, etc. before it can be cast. success.

For example, in the sheep-changing technique, the caster must at least understand the structure of the sheep's body, the skeleton structure, and the distribution of internal organs, otherwise what will be transformed is just a lump of meat and hair.

Therefore, some people call arcane magic the closest to a "god". All kinds of magical skills are amazing. No one has ever dared to say that he has completely mastered arcane art.

Even the truth mage Estoria, she always calls herself a "natural arcane" mage, but she can't say "arcane" mage, at least she doesn't know how to change sheep.

It can be seen from this that turning others into sheep or beetroots is a method that requires supernatural power and extremely high skill. No one will easily use it on some ordinary people unless she has so much divine power that she can do it at will like Ange. squander.

"It's really like a witch's method, but it's good to make their mouths stick together, their eyeballs cloudy, and spontaneously ignite. Why do they turn into beetroots? Does this beetroot have any meaning?" Duroken asked suspiciously.

Beetroot? Ange tilted his head, and suddenly remembered something: "It's you."

He remembered who this girl was, the slum area of ​​the Sinking Land, the sister of the kid with the big neck, but she was only eight or nine years old, why is she now eleven or twelve years old?

When the blindfolded girl heard the voice, a shocked expression appeared on her face, and she struggled fiercely, breaking free from those who were holding her back, and tore off the cloth covering her face.

After seeing Ange, the girl became excited: "My lord!"

Sure enough, it was the little girl. After taking off the blindfold, An Ge could recognize her more clearly, but in less than a year, how did she grow up by several years?

You must know that girls at the age of eight, nine, eleven or twelve years old are the fastest growing ages. If they are provided with sufficient nutrition, they can change their appearance in a year. When I saw her, she looked completely different.

"Your brother?" Angus asked.

Speaking of her younger brother, the girl's eyes turned red immediately: "He's dead."

Ange tilted his head.

Perhaps seeing Anger's doubts, the girl said: "Sick, dead, someone wanted to snatch the corpse, I turned it into a beetroot, and then they arrested me and called me a witch."

Negris gasped and cursed, "Kabada, damn it, it deserves to be turned into a beetroot."

Duroken sighed leisurely: "It's better to die, they are all undead creatures, so there won't be so many junk things."

"Are they guilty?" Ange asked.

If it was someone else, they might not understand the meaning of An Ge's words, but the girl had seen the scene of An Ge judging others, and shook her head: "No, they are just afraid of me."

The people around breathed a sigh of relief. Ever since Ange asked the phrase "It's you", these people realized that they might have caused trouble, and they even arrested someone that Mr. An knew? Hastily shrank to the side tremblingly.

When Ange asked "Are you guilty?", their hearts were even more suspended. Fortunately, the girl didn't blame them, otherwise a few of them would have been scared to death on the spot.

However, some people were still unconvinced. An old woman whispered: "Isn't it a witch's secret method to turn a living person into a beetroot? It's like a witch turning a person into a mouse."

Ange tilted his head, pulled out a bag of grain, threw it into the sky, and instantly turned into bread and fell down.

The old woman was so frightened that she plopped down on her knees and said in a panic, "A miracle is a miracle, not a secret method but a miracle."

Anthony walked over with a smile, waved his hand, and the knights behind rushed over and arrested all these people. Anthony's voice resounded throughout the audience: "Everyone is very enthusiastic, which is worth encouraging, but remember——"

Having said that, Anthony's voice became extremely severe: "Judgment is a right that only gods have. He bestows this right on those who can listen to his oracle. Judging others without the ability is an offense to the divine right. !"

Those people who were arrested had their legs weak in an instant, and some timid ones were even scared to pee. Oh my god, what a terrible crime it is to offend the divine right.

Seeing that everyone was almost terrified, Anthony's tone became lighter: "For the first offender, you will be whipped three times as a punishment. Remember, don't judge others casually."

"If you want to listen to the oracle, then you must first familiarize yourself with the sacred code of the law, take the test of the code of law, and obtain the qualification to judge the knight, then transfer to the holy emblem knight, and practice in the mobile trial court for three years to establish the correct law concept, and then change to presiding judge to be qualified to judge others."

"Remember, don't judge others casually, God's authority is strictly forbidden! Alright, execution."

With an order, those who were arrested were whipped three times by the knights, making ghosts howl, and the onlookers who were not beaten were also frightened.

After approaching, Negris couldn't help asking in a low voice: "Does your church judge so strictly? Then you judged them just now, and you are also qualified as the presiding judge?"

"Hey." Anthony chuckled twice, and quietly pulled out a badge, a shield, a small hammer, and a scepter.

"You have seen the badge of judgment, the holy emblem, the hammer of the presiding judge, the authority of the bishop, and my pope's scepter. You can test all the scriptures of the divine law. If I can't answer, I will change my name to Nagdoni. said Anthony.

Shambarda! Let him pretend again, Negris quickly changed the subject: "Why is this holy emblem a shield? Shouldn't it be called the Knight of the Holy Shield?"

"It's not the same thing." Anthony explained: "If there is anything bright in the church today, then the Knights of the Holy Emblem and the Mobile Tribunal may be the rare bright ones."

"This is a shield as well as a holy emblem. Its full name is the Holy Emblem of Justice (shield). Every judgment knight who wants to change to the presiding judge must first change to the holy emblem knight, join the mobile trial court, and go to remote areas , the mountain villages and small towns circulated for three years, providing a fair verdict for all.”

"It's really hard. I have taken this route to get promoted several times in my rebirth. Every time, two people go to the barren mountains and ridges to adjudicate all kinds of disputes for those villagers and civilians who cannot accept justice. "

"Sometimes I can't enter the city for a year or two. The underwear is washed, worn and washed. It's useless to wear when it's rotten. It's too bitter to dangle naked. So when the anti-electricity silk underwear came into the market, I bought a batch and sent it to the city. The Trial House, the knights of the Trial House are very kind to me now."

The Pope of the Holy Church whispered beside the ascetic monk Ann. Everyone thought they were talking about some major issue, but no one would have thought that Anthony was complaining.

While complaining, Ange followed the girl back to the shack where she lived, and found a young corpse from the corner of the stagnant water.

The shacks in the northern desert oasis and Meishen City are dry, ventilated, breathable, sun-shaded and comfortable shelters. The shacks in the south are purely a helpless move due to lack of materials. The humidity makes the ground easy to accumulate water, and insects and ants are everywhere. Such shacks live I have been sick for a long time.

The girl picked up her brother's body, her face full of grief: "Thank you sir for saving me, I hope to bury my brother outside the camp."

An Ge tilted his head in doubt, why should he be buried? Been dead for a long time?

An Ge took it over and checked, no, it just came out of the corpse spot and died for a few hours.

An Ge sacrificed the holy light and wiped it on the corpse. After a revitalization, the rebirth technique hit the heart, and the little boy woke up with desperate inhalation.

Everyone around who saw this scene went crazy, including the girl, they all plopped down on their knees, yelling at one another, no one knew what they were yelling, and no one knew what they should yell.

Resurrection from the dead, such a miracle, even the Guangming Church dare not boast casually, there is no precedent, and they don't know what to shout about. In fact, there are precedents, but what happened in northern Lorraine City a few days ago did not spread here so quickly.

Ange tilted his head, and he felt that weird power again on the girl.

"What's your name?" Taking the girl and her brother out of the refugee camp, Ange picked up Negris.

"Lucy." The girl replied, a very common and common name. Among the common people, there are at least 3.3 out of 10 people named Lucy John.

"Why do you..." Negris gestured: "Suddenly grow up so much?"

Lucy shook her head: "I don't know either. After I turned that person into a beetroot, I felt that I was changing. Have I grown up?"

Duroken took out some gold sticks, and a mirror appeared in front of Lucy. After the mirror appeared, Duroken took advantage of the situation and asked, "Why do you want to become a beetroot? Not something else?"

Lucy glanced at An Ge subconsciously, and then said blushingly, "It's delicious."

Negris suddenly understood, probably because the beetroot Ange gave her back then had a deep memory in her, so that when she suddenly used this power, the most memorable thing changed.

But what kind of power is this?

"I probably know a little bit." Duroken held his chin, thinking about it and said: "Witches are a very special phenomenon. According to Mrs. Witch, this is called self-belief. I am my god, my power From my beliefs."

Negris patted his psoas: "I understand."

"You understand? What do you understand?" Duroken asked curiously.

"Self-belief, one's own power comes from one's own belief. By chance, the divine fire is ignited, but because of the same source of power, it has this strange atmosphere. In essence, it is the power of belief." Negris said.

Duroken shook his head: "Then why are there only witches and no wizards?"

"Hey, that's right, why are there only witches and no wizards?" Negris was surprised.

The two looked at each other for a while, but had no clue, so they had to throw it aside temporarily.

"So in essence, witches are actually individuals with godhead? But because there are too few sources of belief, there is only one, so the power is not strong, and it is easy to be caught by people. Because the power is too weird, people are afraid of her, so they are used to it. Burn them?" Negris analyzed.

Duroken said: "This is power that belongs to the level of belief. The Church of Light certainly doesn't want to see them, so they are judged as heretics, and they will be burned at the stake if they are caught."

"There used to be quite a lot of witches, why are they hardly seen now?" Negris said.

Duroken said: "If all witches have godheads, then they must be the target of the storm of faith. Maybe they all died that year, so the king told the witch to be careful?"

"That makes sense, so why did another one suddenly appear now? Turning into a beetroot, this is a magic skill of element conversion." Negris said, turning his head, and saw an extra row of beetroots on the ground.

Ange led Lucy all the way, lifting up the soil on the ground, and a beetroot was added. Lucy was panting from exhaustion, and Ange replenished her soul flame. Immediately, Lucy regained her spirits and put her hands in it. In the dirt, lift it up.

"Kangbada! Just try it out, what are you doing with so much? A waste of power." Negris scolded.

Then he came to his senses: "Can she borrow your divine power?"

Angus nodded.

"Good guy, you can turn grain into bread, and dirt into straw, and she can turn dirt into beetroot. You must be in the same group." Negris said angrily.

At this time, wearing a scarecrow straw hat, others looked like a middle-aged human, while Ange looked like a skeleton, Fetti raised his hand:

"I know that the sudden appearance of another witch must be because of the reappearance of some power that gave birth to the witch."

some kind of power? What power?

Just about to continue the discussion, at this moment, a loud voice suddenly came from outside: "My lord Anthony, the chief judge of the court, Carlock would like to send you my greetings, we have received news that a witch has appeared here. God ordered, and came here to judge."

Thank you Yuan Xianglizhen, Qiao Biluo in the ball world, for your tip.

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