Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 348 Does she think highly of us?

Who is the most powerful in the ocean today? There is no doubt that it is a group of black pirates who have been sheltered by the dragon.

After sweeping away all the sea forces, the current black pirate group has become an unprecedented giant with more than 60 large ships, hundreds of small and medium cargo ships, and thousands of small sampans.

But that's it at most. The ocean is big, but there are too few people, and the economy is not particularly active. After unifying the entire ocean, survival has become the biggest problem, because we can't rob like before.

Of course, in the foreseeable future, there will be more and more ships traveling at sea, and the economy will gradually prosper.

Because the pirates are all eliminated, the risk of ocean routes is greatly reduced, and there will definitely be many businessmen who choose ocean routes because of cost factors.

Even if you go all the way south from the Republic of Stars, circle the entire continent along the coastline, and come to the east, the transportation cost is lower than that on land, which is very suitable for bulk trade.

Not long ago, Silver Coin told Negris in the space of consciousness that it is necessary to organize manpower to carry out sea transportation, and transport the bird droppings from the Falling Dragon Valley to the sea through the West River of the Falling Dragon Lake, and then transfer to the south by sea, bypassing the West Wind Cape, and reaching the east. , can save a lot of cost.

However, it takes time for the ocean routes to grow, but people have to eat every day, especially after destroying all the pirates. The original pirates have all abandoned the dark and turned to the bright. After becoming a member of the dark crowd, feeding them has become a big problem.

The main source of income for the underworld is to collect protection fees, but the problem is that you can't collect as much protection fees as you used to for robbery, only small water can flow long, right?

There are no fewer people and less income, so we must increase revenue and reduce expenditure.

What's the fastest way? For rent.

More than 60 large ships and hundreds of small and medium-sized ships will become moldy when they are parked at home. If the pirates destroy them, there will be no need for so many ships. Of course, they will be rented out to transport freight.

The Black Night Crow couldn't figure it out, and in the end, Yinbi sent someone to help, but the person sent by Yinbi was a bit hard to describe.

A group of sailors gathered on the deck, clapping their hands vigorously: "Papa, papa, the protection of the dragon! Warm service! Papapa, papapa, the wind and the water! The wind and rain do not invade!"

The voice of the yell was loud, and the content of the yell was embarrassing, at least the people who heard it were very embarrassed. In the cabin, some knights in the Holy Armor of Light had constipated expressions on their faces: "This is also... Are these still pirates?"

"No, it's more like those goblin chambers of commerce."

"Aren't you doing business and serving enthusiastically? Who are you serving? Those heretics who were chopped off?"

"These are heresies, why are you still protected by the dragon? Where are the heretics? Come back and chop them later."

"You think too much. Did you forget what they shouted when you first got on the boat? People are on the boat, but people are dead on the boat. If you cut them down, the boat will definitely explode. Can you swim to the shore?"

"... Forget it, I can't swim, I've been vomiting since I got on the boat, and my legs are still soft."

"Your Excellency is amazing. He actually thought of ambushing at sea. We don't have enough ships, and we even rented a pirate's ship. When we suddenly hit the shore, that thief Anthony must be stunned."

"Yes, yes, I must be shocked."

When they reached the shore, they were really stunned.

The two large ships activated the collision circle on the bow, ignoring the rocks along the shore, and rushed directly to the beach. The front door opened, and the Judgment Knights on horseback swarmed out, rushing towards the target.

This is also the reason why they have to rent a large pirate ship. First, it has a heavy load. Second, there is a collision circle on the bow, which can directly rush to the beach. Third, the bow can be lowered and put on the beach, so that the people in the cabin can rush down directly. Attack.

"Kill! Blessed by the Holy Light, the Arbitration is invincible, and the Judgment Knight is long live! Wan... Wan... Is it over?"

The holy knights rushing to the beach thought they would see a chaotic enemy formation. The chief judge took advantage of the opponent's formation to wait for the enemy at sea, and attacked the opponent's formation from the side to break up the chaos.

Then after these people get off the boat, they can just push them all the way. This is their original plan, and it is also the simplest and most efficient plan under the constraints of this terrain. Other plans that are too complicated will not work, and the variables are too large, because They cannot steer the boat.

It's just that I didn't expect that this plan changed too quickly. Is the chief judge so good? The corpse was actually supported by him on the lance and stuck on the shore.

Not only the Grand Inquisitor, but also a group of accompanying knights were all killed in battle, and the corpses were treated the same. Therefore, the first thing the holy knights who got off the boat had to face was the corpse forest on the shore.

On Ang's side, there were no casualties.

This is incredible, but who brought Ange back to life? As long as the head is not smashed on the spot, it can be saved, and after the treatment, the skin is more tender and fairer than before.

The ruling knights froze on the beach, unable to advance or retreat.

Apparently, with the enemy in full swing, they had to go up from the beach and pass through a forest of corpses.

Although those corpses are not in the way, but heartbroken, who can pass through a forest of corpses made up of warm comrades, and attack the enemy's position that is waiting in full force, and still maintain morale?

At this moment, a priest was pushed out on Anger's front. It was the one who sent the signal just now. He cried loudly with a mournful face:

"Children of God, the chief judge, Carlock, has abandoned the light and attacked His Majesty Antony with a sneak attack. He has cheated and deceived others and led everyone astray. Don't be fooled. Surrender to the merciful Majesty Antony Surrender."

"Traitor, damn kobold, traitor!" Among the holy knights, the leading officer scolded viciously. He is a diehard Karlock, and it is impossible to surrender to the enemy. He is still thinking about how to take revenge.

"Don't surrender, right?" Anthony turned to the little angel and said something in a low voice.

The little angel was so excited, she spread her true wings with a flick and flew up.

The holy knights on the beach were in an uproar and confusion: "Holy... the angel of the holy spirit."

"Don't panic, don't panic, it's just a low-level angel with two wings, just be careful."

As soon as the words fell, light flowed behind the little angel, and a pair of wings of light spread out.

"Four... four-winged angels!" The voice of the holy knight was a little panicked, because the biggest difference between the four-winged angels and the two-winged angels was not in combat power, but in the ability to amplify their moves - the shining of holy light.

They either disperse or get bombarded.

"Don't panic, don't panic." The voice that told everyone not to panic just now is also a little panicked now: "It's just a four-winged angel, form a formation!"

Finally got married. Suddenly, he saw the little angel pull out a stick of an archangel.

"The staff of...the Archangel?" The holy knights panicked even more.

"Don't panic, don't panic, the rod of the archangel is just, maintain the formation, the front row of the divine protection technique - the wall of divine protection."

Just when everyone thought that the little angel was about to release his ultimate move. But the little angel turned around and flew back, holding the archangel's staff, and said to Ange, "Oh!"

An Ge shook his head: "Oh!"

"Oh~" The little angel flew up again dejectedly, raised the archangel's staff and began to aim.

The holy knights were completely panicked: "She... what is she doing? Do you want to add benefits to the Archangel's Staff?"

"It seems that she asked that ascetic monk Ann to add buffs to her Archangel Staff, but was rejected."

"Four-winged angel, increase the size of the angel's rod, and increase it? She...does she think highly of us?"

"... run away!"

The holy knights shouted and fled in all directions.

"Don't run, don't panic, stand up..." The leader of the holy cavalry shouted anxiously, but before he could finish his words, a thick beam of light shone on him, engulfing his body, and engulfing the dead body behind him. Zhong, and plowed a furrow on the beach further back.

The beam of light disappeared, and all the holy knights who were illuminated by the holy light disappeared.

No wonder Ange didn't give it a buff, and now the power is overflowing, and no more buffs can hit the sea.

But the little angel doesn't care, it needs to be more powerful, if it is not the most powerful, it is unhappy, and it will vent when it is unhappy.

Turning the staff upside down, the Archangel's Staff became the 'Hammer' of the Archangel. He was about to charge forward with a swing, but An Ge, who had been prepared for a long time, grabbed it.


There is no need to rush, because these holy knights are desperate, because they found that the two large pirate ships that rushed to the beach quietly pulled up the bows, and a group of people on the deck forcefully winched the anchors.

With the winching of the anchor, the heavy ship was quickly dragged into the sea and regained its ability to move. Then, the skull flag was lowered from the bow, and the flag of Anthony's emblem was raised.

"God of misfortune, even the boat we took was arranged by His Majesty Antony? His wisdom is everywhere, and we are not wronged."

"Hey, hey, that's not what you said on the boat just now. You called Anthony a 'dog thief'."

"Do you have proof?"


The large pirate ship that recovered its ability to move began to chase the small and medium-sized ships brought by the holy knights. These ships had no ability to wash the beach, so they all watched the show behind, but they didn't expect it to end up like this.

The small boat couldn't beat the big boat, and couldn't even run away, so it quickly lowered its sails and surrendered.

Anthony tied up all these people and took them aside. As for how to deal with them, everyone was not interested. With Anthony's method, these prisoners could be rounded up if they wanted to be rounded up, flattened up if they wanted to be flattened, and then obediently obeyed.

Instead, Negris was more interested in the two large ships at sea, and a group of people boarded the ship.

"This ship is really big, how many tons is this ship?" Negris asked.

They were greeted by the captain and first mate, who proudly said, "Nine hundred tons."

"That's not too small, what about your leader?" Negris asked, he didn't know any of these people, he only knew the Night Crow, and everyone was unfamiliar, so it was difficult to ask some sensitive things.

The captain pointed to the sea surface in the distance: "There."

The sea was unobstructed and stretched as far as the eye could see. When Negris looked over, he couldn't see anything, not to mention ships, not even anything that could fly.

But not long after, a crash was heard, and three strange boats floated up from the water not far away.

These are three fully enclosed strange ships that look like olive cores. They are small in size, and their length is estimated to be less than one-tenth of the 900-ton ship they are in now, but they are supported by a thick bumper. horn.

This ram is attached to the body of the strange ship at the moment, but there is an iron cable at the rear. Obviously, if the iron cable is tightened, it will stand up and become an oblique angle.

Negris could see the horror of this ram at a glance. If the three strange ships could travel underwater, after the ram was erected, they would break through the waterline of the enemy ship without too much speed A large hole was punched in the enemy's hull.

The top hatch of one of the ships was opened, and a snakeman crawled out first, and then the Night Crow, seeing Ange and the others on board, jumped up and waved excitedly: "My lord! Naig lord!"

After finishing speaking, she sacrificed her fighting spirit and quickly stepped on the surface of the sea. The fighting spirit under her feet stirred the sea water, which made her run all the way by stepping on the sea water.

But she was handsome for only three seconds, and with her strength, she couldn't sustain such consumption. Halfway through the run, she let out an 'oops' and threw herself into the water.

It didn't take long to get up from the wet water, and smiled awkwardly: "It's too far away, miscalculation, miscalculation, ahhh."

Ange waved his hand lightly, the elements repelled, and quickly dispelled the water elements on her clothes.

The night crow, who had become dry all over, flopped his clothes, and knelt down on one knee: "Greetings, Mr. An!"

The captain and the first mate were startled, looked at each other in shock, and also fell to their knees.

The Night Crow is now a legend among pirates, known as the existence of the king of the four seas, except for the golden dragon, I have never seen her kneeling before anyone. What is the origin of this Mr. An?

Ange tilted his head and didn't speak, but he waved and lifted her up with the elements. Look, Ange is not only embarrassing.

The Night Crow asked excitedly: "My lord, why are you here? Are you here to see me?"

Negris rolled her eyes: "Yes, yes, we came to see you specially. How are you doing recently? What's going on? How did you get mixed up with the Church of Light?"

The Night Crow ignored Negris's white eyes and introduced the situation of these ships.

"It turned out to be like this. It's a good idea to think of renting out a boat. It's not like your stupid brain can come up with it." Negris said.

The Night Crow scratched his forehead in embarrassment: "Uh, it was the idea of ​​a professional sent by Mr. Yin Coin."

Negris patted his psoas muscles: "I knew it, I knew I couldn't read it wrong."

Night Raven smiled shyly as if being praised, and then realized: Negris read it right, doesn't that mean that he is really a fool?

"What kind of ships are those? Weird, where did you find them?" Negris asked about the strange ship that everyone was most interested in.

"Oh, that's the Narwhal. It's a semi-submersible boat that can sneak under the sea for a short time. The technology of the snake people, but since their god died, they can't be built. These three are Brusque Adults helped make it."

"Oh, it's that kid, okay, I'll find it later to understand the principle." Negris said, it knew that it couldn't get all the principles from the silly night crow.

that kid? ! The captain and the first officer tensed up subconsciously. The golden dragon, Bruce, was actually called "that kid" by this young dragon? What is their background?

"The Illuminati Church rented a ship to transport people. I knew as soon as I heard that they were planning to ambush someone. Let's rent it. Anyway, the money is enough, but I am afraid that they will not keep their promises and do something to my ship and people afterwards, so I just Drive the narwhals to follow quietly, if you dare to attack my people, I will wait for them to snatch the boats, then sink these boats, and let them die in the sea."

The captain and first mate wiped off the cold sweat.

"By the way, my lord, when I was lurking in the sea just now, I found some buildings and a few statues in the sea."

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