The thrifty, solid-eyed old farmer encountered a wicked brass dragon and was almost killed. Fortunately, he met him on the road, otherwise he would have become a skeleton after walking thousands of kilometers of desert.

"I said, why are you so bold? You dare to walk in the desert without thousands of miles of people? I remember that you don't seem to have storage bags? Where are the supplies? Could it be the ones you are carrying?" Brass Dragon asked with lingering fear.

The southern hedgehog team who sat nervously on the sand sled nodded in unison.

"Pfft, how do you get your food? How do you get your drinking water?" Negris asked.

The Southern Hedgehogs made a few druid gestures. The druids can condense the moisture in the air, but judging from their poor magic power, the condensed moisture may not be enough to brush their teeth.

"Then do you know how long it will take you to get out of this uninhabited desert at your current speed?"

Collectively shook their heads.

I heard that it would take two months to get out of the desert, and half a year to the south. The people in the south were all dumbfounded. The travel expenses saved would not be enough for half a year's food.

Negris said angrily: "Forget it, let's get to know each other once, go to the oasis and take the teleportation array, teleport to Drake Island and then go back by boat."

What acquaintance, purely because I realized that I had fooled the wrong people, and I was afraid that these honest people would die on the road.

The village head showed embarrassment, and asked cautiously, "How much does it cost?"

Negris forced a smile on his face: "It doesn't cost money, the teleportation array is opened by our family, and it's free."

Free fart, two-way charges for the teleportation array, free for the oasis, but there is still a charge for Drake, but what can I do? it gives lo.

"Oh oh, that's great."

"Wow, Mr. Brass Dragon, your family runs a teleportation array? You are really rich."

"Yeah, even the horses are so strong, so rich, the horses in our swamp are like donkeys."

The 'horse' is indeed too strong, carrying four Anges on its back, dragging a sand sled, and carrying six Southern Hedgehogs, running easily, but the problem is not a 'horse', but a god .

But no one will believe you if you say it, riding a 'god' and pulling a cart...

At the speed of the Insect God, the oasis that needs to be walked for more than a month will arrive soon.

Today's Hope Oasis has become a bustling desert city. Because of the repair of roads, almost all business transactions are transferred through the Hope Oasis. A large number of warehouses and shops have been built here, and there are many more foreign personnel.

When there are more outsiders, the teleportation array will inevitably be opened to the outside world. Compared with horses and horses, the rich still prefer to use the teleportation array.

There were already several people queuing up around the teleportation formation at the moment. When they saw Ange and his party coming, they immediately greeted them regardless of whether they recognized them or not. If they had the money to sit in the teleportation formation, they would definitely not be mud-legged farmers.

So when they saw several old farmers from the Southern Hedgehog Team approaching, some of them were a little unhappy, and just about to say something, they saw Shafiya, the Dragon Whisperer, running over.

"Lord Naig, why are you here?" Shafiya greeted enthusiastically.

"Send a few friends home." Negris responded.

"Oh, then please come here, you first." Shafiya said quickly.

The Southern Assassin's team is full of honest farmers. When they heard that they jumped in line, they were a little embarrassed: "Not too good, we came late, why don't we line up for a while?"

"No, no, the teleportation array was built by the wife of Mr. Naiger. It was originally reserved for her own use, but she saw that many people had such needs, so she opened it to the outside world. How could others have any objections? Right, no one Do you have an opinion?" Shafiya looked around at the people queuing up.

"No, you guys use it first, we're not in a hurry." A bunch of people shook their heads hastily.

They may not know Negris, but how could they not know Dragon Whisperer Shafiya? The embryonic dragon that even the Dragon Whisperer warmly entertained was the child of the Dragon Whisperer's guardian dragon, right?

Negris was also polite, and said to Shafia: "Transfer to Drake Island, which is not far from the southern swamp, and you can get there by boat."

"Okay." Shafiya responded, and adjusted it herself.

At this time, the village chief who was stingy in the south said cautiously: "Lord Naig, we need to take a boat to reach Drake Island, or we can directly transfer to Nanmao Town in the swamp."

"Pfft, is there a teleportation array near your house?" Negris almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

The village head nodded.

"You didn't say it earlier!"

"Uh, you didn't ask..." The village head responded weakly.

"I see you are so poor, I thought your place was remote." Negris said speechlessly.

Seeing how these guys save money on travel expenses, Negris thought their home was remote. Who would have thought that there would be a teleportation array?

The village chief laughed and said, "It's not our home, Nanzhao Town, about a hundred kilometers away, is next to the swamp, and we can walk home there."

Negris sighed inwardly. One hundred kilometers is still a swamp, and a few old farmers who only know some water condensation skills have to walk back.

But what can I do? I put all the money in their hands, and they would rather save it, because for them, walking hundreds of kilometers may not necessarily earn a few magic crystals, and they can save money by working harder. Come down, wouldn't it be better to buy something for the family?

Negris didn't bother to say anything, because it's useless to say it, forget it, let me help you again.

Thinking of this, Negris stretched out his short claws and tapped everyone on the forehead: "The elementary druid secret method, I hope it will be useful to you."

As the god of knowledge, Negris's knowledge reserve is not built. It can teach Angor the purification technique, and naturally it can also teach others the druid secret technique.

However, its knowledge reserve is too old, and it will only follow the scriptures and instill them in. Whether others can understand it depends on each person's understanding.

The Nanfang thorn obscenely knelt down excitedly: "Thank you, my lord, you have been so kind to us, thank you, my lord!"

Negris didn't realize what it had done, it just made up with guilt for almost fooling the other party to death in the desert.

The elementary druid secret technique is too elementary and worthless, but that's from the perspective of its brass dragon.

For these human farmers who solidified early, lacked avenues to ascend, and were born in remote and poor places, this is likely to be the basis for making a fortune and achieving a class leap.

They themselves also practiced the Druid secret art, but it was not systematic and piecemeal, and there was little room for growth.

However, the complete primary secret art makes up for the missing parts, which is equivalent to going to a regular druid academy for further study. After laying a solid foundation, there will be a lot of room for growth.

As they prayed devoutly, Negris found more than a dozen soul flames floating into its body. Almost every farmer dedicated more than three soul flames, and his belief was very strong.

"Uh, that's okay? Then I'll set up a stall at the gate of the Academy of Stars, and those who believe in me will teach them what subjects they don't know. I don't know if it will work? It's just a bit laborious, forget it."

Negris had a few thoughts in his soul, but quickly gave up. He is a typical lazy god who wants to harvest but is afraid of being tired. He wants to lie down and send believers to his door.

He waved his hand, avoiding the gratitude of a few farmers, and activated the teleportation array to send them back. Who knew that as soon as the teleportation array was activated, a wave of teleportation could not wait to swing away, and something was teleported from the opposite side.

A dozen or so humans screamed, scrambling to rush out of the teleportation array.

"Help! There are monsters, help..." The screeching stopped abruptly, and a spike pierced the human's chest.

Seeing the spike clearly, Negris was shocked: "Is there really a monster? What is this? A giant flea?"

Things that even the God of Knowledge doesn't know can only be described as monsters.

As soon as you connect to the teleportation array, the other side can't wait to teleport over. This approach is very irrational, because you don't know what is going on at the receiving end on the other side.

If the teleportation array is small and so many people teleport over, wouldn't the people in the outer circle be cut in half?

Before they were cornered, no one would teleport in such a reckless way. It can be seen that these people are already cornered.

But despite this, what drove them to nowhere followed.

A two-meter-tall creature with two long legs and four jointed limbs on its upper body, like an enlarged version of a flea, teleported over together, and immediately killed one of the unlucky ones.

After killing a human, it didn't care about other people. It bit the hand of the unlucky guy who fell down. After gnawing off the arm, the flea monster opened its mouth and spit out a bunch of black things.

When it wanted to bite that unlucky egg again, a wave of fireballs exploded its head, burning its whole body into charcoal.

The little angel said anxiously, "Oh!"

Ange scratched his head helplessly, and responded, "Oh."

Those fleeing people sent over were stopped by Shafiya's people, and Negris was asking them: "Who are you? What happened? What kind of monster is that?"

The refugees said in a hurry: "We are from Nanmao Town, and we don't know what happened. Many monsters suddenly burst out of the swamp. They killed people and ate crops when they saw them. The spitting in the cultivated land is that kind of black thing."

The fleeing man pointed to the lump of black stuff that the monster had just spit out.

The hedgehog village head hurriedly asked, "Is it just Nanzhao Town? How about Hedgehog Village? Are there any monsters?"

The fleeing person shook his head: "I don't know, but these monsters eat everything they see. If Nanmao Town is eaten up, they should go to the depths of the swamp."

The village head became anxious immediately, turned to Negris and said, "My lord, we are going back, please send us back, please?"

Negris said angrily: "What are you going back for? Are you delivering food? Just wait, I haven't figured out anything yet."

After speaking, he turned to Ange and asked, "Do you feel familiar?"

Ange nodded, walked to the side of the monster's corpse, glanced at it, and waved back to the big black horse.

The big black horse is of course Hemel. It is not a horse. When I came over and sniffed it, it shook its head: "I don't know it."

It said 'I don't know', but didn't say 'No', Ange stepped on a footprint lightly.

With the proficiency in the halo of immortality, Ange has been able to control the range and acceleration frequency of the halo. With this step, it only covered a range of more than ten meters in diameter, and did not affect the onlookers in the distance.

Not long after, I saw the spit out black thing slowly moving, and countless small insects hatched out, and the lump was full of eggs.

"It's obviously a bug, and you still say you don't know it? It's this shit again, I don't want to beat bugs anymore." Negris pointed at Hemel and cursed.

Hemel stayed for a while before responding dullly: "It's not mine..."

"It's not yours? Could it be Mathis's? When did it go to the southern swamp to lay eggs?" Negris was surprised.

Hemel was stunned for a while before saying: "It's not its..."

"What do you mean?" Negris' heart couldn't help sinking.

Theoretically, all the bugs on this plane originated from Hemel or Matisse, and even Matisse came from Hemel.

When every insect exterminator graduates, he will get an egg. Whether it is cultivation, evolution, or mutation, it is all based on the original egg. It is not until Mathis becomes the new insect god that the insect has its first birth. Two genealogy.

But the second pedigree is also a mutation of the first one, and it is inextricably linked. It's fine if Hemel doesn't admit it, but he even said it wasn't Matisse's?

If it wasn't it, and it wasn't Matisse's, where did these bugs come from? Is there a third worm god?

While Negris was thinking, the hatched bugs had already started killing each other, devouring each other, growing rapidly, and soon devoured from a bunch of small bugs invisible to the naked eye to the remaining one the size of a puppy. flea monster.

Then the flea monster threw itself next to the headless big flea monster corpse, and gnawed vigorously.

"Did you find that these bugs began to evolve in terms of body size, rather than simply evolutionary quantity." Negris said.

Angus nodded.

At this moment, the corpse of the big flea monster also changed, and countless small bugs hatched from the corpse, joining the process of killing each other and devouring each other.

The little flea monster stopped eating the corpse, and began to gnaw on the small bugs that had grown up, one bite at a time.

The little flea monster took the upper hand, and none of the later little bugs could grow bigger than it, and they were all swallowed up by it in the end.

This little flea monster has also gradually grown to a height of two meters. It is a little smaller than the dead big flea. It looks exactly the same, as if it was reborn, but it lost part of its mass in the process, such as the head blasted off by Ang.

"This nutrient utilization rate is a bit outrageous." Negris murmured.

After gnawing on the things around him like no one else was there, the flea monster finally raised his head, his eyes fell on the nearest Moher, he immediately let out a strange cry, and kicked his feet fiercely.

The flea monster has a pair of strong thighs, and its kick is like a fired shell, and it fiercely pounces... into Hemel's mouth...

Just when everyone was terrified, and the fit big black horse was about to be bitten to death by the flea monster, the big black horse opened its mouth violently. The big mouth started from the lips and split all the way along the neck, turning into a scar that was bigger than the flea monster. Mouth.

Inside were densely packed fangs, which bit the flea monster in one bite, and began to chew.

The onlookers were so frightened that their hairs stood on end, and they screamed: "Monster!!" This big black horse looks more like a monster than a flea monster! !

After chewing a few times, Hemel blinked his eyes suddenly and said, "It smells like void."

ps: It’s not a bug, borrow a stalk, you will definitely not be able to guess what it is

Thank you Yuan Xianglizhen, Menphisto, for your tip.

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