Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 375 Thirty Thousand Sinful Angels

Just as Duroken simulated it with gravel, it was a long and thin 'line', with no end in sight, as if extending to the end of the void.

There is no light in the void. If it weren't for the fluctuations from the big cat, it would probably take a very short distance for everyone to see its existence through the soul, but it is too 'fine', and it may be overlooked if you are not careful.

Everyone looked at each other, and they all saw the thoughts in each other's eyes: Go and see?

But before he could go, Anthony suddenly stopped there, listening attentively, his expression became more angry as he listened, and finally he turned to everyone: "The God of Arbitration is slaughtering people on the ground."

Using the wisdom of his God of Knowledge, Negris couldn't figure out how the God of Arbitration could solve this problem, because he was a kind brass dragon.

The method of arbitration is very simple, just kill them all, he called it-the trial of extermination!

"Lost lambs, lost in the mist, sunk in lies, your eyes, blinded by falsehoods, can no longer see the truth, light, will eventually be covered by your falsehoods, destroy, this filthy world, destroy Come on, you stupid lambs."

Following the words of arbitration, the remaining seventy or so Arbitration Angels and Judgment Angels scattered like fireworks, and waved their swords towards the people below.

This is a one-sided massacre. The people below are devout believers and priests, and they all use the power of the Holy Light.

And the God of Arbitration is dedicated to restraining heresy. It is easier for the angels under his command to judge their own people than to judge outsiders. It is like putting a low-level fireball in front of a fire-type esoteric mage, and they will easily be deprived of control over the elements.

The cleric who launched a counterattack against the angel found that his own power could not hurt the opponent at all. The sacred shield he raised was split by a sword, and the magic spell he released was ignored by the opponent. Even the holy protection spell could not stop the angel's attack.

Someone tore open the teleportation scroll in a panic, trying to escape from this place.

However, as soon as the teleportation scroll swayed, the golden giant in the sky immediately turned its gaze over, and a holy flame spewed out from the ground, burning the scroll and people together to ashes.

Someone got on the mount in a panic, trying to escape, and soon, a mass of holy light rushed towards him like a meteor, piercing through his head.

Some people flew straight away, using their own holy power to flee far away.

The arbitration looked over, and the holy power on the other party was suddenly gone.

This was a one-sided massacre. Under the watchful eyes of the arbitration, these pious believers and priests couldn't even use their holy power.


"My Lord Ange! Give me strength!" With a loud roar, a mass of holy light burst out, slashing at the body of an arbitration angel like a big knife.

The Arbitration Angel was defenseless, and it used to think that the power of the Holy Light could not harm it until the Holy Light fell on it.

The Arbitration Angel was kicked away, rolled and fell into the mud, trying to get up expressionlessly, several paladins had already rushed up and hacked it to death.

Paladins are among the few who have the ability to fight back. Although their holy power can't hurt angels, they still have swords, and they can hurt people even if they slash with brute force.

After cutting the angel into pieces, the paladin looked back at the man who shouted "My Lord Ange" and asked anxiously, "What power?"

"My lord Ange! Ascetic monk!" the old priest Farrar shouted!

Farrer never imagined that the end of this sneaking in would be to face a massacre.

After Fale was polluted by Shamara, he became a degenerate citizen. During the insect plague, he was forced to flee into the desert. When he arrived in the City of Beauty, he finally settled down. Anthony set up the establishment of the Degenerate Legion and called them, the old priests. up.

Fale, who had already converted to the immortal beauty god, had to adjust his beliefs again to adapt to the new situation.

Fortunately, the power of Undead Beauty Ange is too pure, and the seamless switching of power has not caused any impact. On the contrary, it has been polluted and turned into corrupt power, and now it has turned back to pure holy light.

Of course, Anthony would not miss such a grand event as the kingdom of heaven descending. He immediately dispatched many of his men to sneak into the swamp.

Polk was lurking in the distant swamp. The wet, dark and corrupt swamp was the best hiding place for Darth Vader. Even the God of Arbitration didn't notice their existence.

The situation here was also informed by Polk to Anthony through the soul connection.

The people placed by Anthony are all now being killed. In desperation, Farrar chanted Ange's name.

Arbitration Angels can ignore the Holy Light, but they cannot ignore Anger's power.

Everyone doesn't know about my lord Ange, but the name of Ascetic Monk Ann is very popular. In recent months, Ascetic Monk Ann has been the most famous name in the church.

In the past, everyone thought that ascetic monks were a kind of idiot with self-abuse tendencies, and no one had made a name for themselves through hard work. Now, the appearance of ascetic monk Ann told everyone what kind of tricks ascetic monks can achieve.

Great prayer!

Directly turning grain into bread, what an incredible power, just with this hand, ascetic monk Ann is qualified to become the most popular candidate for the pope.

Can it be turned into bread, can it also be turned into magic crystal gold coins? Fairy beauty? Treasure of Myriad Realms?

However, Mr. An didn't seem to care about the Pope's power. Instead, he supported Anthony everywhere. This also caused Anthony's prestige to increase day by day.

Fale's shouting shocked everyone, the ascetic monk, Mr. An, has he risen to the level of 'lord'?

There is no way out, is it really necessary to try it? The paladin whispered with his sword: "My lord Ange, give me strength, use holy power to burn my holy sword! Protect my holy body! In the name of the holy... ..."

Following the paladin's whispers, they noticed some special changes in their power.

The original holy power is easy to deprive and has no effect on angels, but the changed holy power is different, and this is often just a matter of thought.

when! An Arbitration Angel rushed down, and the paladin swung his sword to block it, and was sent flying.

The paladin turned over in the air, landed, rushed forward, and struck with the shield.

when! The Arbitration Angel was stunned, and its unstoppable posture stopped.

It waved the sword expressionlessly, dang dang dang, four swords in a row, the paladin's long sword finally couldn't bear the break, and hastily set up the holy shield, dang, was hacked back.

boom! A holy flame erupted from the ground, engulfing the paladin—judgment.

The paladin carried it for two seconds, and the holy power on his body was exhausted. Then he screamed and was turned into ashes by the holy flame.

Although he still died in the end, this scene cheered everyone up and whispered: "My Lord Ange, give me strength..."

As long as the holy power doesn't fail, the half a million clergymen and believers will not be able to kill these angels even if they are exhausted.

"Chains of Holy Light!"

"Holy whip!"

"Dawn of Heaven!"

"Holy charge!"

"Punishment Hammer!"

"Summon Paladin!"

The calls one after another spread the information like a hurricane. More and more people prayed to Ange. When they called Ange's name devoutly, Ange's thoughts would fall on them. extremely busy.

In the fortress of heaven, Ange froze in place, the holy flame rose from his body, and the holy power was consumed rapidly.

There are several power systems in An Ge's body, the God of Immortality, the God of Beauty, and the God of Planting, but there is no God of Light.

The power of these systems can be transformed into each other. His holy power is purely transformed from soul flames. In theory, as much as his soul flames are, the strength of his holy power will be as strong, but this requires a transformation process.

There weren't many people who used his holy power before, Lisa alone, Anthony half, and the beauticians in Beauty God City are big heads, but they don't use them together.

But as more and more people prayed to him, the supply of holy power began to run out.

Feeling Ange's state, the little ghost poked its head out of its fingers in doubt. After thinking for a while, the little ghost opened its mouth and bit Ange's finger, and a raging holy flame rose from its body.

It's not easy, the little ghost raised by feeding so many good things will finally feed back Ange.

The little ghost did not use its own power, but absorbed An Ge's soul energy, and then transformed it into holy power.

With the help of the little ghost, the transformation speed doubled.

Then soon, Ange discovered that he didn't need to give all the power to him like Lisa, because the person who prayed to him had not weak holy power himself, what Ange needed to do was to give The opponent's holy power is injected into his 'Holy'.

To put it simply, it is to inject his ideas.

How to inject it? How much should be injected? What's your idea? Forget it, let's compare groups.

For the purpose of research, Ange divided the control group...

The number of Arbitration Angels and Judgment Angels is very small, only about seventy or so. Individual entities are tyrannical, but the number is too small. As long as the humans on the ground can resist two more times, the difficulty of their killing will increase exponentially.

What's more, everyone will not only resist, but also fight back. Under the disproportionate number difference, the angels ushered in a catastrophe. Every moment, more than a dozen attacks cover them, and soon, more than seventy angels are drowned In a sea of ​​hundreds of thousands of believers and priests.

The God of Arbitration watched all this blankly, until the last angel also turned into a holy flame.

Everyone panted with lingering fear, and looked up at the golden giant in the sky in surprise. Under the endless divine power, no one would think that the matter would end like this.

After looking at each other, everyone shouted: "Run!"

Hundreds of thousands of people fled in all directions.

The golden giant radiated light, and countless golden lights shot out from his body, turning into a golden blade—the sword of arbitration.

The Sword of Arbitration has no hilt, only a blade, and it is as fast as lightning, nailing those who run the fastest to the ground.

The blade pierced through their bodies, and the golden holy flames spewed out from the wounds, which gradually spread to the surroundings, burning their skin and clothing.

Under this golden holy flame, the smooth skin of the corpse became rough, dry and ugly, and finally the shoulder blades pierced the skin and grew out, turning into bloody bone wings.

The bone wings quickly covered the skin and feathers, and the corpse screamed, turning into an ugly angel of sin, and flew up.

In a bloody and terrifying scene, everyone witnessed the birth of the sinful angel.

"It turns out that sinful angels are refined in this way. What's the difference between this and an undead creature? What's the difference between this and a demon? Could it be that the so-called heresy has your ability?" Farrar muttered to himself in shock.

Countless swords of arbitration were pierced into the crowd, and countless sinful angels were born. They slashed and killed the people around them frantically. Every time the sword went down, there was a golden wound.

Some people's wounds gradually returned to their original state, and blood flowed out, while some people's wounds gradually ignited golden holy flames. It didn't take long for a new sinful angel to be born.

"Will...will assimilate? Don't be cut by the sinful angel, it will assimilate you." Someone saw this change and warned loudly.

"No... It's not assimilation, it's infection. People who are deeply sinful are infected by the power of sin and become sinful angels." Someone shouted tremblingly.

"Fart, until now, do you still want to believe in those nonsense statements in the scriptures? This is erosion. Arbitration uses power to erode our bodies and turn us into his puppets. This is what demons do. !” Someone scolded outrageously.

But whether it was warnings, shouts, or cursing, the arbitration watched them all, and the next moment, they were pierced by golden swords.

Arbitration keeps creating sinful angels, and sinful angels keep assimilating new sinful angels, and the number of sinful angels increases exponentially.

The golden giant stared at the swamp, no one could escape his gaze, the killing continued, more and more humans became ugly sinful angels, and fewer and fewer people could resist.

The sky was gloomy, and the swamp turned into a sea of ​​blood, with corpses strewn across the field, hundreds of thousands of corpses scattered everywhere.

The God of Arbitration was expressionless, neither sad nor angry, just like his usual expression, as if the killing was insignificant, and Anthony's calculation made him even more angry.

A total of 30,000 ugly sinful angels wandered around, making up for the undead humans, five hundred and eighty-six thousand seven hundred and seventy-nine people, and none of them were spared, even Peleg was no exception.

The only good thing is that Ange pulled Farrer's consciousness back. Although he lost his body and soul, as long as he retains his consciousness, he can still reincarnate into an undead creature, which is not counted as death.

Anthony sat slumped on the ground, devastated.

Negris was devastated and devastated.

So it can still be handled like this? So there is still such a way? Killing all the believers can also be euphemistically called the judgment of destroying the world.

Purify the filth of the world, destroy the lost lambs, create a new world... God, as long as you don't take life seriously, you can handle it well.

Negris murmured: "In the Holy Book of Light, there are records about the creation of the world, what created a new world, did they also kill all the creatures in the old world?"

"It's possible." Anthony rallied and got up from the ground: "I made a mistake, it's my fault, I shouldn't provoke this inhuman thing, I should kill him first. Now, he has more men There are more than 30,000 sinful angels, and the next step may be to take the opportunity to judge me, my lord, what should I do now?"

Thank you Ye Yudie, devilan, for your tip

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