Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 380 The Divine Skill of the Silver Coin, the God of Profiteers

"Divine soul? Incarnate as divine soul, it is true that your soul cannot be harmed, but what is that flame on your head? Belief fire? The fire of everyone's faith?!" The great sage had a ghostly expression on his face.

Harvey has endured the fire of belief in gods, so the great sage recognized this flame at a glance, but it was because he recognized it that he couldn't believe it.

What are silver coins? It's just a goblin lich, whether it's Harvey or the great sage, they can slap each other to death with one slap. But such a weak goblin actually has the fire of trust?

Dazed, Shenhun touched the fire of faith, and asked in confusion: "Is it very powerful? It can't be discounted."

As soon as the words fell, the fiery flames of everyone's faith suddenly ignited and turned into a ball of flames, and an invisible wave spread out, swaying to the entire plane.

If there are gods in the fallen plane, they should be able to feel this fluctuation.

The great sage couldn't feel the fluctuations, but he saw this change with his own eyes, and it was so shocking that he almost couldn't maintain his body: "God... divine fire, you lit the divine fire?"

This change caused Anger to project onto the silver coin involuntarily, along with Negris, Duroken and Fetti.

"Pfft! The god of profiteers! Canbada, have you really lit the magic fire?" Negris felt that he was about to suffocate internal injuries.

When it ignited the fire of everyone's trust in the silver coin with one sentence, it already felt ridiculous. Didn't expect how long it took? A little faith fire turned into a god fire directly. Where did the power of faith of this dead profiteer come from?

If the fire of faith can still be said to be because of Negris, its mouth has been blessed, good spirits do not work bad spirits, then from the fire of faith to the fire of gods, a strong foundation of faith is required, and a lot of Believers and fanatical beliefs, where do his followers come from?

Yin Coin was also at a loss for this question, but after being at a loss for a while, he suddenly realized: "I seem to know who is believing in me, and I heard a lot of voices."

An Ge tilted his head, and his thoughts cut into the divine fire of the silver coin. Regardless of whether the silver coin becomes a god or not, they are all An Ge's subjects. An Ge has absolute control over him, which is equivalent to obeying God.

With all the thoughts, Ange immediately received a flood of messages. Ange has seen this kind of scene a lot. The god of immortality, the god of planting, and the believers of the god of beauty will also pray to the gods they believe in.

But those beliefs that were too vague, Ange couldn't hear clearly, and he gradually got used to them, and usually ignored them. He could only hear those beliefs that were particularly strong.

The silver coins were obviously not used to it, and they didn't ignore any information. It became very messy when it was transmitted to Ange, but after careful identification, the specific content could still be separated, roughly divided into several categories.

"God of Wealth, please bless me to become rich overnight."

"God of Wealth, please bless me to make money lying down."

"God of Wealth, please give me some gold coins."

"God of Wealth, please bless me to go out and kick the gold bricks."

"God of wealth, please bless me to be loved by a beautiful rich woman."

"The God of Wealth..."

This information was shared with Negris and others, and Negris was dumbfounded: "Emotion, you are not the god of profiteers, but the god of wealth? Chambada, no wonder you have so many followers. If you can bless me to become rich overnight, I will all I want to be your disciple."

Yin Coin scratched his head: "It's not impossible to get rich overnight..."

Negris' knees softened, and Duroken grabbed him: "Be reserved."

After grabbing Negris, Duroken said: "Getting rich overnight is obviously more suitable for me as the king of alchemy, Lord Silver Coin..."

After joking a few times to calm down, Negris asked jealously: "When you ignite the divine fire, you will have a godhead. Generally, after mastering the godhead, you will awaken some divine skills that are in line with your beliefs. What is your divine skill?" ? The halo of shit luck?"

Yin Coin hesitated and said, "I have awakened a magic skill."

"Pfft—really? What magical skill?" Negris asked.

Yin Coin didn't know how to describe it, so he had to say, "I'll show you." After speaking, he looked up at the great sage and Harvey.

The conversation between them was carried out through soul connection. The great sage and Harvey couldn't hear it at all. They only felt a breath projected over, and then the silver coin froze.

They knew that they guessed that it was the owner of the silver coin, Ange who had a lot of bluffing names. At first they only paid attention to the two names Duroken and Fetti, but now they have to pay attention to Ange.

What kind of power can make an ordinary goblin ignite the magic fire? Where does this power come from?

Yin Coin said to Harvey: "Master Harvey, can I ask you to punch me with a little strength?"

"A little bit of strength? How much?" Harvey asked, a little eager to try, let himself hit him as soon as the magic fire was lit? Could it be that he is confident that he can withstand the punch of the Lord of Mourning?

"It's enough to blow up an ordinary creature. Be light, I can't carry it if it's too heavy." Yin Coin said quickly.

Harvey punched in disappointment. Usually, he can explode a cow with just a flick of his finger. It is really difficult for him to control such a light attack.

The silver coin went all out, and in front of him was Harvey, the Lord of Mourning. Silver coin had seen Harvey do it. On the city wall, he saw Harvey go forward indomitably, resisting the impact of the soul tower, and blasting through the thousand-year-old city with one blow.

That kind of destructive power left a deep impression on him, and the idea of ​​letting Harvey punch him was also crazy, but Silver Coin was still the goblin full of adventurous spirit, and he believed that Ange would definitely protect him.

With a light punch, the spirit incarnated by the silver coin tensed his whole body. He moved his hands forward and shouted loudly: "Discount!"

Harvey only felt that the strength of his fist was rapidly weakened. He felt light at first, but now he was really light.

boom! Yin Coin's figure stepped back and stabilized.

The scene was dead silent for a while, and it took a long time for everyone to react. Negris said in shock: "Discount? How much discount? No, no, your magical skill is to weaken the opponent's attack? How much?"

"Triple discount." The silver coins should arrive.

"This is an extremely absurd, yet reasonable magical skill on a silver coin. This is really... really..." Negris didn't know what to say.

On this side, Harvey's interest was really aroused: "Weaken? I feel that at least 70% of the power has been reduced, and the force applied to you is less than 30%. There is nothing to try like this. Let's do it again. I punch."

Harvey raised his fist, and the purple-gold fist ignited the flame of the soul, obviously wanting to go all out.

Yin Coin quickly put away his soul, squatted on the ground with his head in his arms, and shouted anxiously: "No."

If he is crazy, he will take Harvey's full punch, and it will be enough to try out the effect of the magic skill. There is no gain from receiving an extra punch, isn't it a loss?

Besides, he didn't come here to test Harvey at all.

Harvey withdrew his fist reluctantly, the majestic Lord of Mourning, he couldn't punch the silver coin squatting on the ground with his head in his arms, right? This goblin is so rascal.

Glancing up, he found that Harvey had withdrawn his fist, Yin Coin got up and said with a smile on his face: "Master Harvey, the great sage, ordered by my Lord Ange, I came here to ask you, Do you want to go back to the Palace of Rest?"

"The resting palace will talk later, you first stand up and summon the spirit possession, and then give me a punch."

Thank you PING, Ye Yudie. rewards.

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