Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 383 Something Was Stabbed On The Ground

"The main hall cannot be entered." Negris said.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Ange stepping into the main hall. There should have been a barrier there, but now Ange stepped forward, as if there was nothing there.

Negris flew over in a hurry and passed through the original barrier smoothly.

"It really disappeared? You can enter." Negris was overjoyed, and everyone rushed to catch up.

The Palace of Rest, the main four sub-palaces, was built using the multi-dimensional space stacking method. Each building is an independent dimension, so the corresponding conditions must be met to enter the dimension of the palace.

What Duroken said was balance, but he didn't know how to achieve balance, because the current resting palace was completely different from when he designed and built it.

Originally there were more than a dozen key components, but now there are only seven left. Theoretically, it is impossible to maintain balance, but it is very stable.

Faced with this situation, Duroken was also caught blind, unable to open the main hall, and didn't even dare to mess around, for fear that it would collapse.

This is a very mysterious thing in architecture. If you don't maintain it every day, it will be fine for hundreds of years. Once it is maintained, it will collapse inexplicably.

Well, now the main hall, which has been unable to enter, can enter somehow. I am afraid that only An Ge can guess the reason, because his body has entered.

The dimensions of the four auxiliary halls are very simple, but the main hall is completely different. Once you enter the door, you will suddenly see a long passageway with giant pillars piercing the sky on both sides. The dome is unusually high, probably thousands of meters high. You can't see the border on all sides, and you can't see the end at a glance.

As if entering the wilderness, a group of people walked forward, and Fetti complained as they walked: "I have wanted to say it for a long time. When you first designed it, why did you design the main hall so big? Every time you enter After walking for a long time, it is also stipulated that running and flying are not allowed, which is too annoying."

"Otherwise, what should we do?" Duroken retorted: "The main hall must be so big to be balanced with the resting place and the farm outside. I didn't design it to be so big, so how can I fill the main hall? Leave a big space What are they used for, to grow..."

As soon as the word 'kind' was uttered, both Fetti and Negris rushed towards him subconsciously, trying to cover his mouth. As expected of his reputation as Shining, Fetti covered his mouth with his palm and covered the words behind him. gone back.

Duroken also reacted, and closed his mouth tightly with lingering fear.

The others didn't react, or didn't know what happened, and they looked over in doubt. The little angel Ange in front, the little zombie, also turned around when they heard the movement.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's nothing." Negris forced a smile.

Duroken also quickly echoed: "It's all right, we're just joking."

Seeing that everyone no longer pays attention to this matter, the three of Negris let out a long breath. Fortunately, Ange did not hear it. If he heard the word 'planting vegetables', he would really dig up the main hall How to grow vegetables? Who can stop him?

After walking for a long distance, I finally saw the figure of a giant. Its long sword was inserted into the ground in front of it, and it held the hilt with both hands. It knelt on the ground with its head down, motionless.

In front of it is a huge chair, the back of the chair goes straight to the dome, like a giant pillar supporting the sky and the earth, it is majestic.

"It's really magnificent. Is the undead king so tall? The chair he's sitting on is so big." Luther said in shock.

"Yeah, it's really big!" Lightning also said in shock: "The old tree god can sit down after shaving his hair."

The old tree god mentioned by Lightning is naturally the main body of the tree of life, but his statement is too exaggerated. The tree of life will definitely not be able to sit down, even if his head is shaved.

Duroken rubbed his nose in embarrassment, and explained: "You guys misunderstood, it's just the back of a chair, the seat is very small."

Everyone walked in front of the giant, and finally saw the 'chair surface'. Compared with the back of the chair on the giant wall, this chair surface was much more normal, and it was about as wide as a normal person's chair.

Compared with the huge chair back, it is equivalent to a brick protruding from a wall, which looks so abrupt.


There was a strange silence in the scene, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and finally Lightning said: "This design is really unique, as powerful as goblin dwarves."

Duroken's face darkened immediately, he was as powerful as a goblin dwarf, is this a compliment? This scolding is too harsh, let alone the dwarves, they have built wonders in the past, at least being stupid is a style, some people like this, but goblins...

Duroken squinted at Lightning, silently remembering it in his heart.

Everyone raised their heads and looked at the kneeling giant.

"Is this the Guardian Emperor? It's so tall." Kneeling on the ground with one knee, the Guardian King still has a height of about ten meters. Standing up must be at least thirty meters, and the sense of oppression is very strong.

Harvey asked: "Shou Shenhuang has not disappeared, it is still here, does it mean that the king has not dissipated."

The great sage shook his head: "Dissipated, the soul disappeared."

Everyone has noticed for a long time that there is no soul fluctuation in the stone statue of the guardian emperor, but before it stood outside the temple gate, everyone could not feel the soul fluctuation.

While talking, the great sage floated up, and floated to the forehead of the guardian emperor, where there was a black spar the size of a fist, and the great sage wiped it with his hand.

The black spar emits a little light.

"Hei Jing!" Everyone couldn't help exclaiming, they had only seen Hei Jing not long ago, and they probably understood the value of Hei Jing, a piece of the size of a finger would drive the big cat crazy...

Uh, the main reason is that the big cat is too unrestrained. It goes crazy when it sees the fairy beans, the cat grass, and the black crystal.

But there is no doubt that a black crystal the size of a fist is definitely more valuable than one the size of a finger.

The little light that the great sage wiped out quickly disappeared, and the black crystal fell into pitch black and gray again, like an ordinary black stone.

"There is no soul in it," said the Great Sage.

Harvey's entire back collapsed, his head was downcast, and the glimmer of hope that had been rekindled was now shattered.

Negris suddenly said: "No, the soul in the guardian will dissipate as soon as it dissipates, but why does it make such a posture? What is it kneeling down to? You said it is the clone of His Majesty, and there is something worthy of its kneeling. of?"

Ange tilted his head and said, "It's not kneeling, it's stabbing."

Everyone's eyes suddenly lit up, yes, maybe it wasn't kneeling down, but attacking, something was stabbed on the ground by it? Or is there something in the ground?

"How can I lift it up?" Everyone looked at each other, and finally their eyes fell on Harvey and Fetti: "You two come together, be careful not to break it."

It is easy to lift the stone statue, but it is not so easy to lift it 'undamaged'. The two mourners should be able to do this.

As soon as the words fell, there was a sound of clicking, and the guardian emperor moved slowly, and slowly stood up from the ground, leaving only the sword firmly inserted on the ground.

Turning his head to look, An Ge held the foot of the stone statue with one hand, and a steady stream of soul energy was sent in.

The stone statue stood up, and the sword stuck in the ground was easy to deal with. Fetti and Harvey pulled out the sword with their strength together.

With an angry roar, a black figure rushed out from the hole pierced by the long sword.

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