Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 505 It seems that the Dragon God is back

"What's your name?" Negris asked.

"Abuke." Long Undead responded reluctantly, but compared to the previous repulsion, his attitude was much better, maybe he listened to some words.

Upon hearing this name, Negris was certain that this was not a reincarnated soul with memories of his previous life, but a native undead dragon soul, because this is not the way dragons are named at all.

A native undead dragon soul stubbornly thinks that he is a black dragon, and loves to fight with minions instead of using his most advantageous magic, which is really melancholy.

But this is also easy to understand, because there are too many such undead, there are a lot of such needs, so Anthony invented the reincarnation of the black warrior.

In this world, there are far more people who like to use their hands than those who like to use their brains. Magic requires memorizing a lot of spells, imprinting energy circuits and the like.

"How did you know that Darth Vader was reincarnated? Have you ever seen Darth Vader?" Negris asked again.

This world has never seen a black warrior. There is so much information about the undead empire collected by silver coins, and there are no records about the black warrior. This is normal, because the black warrior was invented by Anthony, and Anthony himself was the world's first black warrior.

On the contrary, this Abuke actually knew about the Black Samurai? The only possibility is that His Majesty introduced this information into the Holy Flame of the Undead, and then spread it.

After some questioning, it was indeed the case. Abuke himself didn’t know how to know it. Anyway, he knew it. It is estimated that some memory fragments were absorbed by him before he had such an impression.

"Then why didn't His Majesty build the Reincarnation Altar? He built the Brass Book Tower and the Relay Spirit before. The Black Warrior Reincarnation Altar is not a difficult thing, why not build one?" Negris turned to Anthony, asked in a low voice.

Anthony scratched his head and explained in a low voice: "Because I invented the reincarnation of the black warrior, I have no soul connection with His Majesty, and he will not."

No matter how complicated the things Duroken invents are, because there is a soul connection, kings can do it. If people without soul connections invent things, if they don't learn it specially, they may not be able to.

"You've been staying here all this time? Why don't you look for it? Maybe someone outside has invented a similar reincarnation method?" Negris turned to Abuke and asked.

Abuke condensed a faucet, looked up and down at Ange and the others, and suddenly said, "Are you from the God Realm?"

Negris and Anthony thumped in their hearts, feeling like they were being seen dressed.

But Negris was projected on Anger, and he couldn't see his expression. Anthony was a thousand-year-old magic stick. His expression was very 'normal', and he was a little confused: "God Realm? You mean the one who launched the Starburst from the Warlock Alliance God Realm? Is there really a God Realm? Wasn’t it fabricated by the Warlock Alliance?”

Abuk looked suspiciously at Anthony up and down, but couldn't see any clues. Anthony frowned just right, showing a trace of impatience.

"Your question makes me think that you are not from here, go out? Don't you know the chain of eternal petrification? It locks me with my body, and I can't leave here." Abuk seemed to be deceived, Speaking of strange.

Anthony took two steps forward calmly and stood in front of Ange. Of course he was not blocking Ange, but Negris.

"We are indeed a little out of touch with the outside world, you know." Anthony shrugged, deliberately holding up his Pope's scepter to make it more conspicuous.

The most advanced way of 'telling' lies is not to 'tell' yourself, but to let the other party 'think' for themselves.

Seeing the pope's scepter, Abuk immediately thought of the seraph, immediately thought of the Church of Light, and quickly thought of a lot of things, which made him sneer: "The undead king has fallen, and any bright insects dare to crawl out .”

Anthony was 'angry': "You... Forget it, I don't care about you, why do you keep calling yourself the undead king? Shouldn't your undead creatures be called 'kings'?"

Abuke was angry: "Are you stupid? He locked me here. It's fine if I don't call him old and immortal, but I still want to call him 'king'?"

Of course Anthony is not stupid, but he can pretend, Anthony immediately pretended to be 'awake': "So you are the prisoner of the undead king, then we are bright worms, and you are a lizard in a cage?"

"Roar!" As the dragon couldn't mention the lizard, Abuke was furious and wanted to pounce on him, but Anthony held him down with one hand: "God said, stay away from me!"

Press Abuke's body back into the Dragon Soul.

Anthony Lu's move completely calmed Abuk: "What do you want?"

"It's nothing, just asking you some questions, and waiting for someone by the way." Anthony said with a smile.

Abuke was taken aback for a moment, waiting for someone?

When the person came, An Ge suddenly tilted his head, as if he was listening to something, then he stepped back a few steps, rubbed his hands together, and dozens of magic imprints immediately combined to form a teleportation circle, printed on the side on the ground.

A few minutes later, the projection circle burst into light, and Duroken teleported over.

In the distance, Gredul Tigul looked at each other with a look of horror. Although they were driven far away and could not hear the interrogation of the dragon soul, they could see what happened. Ange held the magic circle for a few minutes This scene shocked their eyes even more.

"Send the magic circle? Hold it empty-handed for five minutes, principal, can you do it?" Tiguli quietly approached Gray and asked.

Gray shook his head: "Thirty seconds can't hold it, so you have never heard of someone who can rub the teleportation circle with their hands and then teleport it. Thirty seconds is not enough for the other end to connect to the teleportation circle."

The teleportation array can be short, because teleportation is an instant thing, but the delivery array cannot be short, it is receiving, and the transmitting end needs to be connected to deliver things.

Anthony also made a projection array before, but that was because he had a soul connection with Ang, and the speed of the positioning connection was fast, and it didn't need to be too strong, just a few tens of seconds.

The mediocre length of time often represents an insurmountable gap.

Duroken rubbed his messy hair and said: "I almost missed the position. There are too many teleportation arrays on this plane, and many of them are open..."

While talking, he looked around, and finally his eyes fell on the petrified dragon hanging from the abyss: "Dragon lock chain?"

Abuke popped out the faucet and corrected: "It's the eternal petrified chain, don't talk nonsense."

"What nonsense? This is the dragon chain. I invented it. It has nothing to do with petrochemicals." Duroken said.

Negris laughed out loud on the spot: "Pfft, what you invented is called nonsense by others, haha... Uh, wait a minute, why is it called a dragon lock chain?"

Duroken scratched his head in embarrassment: "Locke said that he was going to catch the dragon and asked me to build something that can lock the dragon, so I built it, but it was useless in the end."

"Shambada! You made it to lock me, you bastard!" Negris was so angry that he wanted to jump out and beat people, and the dragon that Locke was going to catch was it.

Duroken sneered: "That's useless, don't be angry, don't be angry."

After finally calming down the runaway brass dragon, Duroken asked, "What happened? Where is this place? What did you call me here for?"

Anthony was surprised: "Didn't your lord tell you?"

Duroken sneered: "My lord's words are too complicated, please explain to me in detail."

Well, everyone understands, as for Anger's habit of jumping out word by word, only Negris can understand what he said, usually everyone needs Negris to translate.

Alas, it wasn't like this before. In the past, Ange could speak long sentences of more than six characters. I don't know if there is a translation. He is getting lazy.

Anthony introduced the situation in detail, and then Duroken looked at the hanging petrified dragon and said: "The petrification has nothing to do with the dragon chain, it should be petrified by something else."

At this moment, a rock suddenly fell from the top of the cave.

Dragon Soul suddenly tensed up, and was about to scatter quietly when everyone was looking up.

But just as he made a move, an archangel's staff had already moved in front of him. The little angel looked at him with great interest, and the little zombie next to him was also eager to try.

Dragon Soul gave up all his actions in frustration, and floated there dejectedly. Those in front of him were all perverts, and it seemed hopeless to escape from them.

The top of the cave is very high, and there are many cracks, a rope hangs from one of the cracks, and a small figure is climbing down. He should have stepped on the broken stone just now.

A thin rope, without any protective measures, a small figure holds it with bare hands, and goes down bit by bit, making people sweat for him.

Anthony turned around and asked, "Do you know him?"

Abuke said dejectedly: "My minions, I hope you don't hurt him."

Negris said angrily: "What is your minion, if it is a minion, then it is not yours, it belongs to this black dragon corpse."

"I am the black dragon, and the black dragon is me, and this is my minion." Abuk said stubbornly.

Everyone didn't speak any more, they all looked at the little dragon who was climbing down to prevent him from falling.

However, the dragon minion fell to the end very smoothly. He is a little boy about eleven or twelve years old. He is said to be a dragon minion, but there are no obvious characteristics of a dragon minion on his body, more like a normal human child.

After landing, he rubbed his sore hands, unwrapped the package behind him, lightly polished a little flame, and carefully took a photo forward until it reached the edge of the abyss before he relaxed.

However, his small flame was only enough to illuminate a circle around him, and he couldn't see Ange and others standing tens of meters away, obviously without dark vision or anything like that.

After confirming that the edge of the abyss was in front and that he would not step on the air and fall, Xiaolong took out the things in the package and placed them one by one in front of him, muttering to himself, "My lord ancestor, I'm coming to see you again." By the way, how are you doing recently?"

The little dragon's voice echoed in the hollow underground space.

"A lot of things have happened outside recently. I picked up some notices from the Mercenary Guild and read them to you later."

Xiao Longmin arranged all the things in the package. It was a half-meter-long dragon toe. It had been coiled for many years. It was smooth and slick, as if it had been manicured, and it was extremely sharp.

Next is a piece of black dragon scales, half as big as a child's body, like a shield.

Apparently it was also used as a shield, and some vines bound it to form a clasp at the back.

In the end, there was a fist-sized stone, which was also wrapped up in a shiny and moist shape.

These three things were laid out one by one, and the little dragon stared at them devoutly, and smacked his head at the petrified giant dragon hanging on the abyss in front of him:

"The inheritance of the blood is eternal, the glory of the ancestors is endless, I am the inheritance of the blood of the ancestors, I will inherit the glory of the ancestors, do not cast spells, do not sneak, fight bravely, the minions are our weapons, and the scales are our protection..."

After praying, the little dragon minion packed the things one by one, and took out some bits and pieces of paper, many of which showed obvious signs of tearing, as if they were glued to the bulletin board and were torn off casually.

"The Warlock Alliance offers a reward for all the information on the mysterious magician Grey, and the reward will be heavy depending on the importance of the information." The little dragon minion read the above text carefully, and then explained:

"When I listened to those mercenaries chatting, I muttered, this Gray is a powerful magician with the ability to determine the truth, can he decide what is the truth?"

"I don't understand. When I was young, I also wanted to learn magic. Unfortunately, my mother said that I have no talent. Alas, I also know that my mother doesn't know what talent magic is. It's just that we are too poor and she has no money to let me go. .”

When Gray in the distance heard the front, he couldn't help muttering: "Truth negation, negation, what decision? If I can decide what is truth, I would have toppled the League of Warlocks a long time ago. How dare you offer me a reward?"

But when she heard the latter, she couldn't help but feel a twinge in her heart. The little dragon's voice was too flat when she said this, as if she was talking about something that had nothing to do with her, but everyone could hear a kind of Deep regret.

He is only eleven or twelve years old now, when was he a child? Isn't now the childhood?

Xiao Longmin finished speaking casually, and then turned out another piece of paper: "The price of food has increased again, and now it has risen to six silver coins and one hundred catties, which is very expensive."

Another one was found: "The Warlock Alliance sells beauty and skin care packages. Beauty lovers from all walks of life are welcome to come and experience the purchase. What does beauty and skin care mean?"

I don’t know where these scraps of paper were collected. There are all kinds of them. First, there are rewards, then food, and then beauty. There is no rule at all. It is probably only the notice board at the entrance of the mercenary guild that is so chaotic. information.

After reading the notice, Xiaolong said: "Lord ancestor, I'm sorry, I may not be able to come for a long time in the future, my mother is sick, and I have to take care of her."

"I don't know when the scarecrow will leave outside. I saw it the last two times I came here, and I didn't dare to come in. Fortunately, I didn't touch it this time, but I have to leave quickly, in case it comes back and blocks me here." It's troublesome."

"Master Ancestor, when our bloodline comes to me, I am the only one left. I am sorry that I cannot inherit your glory, but I will work hard. I will come to see you when my mother recovers. I will go first." .”

The little dragon babbled on, without a single point or main line, as if he was talking about some everyday things, how to describe it? Worship ancestors? Yes, like worshiping ancestors.

Uh... It's not like, it is at all.

This kind of ceremony has obviously been going on for a long time. It started from the grandparents of the little dragon, and the little dragon also regards it as a habit. He has never even seen the dragon soul Abuke. The object of his worship is only the petrified head. It's just a dragon.

Just as he was about to climb up the rope, the little dragon suddenly remembered something: "By the way, Master Ancestor, I seemed to sense something a while ago. It seems to be the Dragon God. The Dragon God has returned. He let the blood of a giant dragon Reawakened, but this is the first time I feel this way, is this just the resonance of the blood? Or am I just dreaming?"

Anthony, Duroken, Negris, etc., all looked at Ange at the same time, and Negris subconsciously said: "Dorok?"

PS: Ask for a monthly pass at the end of the month. I have almost doubled the savings before the month, and a few more are enough

Thank you for the reward of Grandpa Sun, Domineering Werewolf, MP3.

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